Evaluated App
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Hatch Networks Inc.

Very disappointed 😠


I’m very disappointed with this app, every time I hatched100% with someone it gets erased. I go in the app and it’s gone. I’m about to think this app is fake. It erased all my connections. I’m about to delete the app , but first I want to hear from the developers.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/15/2024

Hi sugar daddy246, this is Mitch - Hatched's CEO & Co-Founder. Thanks a ton for your feedback and I'm so sorry to hear that we let you down. All of this sounds like abnormal app behavior - you're never supposed to randomly lose matches - and I'd love to make it right for you. Can you please email me at [email protected] so I can take a look & get everything fixed? Thanks again, I look forward to hearing from you!

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