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Sticky Reviews: Refers to the reviews displayed directly on the Google Play app details page. To view other reviews, you need to click on "View all reviews" on Google Play.
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Since Free2move took over this app service is going down ... I have been a long standing customer (diamond level) and still the experience is just not as good as before. The infamous automatic reservation by default, the 4 pictures that you have to do before every rental (loosing time if you're in a rush), and the lack of enough compensation when there's a technical issue to lock the car, and the such short term expirations of those vouchers.. the worst trait ever since this app exists.

06/30/2024 03:53:10

Impossible to pass the face picture validation process, keeps on failing to load camera. Tried 3 different browsers.

06/29/2024 21:52:02

BE CAREFUL THIS IS APP IS A SCAM. They show free charging spot when they are actually taken threatening you with hefty fees if you don't find one. We spent a whole morning looking for a charger and it lead us to pay a huge rental fee and lose our train. I have also wrote to the support but not reply!

06/29/2024 18:39:56

This is the worst designed and built app I had ever seen. The worst support and customer service experience I had seen in a very long time. None of your databases sync, simple operations fail, bad error handling, bad refresh with loss of data. Bad security with failures. Your entire product and engineering teams needs to be replaced for incompetence and the VP should resign (if they have any professional integrity) or be fired.

06/29/2024 08:07:19

Very poor service, customer support not helpful, car and app not coordinated, we've planed a trip of 100kmout of Paris, not possible to charge the car with the sharenow app, we had to quit the car to the charging station after only 2km and 30mn that were invoiced 13.59euro. A ROBERY

0 0
06/28/2024 20:18:00

Choosing PayPal as the payment option doesn't work. It just loads for ever when wanting to log in with paypal.

0 0
06/18/2024 17:57:42

Warum gibt's garkeine Elektroautos in Wien? :(

1 0
06/15/2024 18:44:07

Can't create an account for use in the UK ?

06/11/2024 21:44:51

Worst onboarding process imaginable. Every step has at least one bug.

06/08/2024 23:25:15

1. Keyless: new vehicles with keys to be fetchted from the glove compartment is a step back 2. Reporting need of oil change or the like is not seamlessly possible via the app 3. Just like outside damages can be reported, the app should include functionality to report trashed, dirty cars 4. Quality of the fleet has been downgraded while prices have gone up 5. Cars in Paris are incredibly dirty and not well maintained, smaller cities like Düsseldorf fare better

3 0
By Felix
(This review has been deleted)
06/08/2024 17:45:10
No data yet.No data yet.
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