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se permettere ai parcheggi di impostare pagamenti con pagamento fisso di 1 euro ogni ora Easypark diventa inutile! se uno si ferma 1 ora e 23 minuti deve pagare 1 ora e 23 minuti non 2 ore! IMPEDITELO per cortesia! è la solita mangiatoia!!!


Windy Weather World Inc


amazing progress and efforts from Windy Team, Great Work 👏🏻 p.s. love the EC-ENS and EXP3 models

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/26/2024

Hello Gaetano! Thank you for the feedback! Thank you for your kind words and recognizing our dedication to providing good service. If you have any questions or comments on the app, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] anytime. We're glad you enjoy these specific models - that's very heartwarming for our meteo and dev team.


Guangzhou Chicken Run Network Technology Co.,Ltd.


imho Sega Classic games present in the play store should have a correct button configuration... Also can't activate software mapping on galaxy S21, after developer mode activation the procedure didn't proceed



the game should work with Gamesir telescopic controller and buttons should be in the correct physical button



wrong button position on the controller Gamesir G8, and no possibility to customise button positions... Gamesir G8 is the only 'true' quality telescopic controller for android, please fix it🙏🏻


Schtruck & LDchen


not working with multiple iso types of metal gear solid sons of liberty REPLY: so doesn't exist an android PS emulator for PS superior to 1?

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/26/2024

You are doing a mistake, son of liberty is a ps2 game and FPse id a ps1 ému.


epsxe software s.l.


not working with multiple iso types of metal gear solid sons of liberty



il solito gioco mangia soldi, Virtua Cop della Sega rimane ancora il migliore

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/28/2024

Thank you for playing Pure Sniper! We are sorry to hear that you are not happy with our game. We can assure you that you can play this game without spending money. If you are low on cash, you can do repeatable missions such as Contracts to gain more. We hope this helps.
Kind Regards
Pure Sniper Player Experience



il solito gioco mangia soldi, Virtua Cop della Sega rimane ancora il migliore




I would put far much more emphasis and foreground position to the experience level requested from the spot, maybe also making 5 levels instead of 3 eventually explaining beginners why they should not go out in some spots, is probably the single most important point of all. An advice like: Not suitable for beginners and early intermediates could also be useful and wise. Also section on navigation priorities could be very useful as refresh for all despite this is not the core subject of the app.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/23/2024

Thank you for your review and feedback. As a young project, we have a lot of room for improvement. We are currently focused on filtering and updating the database to provide high-quality information to our users. We are working on many new features and improving the app, mostly based on user feedback, like yours.


Google LLC


a bad bug is showing a black box behind the selection menu when highlighting text in a comment to copy it



scusate ma davvero non capisco, perché prendersi la briga di farsi inviare e valutare le proprie bollette per poi proporre un confronto con il prezzo medio di mercato?! avete verificato le tariffe per luce e gas della mia bolletta o no? se l'avete fatto ed è molto apprezzato vista la complessità delle bollette di oggi, a questo punto proponete il confronto tra le tariffe dell' utente e le tariffe degli altri fornitori, almeno dare un senso al lavoro fatto ... non i valori medi

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/12/2024

Ciao, ti confermiamo che l'analisi è stata fatta ed è corretta. Le tue forniture sono ottimizzate, come comunicato con la mail "Buone notizie da Switcho". Il confronto con le tariffe medie, mostrato su richiesta dell'utente, serve a coloro che vogliono cambiare per altri motivi (es. scadenza offerta). Rimaniamo a disposizione a [email protected]



it's really possible that personalised dictionary still don't work? ... and where are stored the personalised words that I get in the upper suggestions bar??



good service


Google LLC


every recognized person or animal should have a date span


Dating Web


non so cosa dire, ultimo aggiornamento ad agosto 2023 ma l'app sembra fatta nel 2010 quando ancora gli smartphone andavano a manovella


Edison Spa


impossibile comunicare l' autolettura! devo confessare che fa sembrare l'app del tutto inutile

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/29/2024

Ciao Gaetano Crisci , ti ringraziamo per la segnalazione. Per poterti supportare ti invitiamo a contattarci al servizio clienti al numero 800.031.141 oppure direttamente da sito o da app al servizio chat. Team Supporto App


Sebastian Röhl


the only flaw in my opinion are the mono colour notification because it's not possible to easy distinguish to what activity are referring too... imho each activity should have the corresponding colour notification



the game should subtract points to players that abandon without resign, are way too many, and in many games is not monitored the time like in backgammon


Sebastian Röhl


Very promising and well made app! I would lower a little the one time payment, and add the possibility to have 2 or multiple notifications Update: believe me, lower the one time payment at maximum 15 euro (better 10) and you will get more payment, the app is nice and good, but there are many other similar app with far more functions... and finally the app do a fairly simple task...at this price level will not work

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/02/2024

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. As a solo developer, I'm trying to find the right balance between providing value in the free version of the app, and sustaining the development and maintenance costs that allow me to continuously improve the app and provide a good user experience. Hope you like the app anyway!


Vodafone Italia S.p.A.


app caotica, inoltre il principato di monaco è nell'Unione europea e andrebbe trattato come tale nella tariffazione


Simple Vision


really need an update for Android last releases: - notification don't work - a widget with calendar with days exercised to keep track and motivation would be appreciated

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/02/2023

I am sorry for the problem. A new version will be available soon. Would you please kindly tell me more about "notification don't work" ? I will try to fix it. If you want to refund, please email me the order number, I will use the order number to refund you (if the order is less than one year). Thank you.
email: [email protected]




Not even having the ability to use the navigator screen as a mirror for the smartphone screen is really a blackhole to the global image of the Mini world (Mini countryman cooper S 2019) The impossibility to use Google map navigator today is sad. I'm sincerely deeply disappointed. Please update older Mini navigators to permit this!



how can you really believe someone could start with and annual plan? it's just a complete non sense


Google LLC


I have a wonderful idea for a new function in Gmail, I didn't know why I haven't thought before... what about inserting a "button" near the sender that permit to get a list of all the last email and discussions from this sender? please do it ❤️

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/23/2023

Hello, Gaetano! We appreciate your interest in improving the app. If possible, share your suggestion with our team by following these steps: Gmail app - Help and feedback - Send feedback. Thank you.


Linerock Investments LTD


le modifiche fatte o sono troppo simili all'originale oppure sono completamente differenti dall'originale, non ha alcun senso


Blue Match Tech Group


sophisticately fake sofisticatamente falso



when paying for card packets the cars should be all of a good level, I mean not useless cars


Google LLC


the service should be blocked to viewers with adblockers, too many peoples are using it and the situation is different from the web, here all the ads are controlled and safe so there's no reason to avoid it! YouTube it's enough developed and contain many and many quality video. Then could be eventually reduced ads time and number...


Google LLC


not working on my mini countryman, please🙏🏻 find a compromise with BMW-MINI to make it available on them ❤️

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