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Pocketbook International SA


Have read anything yetShe’d built herself a dam So she could hold her tears at bay A wall of stubborn barricade To keep the pain away Her barriers were busyness Distraction and denial And ignoring and avoiding’s How she coped for quite a while But the trouble was, her dam Left nowhere for her pain to go So it sat behind her wall With nothing left to do but grow The tightening in her chest Began constricting every breath And to battle every painful thought Took every ounce of strength The lump in

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2024

We are incredibly grateful for your 5-star rating!


wz game


Could.nt get it to play took to long to boot up

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/28/2022

Hi. Thanks for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that the game does not work properly. You could try to clear the cache, restart the device and ensure that enough memory is available. We hope one of these works for you. If not, please contact us at [email protected].



Give you good idea about film

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