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Compared to the first game, the first 3 worlds are WAY easier, which I'm grateful for. This game's a HUGE step up from the first in every way possible! The animations are fantastic, and the best combat is really complex! The fourth world has some extremely difficult levels, but at least they're possible!



I've played this game for a really long time, and it never got boring or bad. Getting new tools is pretty cool too. I don't know if it's something on my part, but for over a YEAR and half, the game audio has been broken, and every sound makes a loud buzzing noise. Also, I'm kinda scared to find out what happens if you drop the book that tells you how to summon the demon boss, hopefully you can get another one.


Elliot Gilchrist


WOW, THERE'S A LOT OF STUFF (behind a tiny paywall). You know what, maybe this game IS good, because I don't think there's ANY ads, though that could be because I bought the stuff. There's WAY more stuff than when I first played this a few years ago. They really improved this! It just used to be a small game I would play if I HAD to do something. Now, there's so much to do!


Kids Games LLC


I literally cannot play the game, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. I hope that there will eventually be a left handed mode, or at least a free moving joystick, because I'm left handed. Otherwise, this game looks pretty good.




This has to be one of the most difficult games I've ever played, yet it's fun! The controls are very easy to understand, but the gameplay can be extremely difficult no matter the difficulty, but it's still really fun to play! As if it wasn't difficult enough, it crashes sometimes!



After playing this game on and off for a few years, I finally beat the ultra hard difficulty. This has to be one of the most difficult games I've ever played. Somehow, it was fun! I haven't had the sense of accomplishment in a really long time, and I managed to get it from this game. Wow, that was tough. The gameplay can be a bit janky at times, but it's alright.



I played this game quite a while ago. Best motre sickle gam evr!!!


Pulsar GameSoft


Probably the most complicated and (maybe) difficult driving simulator I've ever played. I've never driven a real car before, so maybe the controls are accurate, but it feels weird since it's much different from what most games do.


Reggae True Love


Oh WHY oh WHY did you destroy Terraria's artstyle 😭🤮 This is SO ugly. Wait, why is this even using it anyways? Oh no, the gameplay... THIS GAME SUCKS. You can't pause the game, the movement is kinda weird, and it's one of those auto attack games, so it automatically attacks random stuff, which sucks. The sound effects, all 4 of them, are alright I guess.



It straight up doesn't work.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/23/2024

Dear Commander, if you encounter game issues please do contact our game support via in-game or email at [email protected] with your game issue and details (eg UID, time/date of issue, supporting screenshots/video references) and we'll assist to check it out thank you!



Very quirky and whimsical, even if it's just like every other idle game!



BRO, WHY IT LOOK LIKE THIS? The new design feels a bit odd, but I eventually got used to it. For some reason however, it freezes now whenever I try to make a comment on YouTube. I recently figured out how to avoid the freezing that sometimes works, but when it does happen, there is absolutely nothing I can do to remove the keyboard from my screen.




Easiest game I've played my entire life. That's a joke. This game IS my life. Seriously, it might as well be as I've played it for a little over half a decade. It's great to come back to it every now and then, as each run never feels the same.




Funny moment cuz bad. Also skibi toiet looks bad. I want be skeleton. Ok but seriously, could there be some sort of thing that tells us how much health we have? Sometimes, you can die from ragdolling, which is kinda funny. The game feels very unpolished, whether it's because of the animations, models, or even the menus. Hopefully that's just from this game being new or something. Also, if you escape the walls of the white room, you'll fall forever, which for some reason has a lizard.


505 Games Srl


I could've sworn I already reviewed this absolute masterpiece. I've played this game since 2016 I think. It's like, really god. Also port to mobile good too, I don't know how it would be bad. Greasy.



Greatest thing ever.


Asantee Games





Dragon deez.




Absolutely beautiful story, it makes me shed so many different flavors of tears 😭 I've followed every game.


Yso Corp


It funny when bro snap. I just wish the later levels weren't so monotonous.


Atlas Reality, Inc.



Developer Replies Reply Time 10/29/2023

Thank you so much for the positive review! Have fun out there!


Snap Inc




Niantic, Inc.


Bird up



I LOST ALL MY PROGRESS. That's fine though, I remember having some fun a few years ago when I played the game. I wish there was a way to get your progress back, since it can take MONTHS, maybe even YEARS to grind.



The gameplay can start to get VERY repetitive, but due to the nostalgia this game has for me, I don't hate it that much. One thing I do hate is that in level 31, there's two enemies and a door that are completely inaccessible, I've looked for multiple hours trying to find an elevator, since both sides are blocked off in the bottom floor. I would like if you didn't have to die so much, so maybe something to block damage or a dodge mechanic.



I think a few years ago I was able to make a video with sound. I think it was this app, though I can't remember. Now, I can't get the sound to work. I can't tell if it's a problem on my end, or if it's the app. I've tried everything to get sound to work, but nothing works.


AZ Screen Recorder


The video recording itself is really good. The editing is pretty good too. The main issue that I have, which I can't tell is a problem on my end or this app's end, is that I can't record sound. It gives me a warning about apps not having sound and that I have to ask permission from the owner of the app to have sound, but uh, how am I supposed to do that? Other recording apps don't have that warning, but I can't get them to work with sound either.


(주) 데브마루


This game is INCREDIBLY difficult, but only because of how incompetent the other soldiers are. Why are they so WEAK? The spelling mistakes are a little irritating, and I wish enemies wouldn't randomly throw grenades that instantly kill the other soldiers. This game is alright otherwise.


Abstract Software Inc.


Absolutely nostalgic! I like how there's a TON of animals, monsters, and even objects that you can turn into HYBRIDs! The gameplay is actually very simple but charming!



My elbow hurt

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