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Fitbit: Health & Fitness
Activity, Sleep & Nutrition
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Worst exercise monitor ever 😫

By Being played like a fool   

Twice this week the Fitbit Charge just stop working. No warning, no message just stops working??????
Had 69% charge this morning; now at noon it isn’t working????
The Fitbit just shows the Fitbit symbol flashing on and off?????
Difficult to find as any help online, unless you have a Master degree in IT!
Good bye Fitbit - I am going to find a more friendly user exercise monitor!!!!!

07/06/2024 14:27:41

By Great time killer3   

Wrote a review awhile ago. Doesn’t look like they posted it. I don’t even know if they add the reviews in. Now I think this review processes is not accurate either.
Love how they sort by most helpful and the top one is five years old. Maybe you should erase all the reviews for Fitbit and start from the day Google bought Fitbit - that would be more accurate.
App is terrible. Looks bland and is hard to read. Not sure if Google knows what a color is. Everything looks the same. Hard to distinguish between heart rate and pace in the workout part. Sleep is not combined anymore. Just because you wake up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom doesn’t mean you stop sleeping all together.
Also the way they changed that also makes it harder to read NO COLOR they took it all away. The first screen is terrible and hard to find anything have to scroll and scroll to find it and it all looks the same so up and down till you see it. Everything used to to be easy to find.
Really really hate all of the changes Google has made. Petrified they will change the rest. I want a refund for premium. So not worth the money anymore, and I’ve spent a lot with the new watches and premium app.
Really wish Google would pay attention to what their customers want. This is Not customer satisfaction.

07/06/2024 12:32:55
Google version is garbage

By cwhiten   

Nobody should purchase a google Fitbit! FOOLgle has ruined the product! I hate this garbage.
This new app is worthless! Get rid of google the oppressor! They took functionality away! YOU CANNOT EVEN CHECK HOW MUCH BATTERY IS LEFT ANYMORE! YOU CANNOT CHAT WITH SUPPORT ANYMORE! TO MANY THINGS MISSING ! GO AWAY GOOGLE

07/06/2024 11:39:22
I miss the old Fitbit

By Agyagnow   

I’ve used various Fitbits for the last 10+ years and I’ve always loved the service. Over the last few years though I feel like it’s gone downhill. The bingo games for example were a huge part of why I paid for a membership as they helped motivate me and keep me accountable in my fitness journey. I don’t understand why that feature was removed and I cried when it was.
There are also other smaller things I miss. Such a the ability to share in the community feed/ groups your daily dashboard info (steps, active minutes, distance, and calories burned) in one post. You were also able to put a photo or quote behind the info which I thought was really cool. Now you have to post your info in separate posts, one for each section such as active minutes. And the only way to show total steps is to take and share a screenshot of your dashboard showing all your numbers as a regular picture. But doing this always results in weird formatting where only half of the shared info can even be seen. It’s weird that they removed the option to share your whole dashboard as that was really convenient.

07/06/2024 10:14:27
I use to love it

By FitbitAngry   

Still waiting for a shipping label to replace my broken charge 5 it’s been 4 months. I guess the company is waiting for my warranty to expire. I have reached out on several occasions only to be told my label is otw. ( a bot not a real person) It says you can swim in it. Well that’s not true because it stopped working after a swim. I won’t use the product again I loved it and couldn’t be without it but customer service is trash and don’t value their customers

07/06/2024 09:04:58
Love this app!

By **Jess***   

This helps me track my steps and activities throughout the day.

07/06/2024 07:56:56
Steps not counting accurately since last upgrade

By Susans1115   

Shutting down my Versa Watch and restarting it help to sync up my true steps on the app for the last couple of days.

07/06/2024 04:19:19
Recent Update is Garbage

By Aaronbw24   

Everything in the app is now harder to get to than it was before the redesign. Why would they feel the need to update an app that didn’t have any problems with redesign that makes everything more difficult to use? The usability of this app has now made me contemplate never using a Fitbit device ever again. This redesign is so bad that it makes a user of over 10 years leave the brand completely.

07/05/2024 21:47:10
Hard to use

By Anonymous 557 123   

I can’t find any way to create an account.
I do it on my moms phone and I love the app.

07/05/2024 21:20:56
Hard to use the new app

By 70032,115   

The old app was much easier to use. After Google purchased thing went down hill. Before you could earn free badges to keep you motivated. Not now!
Now you can’t see over all steps or miles.
Things are just not as fun as before Google took over. I’m not a fan.

07/05/2024 20:34:09
No data yet.No data yet.
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