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Hatched: Find Your Match
A Fun, Personality Dating Game
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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the App Store app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click "View all" in the App Store.
Review Content
Release Time

By Counselorrrrr   

This app is confusing to follow

06/27/2024 11:45:07
Could have potential if the effort were there…

By ZeppliMoose   

It’s a nice idea, but you only get three a day. Like most apps, you have to pay a sum of money to get better features. There’s no customization for particular preferences other than age and religious views if applicable. While it’s great to try it off personality, there’s nothing wrong with being allowed to have a preference goal to help keep the focus. It’s slow, even boring. I get you need to pay money for nice things, but not everyone has that kind of luxury. I’ll be uninstalling.

06/22/2024 12:00:48
Very nice

By Hotchica11   

So far so good it’s very interesting!

06/20/2024 12:27:50
Needs more setting options

By Yvera   

First let me start off with I do like the concept of the app, I was looking forward to trying it since it gives you the opportunity to form a connection without it being about physical appearance. But I can’t get past the lack of settings. The one that bothered me the most was distance.
Why is there no distance setting? All apps I have come across allow you this setting.
Most folks want to meet someone near them or about 20 miles away. Almost every egg I got was over 40 miles away. Some were even 80 miles away. I had 2-3 that were in 10-15 miles away from me and those eggs barley hatched. I had no choice but to abandon more eggs than hatch simply because of the distance. So I purchased egg yolks in hopes of getting closer eggs but that was a waste of my money.. same distance issue. Hopefully you will consider setting the distance as an option for the future.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/19/2024

Hi Yvera, thanks so much for your feedback! We totally hear you! In fact, distance filters (along with a variety of other features) are something that we're actively working on and are hoping to have available within the next few weeks. Feel free to email our team at [email protected]'d love to hear more about your experience and we'd also be able to share more specifics about our filter rollout timeline and roadmap. Thank you again! Take care.

06/17/2024 16:42:08
Very disappointed 😠

By sugar daddy246   

I’m very disappointed with this app, every time I hatched100% with someone it gets erased. I go in the app and it’s gone. I’m about to think this app is fake. It erased all my connections. I’m about to delete the app , but first I want to hear from the developers.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/15/2024

Hi sugar daddy246, this is Mitch - Hatched's CEO & Co-Founder. Thanks a ton for your feedback and I'm so sorry to hear that we let you down. All of this sounds like abnormal app behavior - you're never supposed to randomly lose matches - and I'd love to make it right for you. Can you please email me at [email protected] so I can take a look & get everything fixed? Thanks again, I look forward to hearing from you!

06/13/2024 22:09:54
New and Fun

By lukieluke93   

The app is different than the others, it’s refreshing and I have already matched with a few interesting people. Seems better than any other options out there

06/12/2024 13:08:19
This is the worst dating app ever

By Cino_S13   

This whole app was a bad idea.

06/10/2024 08:07:11
No data yet.No data yet.
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7 reviews