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Pay to win


Update 4/21/2024 game is clearly pay to play/win , AI pair is still garbage it will always pair you with opponents that has counter to your deck no matter what deck you use.clearly the dev went the way of paying to acquire new cards esp if you are at certain collection level there is in way you can get new cards not unless you spend $$$$. Before it was fun and interesting game mechanics now devs clearly became more greedy and wanted you to spend more $$$$ to be competitive. If you do not mind acquiring new cards and not climbing up the ladder this game will be good for you,but for now this is clearly a pay to win game. Update 07/01/2024 clearly now they went the pay to play route new cards added but you need to pay for them and still the AI pairing system is GARBAGE. Stay away from this game.



So far so good will update as time goes by



Pay to win


Update 4/21/2024 game is clearly pay to play/win , AI pair is still garbage it will always pair you with opponents that has counter to your deck no matter what deck you use.clearly the dev went the way of paying to acquire new cards esp if you are at certain collection level there is in way you can get new cards not unless you spend $$$$. Before it was fun and interesting game mechanics now devs clearly became more greedy and wanted you to spend more $$$$ to be competitive. If you do not mind acquiring new cards and not climbing up the ladder this game will be good for you,but for now this is clearly a pay to win game.



So far so good will update as time goes by



GARBAGE AI pairing


Update 3/29/2024 still garbage AI pairing on lvl 70+, 80+ & 90+ system will always pair tou with opponents with counter to your deck even if you are not playing the meta decks. Release new cards monthly then they will nerf them the month after. Acquiring new cards means you need to spend $$$ and if you try your luck in acquiring it via cashe good luck. In heneral fun in the beginning but as time goes by pay to win/play game.



Garbage AI pairing system


The pairing for opponent is GARBAGE no matter how ofter you swap deck and do not follow the meta it will pair you with players with counter to your deck, thus if you win 2-5 in a row expect to loose 5-10 or more in a row. Good luck in climbing the ladder to infinity. Dev are also messed up in nerfing all new card you buy in season passes instead of just making different modes in which you can ban certain cards they are too lazy to do so instead the just entice you to buy monthly pass with new cards then next month or so the will nerfed it. It has potential but if you do not mind to be stuck at a certain level and not climb the ladder and loosing every now and then stay away from this game.



So far so good , a chill game to kill the time. Will update as time goes by



Garbage AI pairing at lvl70 and up


Fun to play before reaching lvl 70 and up bit after that system will always pair you with players or bots with counter to any deck you use. Escaping loosing situation for 10 games looses 10 cubes but if you do not retreat 10 games loss will loose you 20cubes.


OmniDream Limited



So far so good. Will update as time goes by. The game play is really good and simple and i like the story line.





So far so good. Will update as tome goes by

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2023

Thanks for your love! Hope you enjoy the game!



So far so good will update as time gies by



Still in the early stages but so far so good will update later.


Tapps Games - Jogos Eletronicos



So far so good, will update as time goes by. At this point started just today and so far i do not see this as a pay to win game. Graphics is good, control is easy, game mechanics is pretty simple to catch up.



kinda stupid


the mechanics and play style is new but thats it. strategy not really even if you build a good deck the game is totally dependent in the 3 random command spots in the middle. fast phase but no base strategy for this game. if you want something new and fast this is for you.

good game


so far so good. nice graphics good idle game will update as time goes by.



so far so good


has potential a little bit laggy but for now it is a good game will update in a couple of werks



so far so good. keep it up


Niantic, Inc.

good game but


good game great for Pokemon fans but clearly this is a pay to win game yeah you get stuffs and pokebals at poke stop but not enough to chill play and enjoy. you need more pokebals for higher/rarer pokémon's so if you wanted to be competitive be ready to shell out $$$$ but if you do not mind catching those rare strong pokemon you will do just fine.

so far so good


been playing for a couple of days and by far this game has potential. UR are hard to get but if you are just starting you can get one after 7 days of playing and logging in game. will update as time goes bu for now this is a good game.


Activision Publishing, Inc.

so many bots and hacks


bots and cheaters in mo matches so if you wanted to loose due to feeder bots and hacks play this game. the devs do not care about this as long as people spend on this game. And if you have an afk teammate they just give you a chest witch always gives 1 xp card it would be much better if the give you credits or 5-10xp cards. not worth investing nor playing with this flaws.


Xiamen Mechanist Internet Technologies Co., Ltd.

good but

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good but not beginner friendly. the feast system should be first come and not be stolen by others lower lvl players can never finished the feast not unless you are pay to play for higher lvl player will just take your spot so unfair.


Activision Publishing, Inc.

so many hacks and bots

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i wonder why the dev are doing nothing to address this issue this is mobile bit there are people playing it in pc or using controllers thus cheating. why bother calling it mobile if you can play it with a controller or on a pc? just play it via play station or microsoft platform.


Activision Publishing, Inc.

has potential but

   (This review has been deleted)

it is a good game but too many cheat like this is not totally a mobile game cheaters can run this on a pc and have the edge and the dev don't really care. easy at the beginning but as you progress you encounter too much bots and PC users thus ruining the game. Fix this and definitely a worth while mobile game.


Activision Publishing, Inc.

has potential

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early ranked game is fun but when you reach certain rank there are so many hack damage dealers or high lvl paired with low lvls so the higher lvls can insta multi kill the lower lvls or the pairing AI is just stupid fix this and this game would be good. just imagine a lvl 70+ would have opponents at lvl 100+ so what ya expect instant lost match.

has potential but

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good game has potential but frequent game crashes and this will automatically count as a loss and it is so hard to climb the ladder especially if you are free to play, win 1-2 loose 4-8 in a row and you ranking will plumb so fast.

not playable

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just stop working April 06 2021. despite the game keeps on crashing and the stupid pairing in arena the game has potential but as of now stay away.

good game

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so far so good will update as time goes by and as i lvl up

good but

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this game has potential but lately so laggy and game freeze thus making you loose arena battle automatically. AI matching is garbage also.



Error network issue


This game has potential but it is really hard to connect and keeps having error network issue thus rendering this game unplayable. Fix this and this game will be great


Level Infinite

Frequent crash


Game crash very frequent then when you try to log back it it crashes no mater how many times you try to go back to the game it crashes and then the team reports you for afk the you loose points major let down. And there are lots if bot even in rank.

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