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Baby & Breastfeeding Tracker
ParentLove Baby Tracker, Share newborn feeding, breast feeding, pump log, sleep
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App works great for my wife and I to track feeding and diaper changes. Purchasing stats only works for one device not the family, but we've got it on her phone so that's good enough

07/11/2024 03:23:22

Best parenting tracking app ever!

0 0
07/10/2024 11:21:59

Love this app! I use the free version as all those features are enough for me. There are ads, but they are not bothersome at all. Thank you for such a useful app!

07/09/2024 03:23:57

Easy to use. Straight forward tracking on the areas you want to track.

07/07/2024 10:43:50

My son is a nicu baby and with everything going on having a timer that goes atomic helps big time I can go back and look oh when did I pump last I wish this was around for my previous children

07/06/2024 04:09:59

I love the glance tab as it shows how long since the last feeding, pump, etc.

0 0
07/05/2024 20:54:00

Excellent app. No annoying pop ups. Really helpful for tracking baby's feeds, nappies etc.

07/05/2024 14:58:28

Very easy to navigate this app, helps me track my little ones intake, output and sleep as well as keeps me on track with my pumping schedule.

0 0
07/04/2024 00:53:28

Brilliant app. Simple and easy to use. Has all the essential things you need without being too complicated. You can tell the app has been designed by a parent that knows exactly what other parents need. The free version is sufficient for use but I eventually upgraded to the pro version because it's such a great app. Only one fee to pay for lifetime access and you can share with your partner/family members cross platform as I'm an android user and partner is apple user. So good!

0 0
07/03/2024 14:08:59

I currently use the free version to keep track of which side baby fed from last. It is easy to forget otherwise. It is so useful to see the feeding stsrt times, durations and intervals between feeds in the history. It can also be used to track other things, such as nappy changes and sleeping. Very impressed and would definitely recommend. Thanks x

0 0
07/02/2024 12:57:44
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