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mySymptoms Food Diary
IBS Food & Symptom Tracker
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Love it, super easy to use and track your info. Options for premium if you don't want ads, but they're not obnoxious. You can also email all of the information to your healthcare provider in the app.

07/11/2024 03:34:15

Really impressed with this app so far. Thank you 💛 I'm recommending it to everyone I met who is interested in food and symptom tracking.

07/09/2024 21:24:44

Es exactamente lo que promete. Du interfaz quizás no sea la más estética pero es funcional y lo que necesitaba. Sería mejor no tuviera ads pero es una app gratuita lo que se explica.

07/06/2024 23:21:56

Free version now pointless. Just manually upgraded app to try get the analysis to work ( analysis never gets past 5%), and now any analysis of the data costs money. I basically have a list of foods with no correlation to symptoms. I could use a pen and paper for that. Bit underhand to try make us pay for the app without warning of the changes. Will have to look elsewhere now. Wouldn't recommend

1 0
By Sarah K
07/06/2024 06:20:08

Definitely helping me keep track of what I am eating and if I react. Sending my dietitian a PDF was so simple. She was also impressed with what I sent her.

0 0
07/06/2024 05:08:38

Pretty great. Paid for premium. Please add an inverted "dark mode", can't look at these ultra bright apps at night

0 0
07/06/2024 04:12:27

Very useful for journaling food, sleep, bowel movement, exercise and symptoms

07/05/2024 03:16:09

Best app ever. Free and working great!

07/05/2024 00:11:40

Great app! Lots of choices for diet and symptoms.

07/04/2024 16:54:28

This is a great idea, but the functionality is a bit clunky. The biggest issue is the barely-usable search, which gets hung up on the first one or two words and practically ignores the rest. For example, I searched "banana bread" and had to scroll through *several* pages of "banana" to get to any relevant results. Compounding this issue are the dozens of redundant entries for any given food.

1 0
06/30/2024 04:56:18
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