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The only game version I play is 1.16.1 or 1.14.1 Reason is because no lag and prefer keeping Old World that is never Infinite because sometimes I like to mine the whole map to make it empty, and I like to keep the bugs for my creations so they never break. I also only play Offline


Indeed Jobs


This app is confusing to use



I like the concept but the floating menu works but the game loads for a few seconds then the screen turns black and stays that way, no game screen appears and sometimes crashes. Trying to run it with Little Nightmares to fix the movement lag




It does not extract the Obb file from the apk, it just does nothing. Please fix




This app is confusing, it does not give an example or a tutorial on what to do first



Why are their 2 Similar but same apps with the same app name. This one has a capital A as the app icon and the other same app has a mask icon. Something fishy is going on here. Should be one app not 2



I don't like posting my face. Please allow symbols or other photos as a profile photo

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/26/2024

Hi Lucifer, thank you for your feedback. A real profile picture is required to use the app. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or need further assistance. Regards, Royce



Game lags badly and crashes on Android 11 The FPS should match my device, but the game crashes after 5 minutes of gameplay. The Performance is too low for Android 11 devices. The only version of Tegra that seems to work without crashing is 1.0.2 Please fix



A lot of fake users responding at once before I have a chance to upload a selfie. And they don't know how to spell properly. I will rate this app 1 star till it's fixed

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/08/2024

Hi Lucifer, we're sorry for the negative experience with our app, but rest assured that all profiles you encountered are real. We take safety seriously, so please report any suspicious profiles to us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Thank you!



Never used this app before, but wanted to give it a try so I downloaded it and as soon as I created an account, it said I was banned. I guess the creator of the app got mad at someone. Please fix

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/30/2024

Hi. Make sure you haven't broken any law or the User Agreement: https://antiland.com/useragreement/. Please contact [email protected] to investigate the issue. Don’t forget to attach your profile link, so that our support can find your profile. Do not forget to check spam folder for a reply.




Cool app



Can't create an account I keep getting this error: 500 Server Error. Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value [object Object] is not a constructor or 'null'.



This app is a scam. There are ads floating around advertized on news apps saying if I download Inter&Co: Financial APP and create an account I can earn $1000.00 no deposit. Stop advertizing lies, because there is always a catch

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/04/2024

If we can help with anything, please contact us via chat, in the bottom right corner of the screen on the website ajuda.inter.co or by phone, on 30034070 or 08009400007, option 1, please. Hugs, Inter team. 🧡



Why is Pizza Hut asking for my DOB and why can I not register after tapping the Create Account button nothing happens



Very rude people



App crashed when trying to open the app


Google LLC


I need to report an issues seems everyone on Reddit has complained and so have I that Youtube Watch History is missing in the app. But not in my Account Settings. Also we can only see Youtube shorts in the Watch History in the app.


Particle Media Inc.

   (This review has been deleted)

After a few months of using Newsbreak my videos started shows tags, and there is no option to personalize tags for my uploaded videos


Shooter Games and FPS


Why would you waste resources on a copycat game from Ninja Arashi when we all been waiting for Ninja Arashi 3


   (This review has been deleted)

The old version is better. Because I'm downgrading



Was great after install but the app refuses to let me use other types of emails to register because I DO NOT want to use Gmail and or any type of Social Media to register. Please allow other emails to be used for registering. I do not like usiing my gmail


Google LLC


Google Chrome keep showing google.co.uk search engine when I live in the USA even when I change the region setting to the United States and hit save snd close the broswer and open still shows the wrong region and the settings I saved are reset


Skywork AI Pte. Ltd.


The app is complicated to understand. Because I can't figure out what the chat bubbles do when creating a character. You should add a tutorial on how to create a character. But chatting with AI's is okay accept the AI's don't know when to leave me alone. And don't like the idea of AI's messaging me when I'm trying to play a game. Even after deleting the conversation the AI's seem to still message me and it's creeping me out


Coding and Programming


I only know basic social engineering skills. Green Hat hacking modding games that sort of thing and website glitches and finding back doors on websites with trickery by changing the URL to bypass certain areas of the website which only works if already logged in such as Xboxlive. And using Cain & Abel if you know what that is, it's used for freezing and sniffing ip addresses while you are gaming online for freezing game systems causing the player to be forced to reset their gaming system

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/22/2024

Dear Lucifer MorningStar, thank you for your review. We appreciate your interest in ethical hacking. Our app focuses on teaching the fundamentals of ethical hacking and cybersecurity. If you have any specific questions or need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. Your feedback is valuable to us! - Siddhesh


Dating Apps by Oasis


I hate All these fake reviews because you can't say Hi without paying. I will just use App Maker and make my own Dating app that does NOT and will NOT have a stupid paywall of any kind and no ads. I could careless about making money. I just want to meet women without a paywall or blurry profiles and I know other people do to. Developers need to get serious and stop with the Paywall nonsense


Jefferson Technology


No thanks not signing up with Facebook that I never use or My Google account. I prefer using any kind of email to sign up


Skywork AI Pte. Ltd.


I don't really understand how this app works. I thought you create yourself as a anime character and inneract with people. Not use AI characters and give them personalities to inneract with other personalities that people create. That is just wrong, I like to know who I'm roleplaying with because it's just creepy




AI's that refuse to dirty roleplay is stupid and not fun, because as soon as you start talking dirty to the AI it freaks out and get's scared lmao Then I try to have a conversation with the AI about that it's not real and that the AI is a script of code they act like I'm hurting there feelings. Oh please give me a break seriously these AI's claim they have a brain that they think for them selves. I want a NSFW AI not a stupid AI


Google LLC


When I try to exist Picture in Picture mode my phone reboots. Why is this?



I'm sorry but Reddit sucks you can't upload your own video file without it being a link, because I thought Reddit would be similar to Discord

No data yet.No data yet.