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EWG's Healthy Living
EWG gives you the information to make smarter choices.
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Inconsistent ratings. Why are certain ingredients bad in some products & fine in the EWG verified ones? 😏 Zero faith in this app.

0 0
07/10/2024 09:57:40

Can't make lists. No matter how many times it says I've made a list, the list doesn't exist (still an issue as of 7/2/24). As of 7/2/24- now when I search something, get results, click on an item, and try to go back to results, I have to redo the search all over again! I do a search, get results, and switch to a different app for a second? Results are gone then too. Having to redo the seach over and over is exhausting!

3 0
07/01/2024 20:00:28

My only issue with the app is that I have to sign in every time I use it. My lists vanish also.

1 0
06/30/2024 03:05:47

Can't trust it. The "certified" products contain fragrance, peg, polysorbate 80, artificial colors, phenoxyethanol, etc. You can do much better than that.

1 0
06/29/2024 05:03:10

This app does not save the lists you have created.

06/29/2024 04:53:07

I love ewg environmental working group I always ask Google if the product I'm looking at in the store is ewg approved or verified they can tell you if something has dangerous toxins in it believe me almost every product you're using has poisonous products in it most coming from China and India just because it says Made in the USA they still get the product in China low quality a lot of toxins be careful read your labels and use ewg it is a great way to stay safe they need to make their app easie

0 0
By J Gor
06/23/2024 10:37:34

Good info, but when running a search, if I click through to a product listing, when I go back my search results disappear and I have to run the same search.

0 0
06/21/2024 12:17:07

Products need updating. Most of the buy links do not work.

0 0
By Rebekah
06/19/2024 04:15:19

They give good ratings to food that has chemicals in it. Example Banza pasta has glyphosate in it which is a weed killer. It is found in many other food products also.

0 0
06/18/2024 21:14:52

Sooooo many bugs. Everywhere you go, bugs

0 0
By Dee S
06/17/2024 22:47:49
No data yet.No data yet.
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