Evaluated App
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What’s the point of an app?


For the life of me I do not understand the point of this app. There’s virtually no NECESSARY formatting. Can’t “print selection”. Can’t choose portrait vs landscape or set margins or select multiple rows (individually, in order to give each one an underline etc), only ranges of things. It’s…. it’s literally useless. I have so many times sat down and created complicated forms for my clinic on this thing - given that it’s a spreadsheet and certain things are easier to organize on a spreadsheet - only to find out I can’t format ANYTHING so no matter what I do it will never print out looking how I want it to look. I’ll create a document that looks like it will be a full page, but the “print” screens shows that it’s miniscule, tiny font, takes up 1/4 of a letter size page. There’s no way to know. No margins. No rulers. Honestly…..why even bother having this as an app and how has it survived this long with so little functionality?



OMG. What happened to this app? It USED TO BE easy to use. Suddenly today there’s constant ads I have to watch (or I can’t change any numbers) AND some idiot decided to force an on screen keyboard instead of allowing us to use our smart keyboards to type numbers or to backspace. Why do apps have to RUIN themselves out of either greed, or inability to THINK before changing designs in ways that make them less user friendly? ****after the immature, defensive and unprofessional developer response, I took a while to think about it. Because they did say the UX hasn’t changed in 10 years (this being a lesser problem than the intrusive and disruptive ads), and I have no reason to disbelieve them. Realized the problem might be that I was using the app on ipad, and I think in the past I’ve only ever used it on my phone. Updated to 3 stars because of this. This might account for the confusion of not being able to type numbers on my keyboard and having to use the screen keyboard that takes up half the screen. So, fine. I’ll delete it from ipad and use only the phone. Until the ads become even more intrusive and I just delete it entirely. Sad after using this app for years and years to find out how unpleasant and immature the app team is.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/03/2024

App literally the same, no keyboard, no limitation were changed. Not sure what to you mean by to force to use on screen keyboard as it there for 10+ years. Literally a decade without a change in layout. Don't need to spread lie about product that didn't change in UX a bit. Some small visual changes and so on.
So either apologize or you really don't have inability to think, comprehend. Using app for free, with decent free limitation and still complain and try to put your one inability to think on developers. Really great behavior. You can be proud of yourself!
UPD: Thank you for checking out. Ads are the same, only see if you tap on any extra functionality. If used for conversion, no ads are shown.
And as for immature answer, I believe calling "some idiot decide" "inability to THINK"... I'm pretty sure this is more immature way to start the conversation as you can imagine. Answer was a very light mirrored response to feel how it feels when for no reason you were called an idiot.
Good luck!


   (This review has been deleted)

OMG. What happened to this app? It USED TO BE easy to use. Suddenly today there’s constant ads I have to watch (or I can’t change any numbers) AND some idiot decided to force an on screen keyboard instead of allowing us to use our smart keyboards to type numbers or to backspace. Why do apps have to RUIN themselves out of either greed, or inability to THINK before changing designs in ways that make them less user friendly?

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/01/2024

App literally the same, no keyboard, no limitation were changed. Not sure what to you mean by to force to use on screen keyboard as it there for 10+ years. Literally a decade without a change in layout. Don't need to spread lie about product that didn't change in UX a bit. Some small visual changes and so on.
So either apologize or you really don't have inability to think, comprehend. Using app for free, with decent free limitation and still complain and try to put your one inability to think on developers. Really great behavior. You can be proud of yourself!


Bytedance Pte. Ltd



It’s a confusing, poorly designed format. Messy. Close to impossible to figure out how to do anything. ONLY got it to try the tiny worlds filter. Can’t take video live. For most use you have to do apple settings and allow certain access. But to do tiny worlds, you are REQUIRED to give CapCut access to your ENTIRE photo/video albums/library. Why? Because they don’t respect privacy. They don’t need access to my entire device. All they need are the videos or images I CHOOSE to allow access to, for my purposes. So I deleted the app. It’s not worth it, when yet another company is raping your privacy for whatever nonsense made up reason.



notes & highlights


Why is it I can log on to my kindle online reader and “notes and highlights” is right there, obvious, to use all in one place, but nowhere to be found on the ipad app? Have to go into each book, individually, one at a time, to find anything. Why can’t they all be in one place, like online? Also, another reviewer is right - don’t want to be dumped onto the Home page, don’t want to be constantly bombarded with trying to sell me things, don’t care about reading streaks. Why is it I can get a juvenile bookmark gold star for obedience (because we all know all that’s about is keeping us online so we can potentially SPEND more), but I can’t see my own library FIRST, and my own notes & highlights all in one place. Ugh. Literally downgrading this from the 4 star I put 5 minutes ago, down to 3. Getting sick of being manipulated by billionaires.

So frustrated with Wix


Honestly. How many people in the world have devices? Ipad? We STILL can’t decently edit a website on an ipad. And this useless app where, for some of our purposes, all we can do is *look* but not actually *do* anything. No editing site? I’m on an ipad pro with a keyboard and pen and can do literally EVERYTHING else I’ve wanted to do. But I can’t edit our website. Not on Safari. Not on Penguin. Not on Chrome. And apparently now also not on Firefox. Cannot do the SIMPLEST task of changing the height of a header. I can SEE the click and drag, but I’ll be darned if I can grab and USE it on ANY browser. Why is this? It’s 2024. People don’t, by default, sit at home on a desktop working on stuff like this. People work remotely. Not everyone has a laptop. How is Wix so far behind? Being able to click and drag the height of a header is like website building 101. Basic function. But can’t do it. Why bother using Wix?

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/25/2024

We apologize for the difficulties you're experiencing with editing your site on a tablet. We understand the importance of being able to work remotely and are continuously working on enhancing our platform's capabilities for mobile devices. For assistance with this matter, please visit https://support.wix.com/en/article/contacting-wix-customer-care-for-support with details of the issue, and our team will be dedicated to helping you resolve this.

? Dead app?


So… what’s the point of this app? I just downloaded it for the first time on my iphone and it won’t load. Just a blank screen with an icon and a spinning circle for - oh, going on 3 hours now. Got an email to change my user name or whatever but if the app doesn’t even work 🤷🏼‍♀️

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/17/2024

Could you try swapping to data or try another WiFi network to see if it helps with the connection issues?
If not, try the steps provided in the Help Center article here:https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/13148417007767





For the love of Dog - FIX THE YEARS LONG PROBLEM of Safari deleting ALL your tabs when/if you accidentally separate one tab from the rest and open another window. I do “Merge” all, and it merges, but if I then make the mistake of closing Safari…. KABOOM… I open it back up and no longer have ANY of my tabs. Honestly, people have been complaining about this for YEARS and it’s still not fixed. And no, you don’t hit the + and look at “open recently closed tabs” because those are only tabs you’ve already CHOSEN to close, not the tabs Apple force-disappears because of a bug that hasn’t been fixed for YEARS. Where is the “restore” option? I have a 14 year old iMac and it still restores all windows when I start it up. Why can’t a brand new M1 ipad??? And no, we don’t need to be told to use bookmarks. Just FIX THE BUG.


Cricut, Inc.

Edited AGAIN - Jan 2024


Downgrading back to 1 star. The app, on ipad pro, no longer allows me to edit Material Settings. The home screen, sidebar “settings” option will only allow “reset” to get me in to the settings to change and save. However, they don’t SAVE. It just defaults back to the default settings. If you just click on one of the default settings, it takes me to an “Edit” screen that is just all white and only stays open for about 1 second, then force closes. When I’m actually trying to print, it defaults to default settings, no matter what I do. I can open the settings (before hitting “go”) and “reset” and change them to what I want - the leather settings I’ve used for YEARS - and hit “save”…. but once I exit this screen and try to print, it has reverted to it’s default settings, with FAR too light a cut, and only 2 repetitions, instead of the 3 I want. I’ve been futzing with this @$@#% thing for HOURS today (thanks for the utterly unnecessarily wasted, unproductive Sunday afternoon) and gotten nothing done except wasting a bunch of expensive leather, ‘HOPING it will actually work this time’. All troubleshooting is done, everything long updated. Also the Cricut website chat bot (there are 8 BILLION people on the planet but CRICUT can’t hire humans for support?) seems to only be able to answer 5 set questions, and only if you’re on a desktop/laptop. Zero support for mobile devices.
*prior issue was app defaulting to opening in portrait mode on ipad, but then it was resolved, sorta.

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/18/2024

We are sorry for this frustration. We'd like to take a closer look at this with you and try to troubleshoot this issue with you. Please contact us at https://cricut.com/contact.

Pop ups asking for unnecessary accesses


I use this almost every night, extremely low volume, and feel that I have better sleep (feel better in the morning) when I do. I listen to a playlist of a dozen or so, so it doesn’t even end until just before sunrise. I’ve always slept really well, so don’t really need this, so it’s noticeable that I feel I sleep better WITH it than without.
Prior issues have been resolved but:
What is the deal with the CONSTANT and REPEATED requests for “permission to paste from messages”? Subliminal doesn’t NEED that access, and I can’t even see any scenario in which that would be necessary, so what is the deal? It’s been 2 or 3 or more pop ups every time I’ve opened the app for weeks (it’s currently late Nov 2023). Never happened before. It’s kind of obnoxious and unnecessary.

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/07/2022

Dear User,
Thanks a lot for your review. I am terribly sorry for the trouble caused. We will try to figure out the problem and fix it asap. If there is any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact us to [email protected]. Thanks a lot!

I will recommend this to EVERYONE!


Mindmeister as a company just earned my eternal loyalty. Wow. I let my account lapse in 2013 and didn't even realize I got an email telling me so. I couldn't use my "forgot password" option as your system didn't recognize any of my emails. SO BUMMED. So I created a new account, using the same email as before, and when it opened up there were my 2 mindmaps from years ago just sitting there waiting for me!! WOW! I dont know if it's because they were stored on my ipad somewhere and reconnected, or if you guys cancelled the email account, but didn't delete the content yet, but either way THANK YOU for still having my long lost maps. Wow!

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/29/2023

Hello, thank you for reaching out. I'm pleased you're enjoying MindMeister! Be sure to check out our Community for updates, inspiration, and tips on using mind maps: https://community.meister.co/. Best, Miša @Meister


DianDian Interactive Holding

Misleading ad and images


This game is NOT what is portrayed (as an interesting puzzle game) in the ads. I can’t find anywhere in the game to simply play the game as it’s represented in the ads. The puzzle part looks interesting, but it ends up being some dumb farming, world-building nonsense, and the MAJOR PART OF THE ADs - THE PUZZLES - are nowhere to be found. Totally uninterested. Deleted.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/23/2023

We regret to know that the game is different from what you were expecting.We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will send your review on this to our team in order to improve the game in this aspect, and it will definitely be considered. We encourage you to keep on playing to experience everything the game has to offer


Netflix, Inc.



I have tried everything I can think of and every suggestion online that people GUARANTEE work, but Picture in Picture absolutely doesn’t, and hasn’t EVER worked on my ipadpro with this app. Honestly, what is the point of making it either not do PIP or making is so buggy and useless that it won’t work? Every other app from the cheapest games the the expensive design apps work PIP on my ipad except for Netflix. WHY???





What kind of idiot makes a game with no Settings gear icon, or main menu, or whatever, with which to turn off all the sounds? This is the first time I’ve tried an app that has NO OPTION to turn off the noise. And omg there’s an add (a LOUD ADD) between every single level. No point even bothering to play. Deleting.

What’s the point?


I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what the point of YTSt *APP* is. I’m barely able to just add tags and that’s it. It doesn’t let me do any more than what I do adding a video through YT. It’s fully updated, on an ipad pro, but there are no options for…. Thumbnails. Languages. Nothing. If you go to Studio on a browswer, it looks like it should. But all I get on the Studio APP is mostly black screens, with minimal options and zero instructions for how to get (or even IF I can get) to more screens with more functions. I always end up closing it in frustration and going BACK to Safari, so Studio gives me options. What is the deal?


Lion Studios Plus

Don’t waste your time


This game is interesting. Adds another layer of organization/thought to water sort, which I play frequently. However I’ve deleted it and won’t bother. The ads are so frequent you can barely make a hand full of moves before you’re being forced to watch another asinine ad for 2 minutes. Utter waste of time. You don’t even get a change to play it for a while and learn to enjoy it. Certainly not going to pay money *just* to block the deliberately inconvenient ads. The ads aren’t even there to get us interested in new games - they’re there to frustrate you so much that you break down from the inconvenience and just pay for the game. Not worth it. Also, as much fun as the game could be, it’s kinda messy. There’s SO MUCH GOING ON on the screen. Instead of a nice, clean, interesting game, it’s just PACKED full of images and numbers and coins and treasure chests. And stuff around the edges. And constant ad pop ups. Just a mess.


Codeway Dijital Hizmetler Anonim Sirketi

so just portraits?


I don’t get this thing. I gave it a detailed but not long description (example: tired man juggling 3 balls) and all I get, over and over, is a headshot sized image of, in this case, a man. No objects, no context, no detail. I don’t understand how people come up with more detail in their images. Even if I say, for example, sad man holding 6 cats in his hands, I get an image of a man from the chest up and can see, maybe, an eye and one ear of a kitten cut off at the bottom of the frame. What is happening? Pics are interesting, but with the non-variety I’m getting, they seem more like stock pictures.


Sketchbook, Inc



Love it. Just got a pop up about an upgrade. Purchase it etc $1.99. Nowhere does it say… is this a one-time $1.99, or a *monthly* subscription. Fallen into that trap before……


Inspired Square FZE

wow.. invasive, much?


Maybe it’s my own fault for not reading other apps Privacy Policy info, since unlike this one most apps don’t demand we specifically agree to it. Read this one though. Only took about two paragraphs to stop and delete the app. It’s hella invasive. Access to messages, emails and contact list? There is NO REASON any game app needs or should have that information. None. It’s a game. A toy. You don’t need this info. You shouldn't need ANY info from us except in-game analytics. Gross. Deleted and reviewing so others think before using this or any other app that does the same. Also from reading the reviews, it sounds like it gets old fast. If you want to challenge your brain, try Water Sort. I’m on game 1475 and it never really gets old.

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/25/2023

Thank you for the review. Please know that we do not collect your personal data through our game. We only collect your data related to the game so that we can assist you whenever you need help. Still, if a user wants to delete their data from our database they can do so by navigating to Settings in the game and then Clicking on Delete Your Data. Doing so will delete all of their data from our backend server. Thank you

Volume and Startup


It’s been months since i wrote this review (below) and this app is STILL opening to a black screen. And. That’s it. Nothing happens. Then it shuts itself down. MAYBE I can get the main screen, but then nothing works. Tapping any icon and nothing happens. There are so many bugs but nothing seems to get fixed. What’s the deal? I PAID for the files I listen to and now can’t even access them.
*This app is still starting up with a black screen that doesn’t go away for 15-30 seconds. Has been for months if not over a year. Also, it would be helpful if there were an internal volume control option IN the app. I have my phone on medium volume and my sleep alarm turned allllll the way up. But even then the subliminal volume is still way too loud for sleep. I can’t turn the phone volume down or it renders the sleep alarm too quiet to wake us up even though it’s internal app volume is set at max. Can’t use Subliminal to go to sleep because if I turn the phone down so it’s not ear blasting volume, my morning alarm won’t wake me up. Internal volume control please! :)

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/07/2022

Dear User,
Thanks a lot for your review. I am terribly sorry for the trouble caused. We will try to figure out the problem and fix it asap. If there is any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact us to [email protected]. Thanks a lot!



Controlling as f


I’m sick to death of being controlled and dictated to by companies. I pay for Amazon Prime. Prime Video. Whatever. I also work exclusively on my iPad Pro. I can minimize the screen while watching a show or movie, picture in picture or whatever it’s called, but the Prime Video app stops playing and FORCES me to stop what I’m doing - whether it’s work, or solitaire, or checking an email - to maximize the screen for however long these repetitive ads want to run. Otherwise it just stops playing. What is the point of forcing us to endure 14 to 100+ seconds of ads we’ve seen 47 times already? Do these companies not realize that many of us, I’m sure, specifically and deliberately DON’T patronize the companies that put out these ads, because of how much they’ve inconvenienced us? There’s a gubernatorial candidate in NM I would NEVER vote for, now, because of them (among other reasons). And a personal injury lawyer in Albuqerque. And Triscuit/Geico? Never again. And Post Malone? No offense to the guy but what about my viewing selections make Amazon think I’m a prime target for a Post Malone doc ad? The LEAST Prime Video app could do is allow the app to remain picture in picture during ads, so your customers can continue doing whatever else we were doing, and to reduce what they MUST know is inconvenient and alienating to customers.

Volume and Startup


This app is still starting up with a black screen that doesn’t go away for 15-30 seconds. Has been for months if not over a year.
Also, it would be helpful if there were an internal volume control option IN the app. I have my phone on medium volume and my sleep alarm turned allllll the way up. But even then the subliminal volume is still way too loud for sleep. I can’t turn the phone volume down or it renders the sleep alarm too quiet to wake us up even though it’s internal app volume is set at max. Can’t use Subliminal to go to sleep because if I turn the phone down so it’s not ear blasting volume, my morning alarm won’t wake me up. Internal volume control please! :)

My 2 star review wasn’t posted…


Anyway - editing back to a 4. Issue seemed to resolve itself after a frustrating few days. Only concern is that when I make custom mixes, I can only use each of My (paid for) recordings ONCE. Wouldn’t mind being able to mix and match and repeat at will, in a custom play list.
Adding - it would be nice to have an option for volume IN the app. I want to play this at low volume as I go to sleep but I want my morning alarm loud enough to wake me. I can’t do both. If I want a loud alarm in the am, I can’t use this to sleep because it’ll sound like a rave. hahahahaha


Signal Messenger, LLC

Constantly losing data


Love the app when it works. But. There is something incredibly stupid about a messaging system that intentionally loses ALL your history and data if anything goes wrong with your device. I did NOT switch ipads. I backed up, erased and restored it. So there is no OTHER, OLDER ipad to scan a QR code to/from in order to get my info back. Tried using iphone but now the app is insisting I need to update the app(s) and try again. But they ARE already updated. Yet it won’t work and I’m continually told to update. Option? Delete Signal from phone and redownload, log in and try the QR code thing again. But does this work? NO. Now I’ve lost all history on phone AND ipad, the phone won’t let me log in, the ipad won’t let me log in, and everything Signal is telling me or asking me to do is impossible. And ALL MY DATA IS GONE. Absolute preventable (on their end) waste. Who designed this thing?


Sengled Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

frustrating, every time


I cannot even begin to express how much I HATE this app. You can’t see any info. “Bedroom lamp” THAT’S IT. Can’t delete it, can’t change “homes” (I have 2 residences on google home app and would love to be able to distinguish between their bulbs in Sengled). I can change the *name* of a bulb - big deal. What I NEED is to change which hub it connects to. Will the Sengled app facilitate that? Can I see, under ANY setting at all, what the QR code is for a given bulb, so I can look at the bulb in my hand and be sure it’s the right one (since it won’t connect to my hub)? NO. No. What’s the POINT of the app, if you can’t actually do anything but add devices and then just look at them? Infuriating. There is such a thing as CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE. I love my smart home and have been happy, so far, with Sengled, but have hated and been baffled by this app from day one. And why are we still stuck dealing with this in portrait mode on an ipad/pro with keyboard. Shouldn’t that have been updated by now?



false ad


There is nothing about this game that is even remotely like the ad playing all over another app (solitaire) for this game. Even HOW you play it is entirely different. Getting sick of these false ads that make games look good and when you download it it’s entirely different. Looks different. Plays different. Childish graphics even though the ad didn’t have them. Why bother? Why bother with the EXPENSE and time of making a good ad, but then make the game a joke?



what changed this week??


You have to be kidding me. We can’t play offline anymore? I started getting constant errors, so deleted and re-downloaded, and now there’s NO OPTION for playing offline. I live in the middle of a data vacuum in the country and play this game every night before bed (in addition to random times when I DO have data) but now…. no? Why. Just. Honestly why bother with such a pointless change? It’s zero skin off their back for us to play this when not connected. It’s actually BETTER since we’re not obligated to suffer through ads when they can’t connect to us. ahem.

if I could EVER LOG IN


Would love to try this out. I use Turbo Tax every year. I have a login. Apparently Intuit connects them all. But I’ve been in the UNENDING LOOP of relogin and relogin and reselect account name, and over and over and over for the last hour. I’ve used 3 browsers. Not working. I will not “clear my cache” as I NEED the tabs I have open. I will not uninstall/reinstall. It just needs to work. I’m done. It’s not worth it. Going to another service for budgeting. Ridiculous.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/29/2022

Hi there, thank you for your feedback. This certainly sounds like a frustrating situation and not what we ever intend for our customers. We would be happy to further assist you with this. Please contact us here so that we may better assist: https://bit.ly/3t3oUmX



RealtimeBoard Inc.

can’t get in


well…. wanted to try this out. Without registering there IS an option to use a link through your email for access. But the email never comes. Been trying for over an hour, repeatedly. Still no email. So, just stuck. Worst of all, I could have just registered (giving away my information, which is something we shouldn’t have to do), but now they STILL have my email address. So now, I’ll probably manage to get put on an email list and get a bunch of immediate-to-trash emails, but still no email link to access the app. *no, it’s not in my junk folder* What’s the point?
UPDATE 10 min later - ha. figures. Went to the desktop site, still on my ipad, in order to try it out you have to give away your personal info. So I fully signed up with an alias and fake email. IMMEDIATE email to confirm. Immediate. Instant. So why doesn’t it work that way with the app?


Skype Communications S.a.r.l

ipad pro bugs - saving pics?


Generally Skype is okay and works for me, but I just spent an hour trying and trying and trying to save or share a pic someone sent me…. Saved them each at least three times. Can’t find them anywhere. The “share” button on individual images just doesn’t work at all. Nothing comes up when you choose it. So photos sent to me just sit there in the chat, useless. Why is such an obvious thing overlooked? When I press and hold on the image, there are no options that DO ANYTHING useful. “Save” may or may not save, but God know where to, on my ipad pro. There is no “Share” option on that menu. The rest are useless. So…. HOW????

No data yet.No data yet.