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Good game, nice range of hard and easier pics. love the mystery pics.



Why does nothing change on my schedule, everyday just shows 2 daily tasks, it doesn't show what jobs are actually due to be done. Please let me know before my subscription starts as its useless if it doesn't.



Won't work either my SPen. Quickly deleted.


Iron Heart Studio


Doesn't work with S pen. Deleted instantly.



This could be quite a good little time passer, unfortunately, the grey colour used to highlight the selection is too similar to the background colour, it doesn't stand out enough and hurts my eyes trying to find them .

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/12/2022

Hello Nicky, thank you for your review and shared impressions. We are sorry to know that you couldn't fully enjoy our number coloring app. Your comment concerning the highlight colour will be definitely taken into consideration and discussed among our team. So please stay tuned and don't miss our updates!



I like this game, I like the abstract finish of the pics (reminds me of real painting by numbers). I love how you can change the searching colour mid way, I usually have it red, but if there's a lot of red in the pic I'll switch to blue, it's a great feature other colouring games don't have. The only thing I miss, is the long tap to goto colours that most of my other games have. Luckily it's quite an easy colouring game so I can manage without. Overall, passes 10 mins happily enough x

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/29/2022

Hi, there. Thanks for your feedback. We'll try our best to optimize our app and improve the user experience. Stay tuned.



I loved this game so much I paid for it on my old phone, when I changed phones to an android I found I couldn't transfer the paid for version. I'm not paying again but finding I hate the ads, I can cope with the before and afters, but the ones that randomly pop up in the middle of playing honestly make me jump. Not finding it relaxing any more 😌

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/28/2022

Hello! Thank you for the feedback. We don't provide an opportunity for that yet, but we definitely see why this would be useful. We look forward to adding this feature in the future, though. There's no specific date for that, but we'll try to add it as soon as possible. Thank you for bringing this up.



It would have been good, but for some reason you can't drag with the Samsung tab stylus, you can click a colour, but then you have to drag with your finger, it's very strange and takes some getting used to. I play a lot of colouring games and this is the only one with this problem. I hope its sorted because its too awkward to use at the min x



I play a lot of colouring ads and this I'm afraid was the worse. I use a pen on my Samsung tab so accuracy is normally brill on these type of games, this game is wildly inaccurate, you click a section and it colours in a section an inch away. A pity as the images were nice enough, just unplayable at the moment until that's fixed.

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/01/2022

Thank you for your feedback. If you like our app, we hope you can rate a five-star to encourage us. If you have any problem, please email [email protected].



Played for a while but I give in, I can only play a couple of dazzlys before the ads make it crash. The ads (When it's working) are too long too, 2 mins to complete a pic then you've same again before you can get to another. Too tiresome.



fun, expecially for indecisive procrastinators like me lol


Inertia Software


I've played cross stitch world for a few years now on PC, phone and tablet, it's so relaxing, it's def my chill out time x


Inertia Software


I've played cross stitch world for a few years now on PC, phone and tablet, it's so relaxing, it's def my chill out time x



I'm a big houseflipper fan so couldn't resist trying the app, sadly its brill. I say sadly because I've got to stop now, I've bought 1000 extra flip coins already, which is already more than i paid in real money for the PC or switch versions and I'm still in a place where I can't advance much without buying even more. The new tasks are undoable without, and you can't really earn money selling the houses as they pretty much raise price by what you put in them. Sorry but its too greedy.



I'm a big houseflipper fan so couldn't resist trying the app, sadly its brill. I say sadly because I've got to stop now, I've bought 1000 extra flip coins already, which is already more than i paid in real money for the PC or switch versions and I'm still in a place where I can't advance much without buying even more. The new tasks are undoable without, and you can't really earn money selling the houses as they pretty much raise price by what you put in them. Sorry but its too greedy.


   (This review has been deleted)

Already addicted. Only thing I don't like is that the numbers stay there.
If they disappeared instead of were just ticked it would be so much more
playable. I've just finished one with 130 colours, my arm ached with so
much scrolling :-(


SLOIK.NET Mobile Apps


I love this little ap, keeps me motivated to stay on top of the housework. I wish there were more options instead of having to click that you've done a job when really it just might not be needed that day (feels like I'm cheating) and the today's jobs were clearer (colour coded would be perfect) as they tend to merge. But its still a great ap and perfect for not naturally tidy people like me lol x


SLOIK.NET Mobile Apps


I love this little ap, keeps me motivated to stay on top of the housework. I wish there were more options instead of having to click that you've done a job when really it just might not be needed that day (feels like I'm cheating) and the today's jobs were clearer (colour coded would be perfect) as they tend to merge. But its still a great ap and perfect for not naturally tidy people like me lol x



Loved this til all my neighbours vanished, now I can't complete half of the quests! May as well stop playing until its fixed!

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