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Darkroom: Photo & Video Editor
Pro Editing, AI&Preset Filters
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Broken Siri Shortcut Actions in iOS

By pop-ups   

Nice photo editor, I love that you can buy a lifetime license. This would be my primary editor except that the Siri Shortcut actions appear to be broken. I get an “unknown error” message when trying to import and another error (“please prepare input for this shortcut in the shortcuts app”) when trying to use the “edit with darkroom” action.

07/06/2024 15:22:33
Needs more Siri Shortcuts actions

By pop-ups    (This review has been deleted)

Nice photo editor, I love that you can buy a lifetime license. This would be my primary editor if it had more Siri Shortcuts actions for things like exposure, color, apply presets, crop, straighten, and more. Fingers crossed more actions are on the roadmap.

07/05/2024 12:56:55
Lifetime license

By SickorWuut   

I love the app and would love to purchase the lifetime license. However on their website it’s listed as 74.99 while in app the price jumps to 99.99. False advertisement ?

07/02/2024 19:17:37
Deleted app immediately

By WileECoyoteSupergenius   

Not going to “subscribe “ to an app… I would buy it but not paying a monthly fee. Deleted as soon as I was prompted to try for free or subscribe. Have no clue how good this app is, could be the best app ever but I won’t pay a subscription fee.

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/23/2024

When we present our Darkroom+ options you are free to dismiss them and just use the app and try all the features. And, we actually have a straight forward purchase up front option, so you don't have to subscribe if you don't want to.

06/29/2024 08:14:00
Got no support

By stewartlogie   

I tried the program, but ran into an issue trying to create an album in an existing folder. I followed the manual’s instructions, but no album was created. Technical support never responded to my question. For such a pricey (for its features) program this was unacceptable to me and I cancelled my subscription.

06/28/2024 15:38:16

By 5much   

An ok editing app, I’m a lifetime member. Has most features you would need. But it’s plagued with crashes, to the point it’s unusable. Stuck going back to Lightroom.

06/25/2024 08:38:31

By totally not a human   

You can't have an image editor without being able to add any more elements. All you have is the base image, that's it. You can't add any arrows for YouTube thumbnails. You can't even add a background to a transparent png.

06/18/2024 13:56:59
I really want to love this editor

By aaronbleop   

It just isn’t there yet. Way too unstable, bugs reported over a year ago unfixed, some of which completely brick the app experience on certain platforms e.g. black imported images when importing RAW. The sliders are a bit unresponsive to subtle changes, no manual entry of values, and the arrow key usage for controls is counterintuitive and awkward, so I often find myself over/under adjusting settings. They claim preset sync between devices but I simply haven’t gotten that to work (using all iOS, iPadOS, macOS). I could live without some of the larger features when comparing to Adobe, but the essentials are too flakey and buggy here.
I’ll check back in every few months for any progress, as I am desperately looking to break free of Adobe and loved the prospect of Darkroom, but definitely look for alternatives if you need a serious editing workflow.

06/18/2024 00:12:20
No data yet.No data yet.
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