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Glam: AI Art Video Generator
Anime Filters, Cartoon Editor
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Disgusting app

By Newkaiff   

A disgusting application, draws a lot of very jambs with 7 fingers, why does it attach sisks to guys and generally it is not worth paying $ 16 for it for a bottom, maybe a normal photo, videos all absolutely have a depressive character rain and the like in one scene 3-4 different people although you shoot yourself alone very expensive and without a trip
P.S. The support is not responsible, they do not pay (coint) for referrals

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

We sincerely apologize that you are having problems with our app. Your feedback is very important for us to understand what we need to improve.
Problems with incorrect yes's such as "7 fingers" and other anomalies are unacceptable. We need to investigate these issues and work to improve processing with artificial intelligence to provide accurate and realistic results.
We recognize that the mood and tone of videos should be universal and tailored to user preferences. We will look at this and see how we can provide more diverse and inspiring content.
We aim to provide value that justifies the cost, but obviously we need to review this to make sure it meets user expectations.
Just as it says in the app - we only give coins for referrals if they purchase the app through your link. If the referrals just opened the app through your link - we won't give coins. We will give only for the purchase.
Your feedback will be used to improve our app and its features. We are committed to addressing these issues and improving the user experience.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention.
All the best, Glam team!

07/04/2024 06:12:55

By joegu   

Limited use of app. You have a subscription but it limits you from the use of coins. Another way to milk consumers. I wonder what’s the next state of the art greed these developer will come out with. It’s just exhausting, consumers and subscription fatigue.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

We sincerely apologize for the frustration you've experienced with our app's subscription and coin system. We understand that this model can feel restrictive and exhausting, especially with the growing prevalence of subscription services.
We recognize that having a subscription while still needing to purchase additional coins can be frustrating. Our goal is to balance offering advanced features while covering the computational costs, but it's clear we need to reassess this balance to better meet user needs.
We are committed to finding ways to improve this and make our service more user-friendly.
If you have any specific concerns or suggestions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Our support team is here to help and address any issues you may have.
We are dedicated to improving our app based on user feedback and ensuring a better experience for all our users. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us make necessary changes.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Have a good day from the Glam team!

07/03/2024 15:53:14
Unfortunately not great with black features

By Didi Davis   

I purchased this app because of the amazing photos shown. Unfortunately the app allows you to select gender, age, race before creating the AI rendering, BUT even after selecting female, black, adult it was horrible. All of my pics came out with long flowy blonde hair and features that definitely don’t look like me.
My face was distorted as well as some parts of the body. It didn’t look proportional at all and I looked like a bobble head on body that didn’t match mine.
Come on engineers. You can’t sell this app globally and ask the identifying questions initially just to NOT include it in the programming.
So yes, I tried twice using two different pics and immediately went to cancel the subscription. There are other apps that do a much better job.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

We sincerely apologize for the disappointing experience you had with our app. It's crucial for us to meet the diverse needs and expectations of all our users, and it's clear we fell short in your case.
The issues you described with incorrect features, distorted faces, and disproportionate bodies are unacceptable. Our AI should accurately reflect the selected gender, age, and race.
We need to investigate why these inaccuracies occurred and work on improving the accuracy and quality of our AI renderings.
Please contact us at [email protected]. Include details about your account and the issues you encountered with specific examples. Our support team will prioritize your request and work to resolve the issue.
Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our app. We are committed to enhancing our AI to ensure it meets the diverse needs of our global user base.
We apologize for any inconvenience and frustration this has caused. Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our service.
Have a good day from the Glam team!

06/29/2024 00:42:37

By غبي جدا   

The price is very high and there is no experience with the video before paying. It is very bad and is being deleted

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

We apologize for the negative experience you’ve had with our app. We understand the importance of being able to preview and experience the service before committing to a purchase, and we regret that this was not possible in your case.
We understand that the cost of our service can seem high. We aim to provide high-quality AI processing, which requires significant computational resources, but we recognize the need to balance cost and value.
The ability to preview videos before paying is a valid concern. This is something we are actively considering to improve the user experience.
Please reach out to us at [email protected]. Include details about your account and any specific issues you faced.
We are committed to improving our service based on user feedback. Your input will help us make necessary changes to our pricing and preview features.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your feedback. Your experience helps us improve our service for all users.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Have a good day from the Glam team!

06/25/2024 17:55:18
This’s my review

By Tommy543$   

Awesome, fantastic amaizing

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

Thank you so much for your enthusiastic feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying our app. If you have any suggestions, questions, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
We appreciate your support and hope you continue to enjoy using our app.
Have a fantastic day from the Glam team!

06/25/2024 12:43:56

By lee keybum80   

This thing is a joke won’t even let you see what your gonna pay for can’t even get into the app without paying huge red flag. There are others like this that let you try some before you buy so you know what your getting into

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

We apologize for the frustration you've experienced with our app. We understand how important it is to try out features before committing to a purchase.
We recognize the need for a trial period or the ability to see what you're paying for before committing. This feedback is valuable, and we're considering ways to implement better trial experiences to ensure users know what they're getting.
Your feedback helps us understand where we need to improve. We are committed to making our app more user-friendly and transparent.
If you have any further suggestions or need assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We are here to help and ensure you have a better experience with our app.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and we appreciate your understanding as we strive to improve.
Have a good day from the Glam team!

06/23/2024 19:04:29

By Sadfry1   

The transformations are very detailed but…. Why the paying money and the “pro” options…? You only have extremely limited access at the start and you only get to transform about 2 pictures before it says you have to pay to get the full experience. Why- 😭. But, other than that, good app. Could be better. :/

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Thank you for your honest feedback. We understand your frustration with the limitations and the need to pay for additional features after transforming just a few pictures.
The costs associated with our app help cover the significant computational resources required for detailed transformations and continuous updates to provide high-quality results. However, we recognize the need for a better balance between free access and paid features.
Your feedback is invaluable as we work on making the app more user-friendly. We are considering ways to offer a more comprehensive trial experience so users can fully understand the value before committing to a purchase.
If you have any further suggestions or need assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We appreciate your insights and are here to help.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and we hope to improve your experience with our app in the future.
Have a great day from the Glam team!

06/23/2024 04:50:01

By tonij90   

Not getting my skin complexion right

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/21/2024

We apologize for the issues you encountered with your skin color determination. It is important to us that our app produces high quality and accurate results for all users.
There is now a "Set Identity" feature in the app. After selecting a filter and uploading your photo/video, you need to select a few parameters:
This way the AI will determine your identity more correctly and the result will be better.
If necessary, please contact our support team at [email protected] with details of the specific issues you are experiencing, including examples if possible. This information will help us better understand the issue and work to improve our algorithms to produce more accurate results.
Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to improve our app and make it more user-friendly for everyone.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
All the best from the Glam team!

06/18/2024 17:26:46
Pay extra for processing?

By Elmataron   

I DL this program just out of curiosity, I’m a bit disappointed I had to pay extra for processing, on top with a subscription fee. I’m dumping this program.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/19/2024

We’re sorry to hear that your experience with our app has not met your expectations, particularly regarding the additional costs. We understand that the need for extra payments on top of a subscription fee can be frustrating.
The additional costs are due to the significant computational resources required for high-quality AI processing. However, we understand this model might not work for everyone, and your feedback is essential as we strive to improve our service.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us directly at [email protected]. We value your feedback and are committed to finding ways to enhance the user experience.
Thank you for trying our app and sharing your thoughts with us. We hope to improve and provide a better experience in the future.
Have a good day from the Glam team!

06/17/2024 21:37:00
2 coins

By TruthTeller2020    (This review has been deleted)

Stupid coins. you can’t use the “free coins “ unless you pay.
Can’t try it out unless you pay.
I have 2 coins but can’t use them ..
Who’s brilliant idea was this ?

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/19/2024

We apologize for the frustration you experienced with our coin system. We understand that it is important to be able to try out features before making additional purchases.
Free Coins are intended for the use of Free Filters.
Filters that are only available by subscription have a "PRO" icon above them. If you select such a filter, you will not be able to use it. This is because it is only available to subscribers.
To use your Free Coins, please choose a free filter.
The current system aims to monetize a balance between providing trial features and covering the significant computational costs associated with AI processing.
Your feedback is very valuable and we will take it into account as we work to improve our system. We are committed to providing the best trial experience possible.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and we appreciate your insight as we strive to improve.
Have a great day from the Glam team!

06/17/2024 19:43:55
No data yet.No data yet.
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