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Google Sheets
Collaborate on Spreadsheets
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
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By For t9   


06/29/2024 22:05:22
Simple enough

By AustinMll.#   

Like it

06/27/2024 16:23:35
Are you guys aware you app fails to open multiple times before opening?

By lopezAlberto   

No matter how good your phones signal is, your sheets WILL NOT LOAD. You WILL ALWAYS BE HIT WITH “OOPS… AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE OPENING YOUR DOCUMENT” ALWAYS. it never fails. The app just never works. Update: it stoped shoring “an error occurred” Now it’s SO GLITCHY that it will just shut down the entire app after waiting for a minute. No exaggeration, this is by far and away the WORST app on iOS play store. This is the only stupid app that you have to install and uninstall every two days so that it doesn’t stop working. I really hope the creators see this so they know how bad they’re ruining google.

06/26/2024 10:26:54
Conditional formatting?

By Jordansev   

I love this app!! I have some budget spreadsheets made up and I can create a spreadsheet so that my husband can watch his stock portfolio in real time(ish)! Love it!
The only thing I have found it lacking is the option to use conditional formatting when using the app. (My iPad app is where I mainly use google sheets ☺️)
Is that in the works?
Thank you again!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

06/23/2024 10:33:00
What’s the point of an app?

By DraAI   

For the life of me I do not understand the point of this app. There’s virtually no NECESSARY formatting. Can’t “print selection”. Can’t choose portrait vs landscape or set margins or select multiple rows (individually, in order to give each one an underline etc), only ranges of things. It’s…. it’s literally useless. I have so many times sat down and created complicated forms for my clinic on this thing - given that it’s a spreadsheet and certain things are easier to organize on a spreadsheet - only to find out I can’t format ANYTHING so no matter what I do it will never print out looking how I want it to look. I’ll create a document that looks like it will be a full page, but the “print” screens shows that it’s miniscule, tiny font, takes up 1/4 of a letter size page. There’s no way to know. No margins. No rulers. Honestly…..why even bother having this as an app and how has it survived this long with so little functionality?

06/21/2024 15:46:33
Great in non mobile form but falls short as an app

By ArexPmo   

I want this app to be amazing but on the phone and iPad it falls short. Can’t handle sheets with a ton of formulas and it will repeatedly crash and restart

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/21/2024

Hi there. We suggest you refresh the app: Settings - Sheets - Background App Refresh. If that doesn't help, you may post your query in the Docs Community and get help from our experts: https://goo.gle/3o58rPT. Thank you.

06/19/2024 17:18:33
Worthless - keyboard doesn’t display to login

By PixelProDesign   

This app is such trash that the developers didn’t test it to see if it even works from the login/authentication screen. Riddle me this joker… how can I sign in when the keyboard will not display. That’s what you get when you hire cheap overseas developers from India.

06/18/2024 17:54:47
Are you guys aware you app fails to open multiple times before opening?

By lopezAlberto    (This review has been deleted)

No matter how good your phones signal is, your sheets WILL NOT LOAD. You WILL ALWAYS BE HIT WITH “OOPS… AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE OPENING YOUR DOCUMENT” ALWAYS. it never fails. The app just never works.
Update: it stoped shoring “an error occurred”
Now it’s SO GLITCHY that it will just shut down the entire app after waiting for a minute. No exaggeration, this is by far and away the WORST app on iOS play store.

06/18/2024 11:44:36
Crashes constantly

By nickname425)886543323   

I have to have this app for work, but I’m only able to edit any sheets about .03% of the time. It almost always crashes about 4 seconds into opening it. Has been this way for years, not sure why it’s never compatible.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

Hi there. We suggest you refresh the app: Settings - Sheets - Background App Refresh. If that doesn't help, you may post your query in the Docs Community and get help from our experts: https://goo.gle/3o58rPT. Thank you.

06/14/2024 17:04:01
Bad design

By Originator 88   

Can’t even open a file directly on your device. I guess you need to download Google drive, upload the file, go back to sheets and then open it? No thanks.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/14/2024

Hi there. We'd like our users to have the best possible experience with the Google Sheets app. We'll share your feedback with our product team. Thanks!

06/12/2024 20:47:18
No data yet.No data yet.
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