Evaluated App
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Leap Fitness Group


Easy way to help me visualise my daily water goal and how much I actually drink through out the day. Very helpful


Creta games Inc.


Love they game. But can't save progress the past few days. Still can't save.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2016

Hello, Jean Temple.
I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable in playing games.
Please send to [email protected] your detail comments.
Thank you.


Creta games Inc.


Love they game. But can't save progress the past few days. Still can't save.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2016

Hello, Jean Temple.
I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable in playing games.
Please send to [email protected] your detail comments.
Thank you.


JoyBits Ltd.


I have just unlocked the second stage which required me to fix the broken pentagram for 500. Irritating, but I doable I thought, to get collecting free mana. It took a while but yesterday I succeeded. I fixed the pentagram and..... Crash. This morning I opened it up and it did open but with the message that the pentagram is still broken. So I checked my mana balance and the 500 used to fix the pentagram is gone! The game crashes a lot, up to now that has been forgivable as it recovered but now it's ruined.


JoyBits Ltd.


I have just unlocked the second stage which required me to fix the broken pentagram for 500. Irritating, but I doable I thought, to get collecting free mana. It took a while but yesterday I succeeded. I fixed the pentagram and..... Crash. This morning I opened it up and it did open but with the message that the pentagram is still broken. So I checked my mana balance and the 500 used to fix the pentagram is gone! The game crashes a lot, up to now that has been forgivable as it recovered but now it's ruined.

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