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Long-time sports participant, but beginner distance runner. The plans in this app have been a phenomenal help in developing my endurance and helping me enjoy running (which I never thought I'd do). Can't say enough good things. Thanks Hal!



Love the game, but the player eventually hits a chokepoint that slows advancement to a nearly intolerable crawl, and necessitates payment or watching hours of ad videos to continue at a reasonable pace. I understand that quality and free don't come hand in hand, but it seems like perks could be given to paying players without killing the experience for everyone else. May as well just have people buy the game from the start, if that's the strategy.




I like your spin on the battleship mechanic, as well as the additional abilities. The fact that the enemy acquires them at a much faster rate can be annoying, but, if it were not so, the game would not be very challenging.




I like your spin on the battleship mechanic, as well as the additional abilities. The fact that the enemy acquires them at a much faster rate can be annoying, but, if it were not so, the game would not be very challenging.

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