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Card Battler with Superpowers
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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Idk what happened to this game

By FlynnLives12   

The matching system is a joke. No idea why EVERY single deck I play has a perfect counter and that dropped me from 89-75 in 3 days. I have no idea what’s going on in this game anymore but it’s a joke.

07/03/2024 10:23:22

By 76Xero   

Used to be fun but now that they put it on PC there’s a lot of cheaters

07/03/2024 02:38:38

By Tipp1981   

The game is fun but far too often people are finding a way to cheat. First turn and they somehow play 3 energy worth of cards. One of my last matches, the person played three, six cost cards. Tried to report but the report process is cumbersome and not worth it. Loved the game but until the cheating is stopped I’m out.

07/02/2024 17:09:16
Rigged game

By ButterButler24   

Every time I played a conquest game, there’s always a round where I don’t get the cards that I need to counter my opponents deck. This happened to me EVERY SINGLE TIME! Either this game hates me or I may have to quit the game for my well-being.

07/02/2024 04:19:02
Pay to win

By Red_Moon23   

Update 4/21/2024 game is clearly pay to play/win , AI pair is still garbage it will always pair you with opponents that has counter to your deck no matter what deck you use.clearly the dev went the way of paying to acquire new cards esp if you are at certain collection level there is in way you can get new cards not unless you spend $$$$. Before it was fun and interesting game mechanics now devs clearly became more greedy and wanted you to spend more $$$$ to be competitive. If you do not mind acquiring new cards and not climbing up the ladder this game will be good for you,but for now this is clearly a pay to win game. Update 07/01/2024 clearly now they went the pay to play route new cards added but you need to pay for them and still the AI pairing system is GARBAGE. Stay away from this game.

07/01/2024 22:40:34
Can't Play Anymore

By Ture_KingLord   

Was one of my favorite games when it came out. Now all of my decks and cards are unplayable ( I just deleted my last deck after I did nothing but lose with it for a week) and all I can do is lose against bots unless I spend a ton of money in the game every week. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted I guess!

07/01/2024 21:31:28
No idea how to balance game

By Slinkadynk   

Updated: the game has gotten worse and worse. My opponents CLEARLY outclass me in the amount of money spent and how large their card pools are. I am REGULARLY getting beat over and over by the same cards, all cards I DO NOT HAVE. The game has ZERO balance and does not care that brand new players with a small amount of cards get placed against whales and people who’ve spent multiple years collecting and playing. It’s so unbelievably broken.
Deleted and never coming back. Y'all severely messed this up.
A few weeks ago, when I started, I would have given it a five. The actual game play, when balanced, can be fun. However - the matchmaking is completely broken and making people (like me) quit the game. I am CONSTANTLY matched against people with double my card count or higher - people with all sorts of cards I don’t have - hela, cannonball, sage, white widow, red hulk, all sorts of cards I have zero access to and make them infinity more powerful - I have zero chance of winning when matched against such overwhelmingly crappy odds. It makes me hate the game and not want to play.

07/01/2024 16:36:36
Watch out for Losers Que

By corsenamor   

If you are winning too much or too big the match making system will place you against decks that hard counter you. Some even run by Ai to slow you down.
Do better.

06/30/2024 23:18:44
Latest version so slow as to be unplayable

By Widgett   

And that’s with the lowest graphics setting and all assets downloaded. Only app that’s slow on my phone. Very unfortunate and frustrating.

06/30/2024 22:30:21
make adding friends possible. Make the grind easier for new players

By nbajr1   

I think the game with thrive if we could add friends… I don’t know how many good matches I’ve had where I wish I could’ve added that person so we can play more. Also, y’all should come up with something to make possible for new players to catch up with veterans with your card collection.

06/30/2024 20:39:15
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