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Interactive Brokers Group


It is amazing how thay company makes the user a hard life. About 50 tines I've tried to fund my account. It's always asking to use the browser. So why we have an app? Trying the browser didn't help. Every stem it is asking to log in. And then get notification to approve the log in. Then again you log in and no info. Then again in the app it send me the browser. Again log in. So I gave up. I wanna send message to say someone about the problem. Impossible to send message. Log in again :(


CamSoft Information


It's amazing how this app taking the control from us about our documents. I am changing phones/roms alot. Recently, CamScanner doesn't let u download your own files unless u download one by one. What is this joke? Instead of helping the user, they make it worse. I'm already searching for another app to replace the CamScanner. After many years they are playing the games to make the user lose his control on his own files. Shame.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/09/2024

You can log in to the same CS account to transfer your documents and purchased items by Cloud sync.
If you want to export all docs, you can open CS app--Me--More Settings--Doc Export--Export PDF files to export all PDF files. The generated PDF will still be saved in [CamScanner] folder



So disappointing. It is the best app but many times it doesn't load when I write emails or comments and I have to open it by pressing the icon. It is a bug that should be fixed

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/31/2024

Thanks for sharing, and sorry for the trouble! Could you please contact our support team via https://gram.ly/3vQJV2L so they can investigate this? Thank you for your input!


PayPal Mobile


7% of my battery is gone from PayPal app. Are they trying to make us uninstall it? 🤔


LINE (LY Corporation)


So no way to log in. On the PC it is forcing using phone. On the phone it doesn't send sms. Great app...


Brother Industries, Ltd.


It's amazing how brother does not solve the problem with connection on WiFi. I has the same on previous printer. Now, new printer, same problem. And why do you have that app if it is not working? Why your other app works and this one not? Why do you offer us to download what is not working?



It is one of the most useful app but sometimes it is not working on android. Just not loading when I type an email or anything until I load it myself. Very irritating and disappointing. And why it doesn't load also now when I write a review?

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/15/2024

Thanks for sharing! We want to improve your experience with Grammarly for Android and would love to investigate this further. Could you please contact our support team at https://gram.ly/3vQJV2L with a full-screen video showing the issue occurring: https://gram.ly/3Ndiomd? Thank you!


Bolt Technology


They learn some tricks to cheat us. I've received an email saying I have 20% discount on my next rides. On the app? It says only 15%. Anyway, they had some credit for me because they charged me double price the last ride with excuses of traffic. Just one conclusion : I don't trust them anymore.




The app eating battery recently even when I don't use it.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/03/2024

Good afternoon. So that we can check the situation you are reporting, please send an e-mail to [email protected] so that it can be analyzed by the technical area. Thank you for your contact!


Bolt Technology


Second time they charge me more money than they should with excuses


WhatsApp LLC





Well, it use to be the best. Somehow, recently, the app doesn't save new passwords. I've changed some passwords from my phone. The app ask if I want to save. (why not update if its same apps?!?). U press save, it leads to the Bitwarden and let you choose. If you chose the saved one, it will do nothing. If you chose save new, it didn't copy the user name and the password. So Bitwarden doing a huge mess. I've lost many passwords. Shame.


Any.do To-do list & Calendar

   (This review has been deleted)

So after many years, for some reason I could not log in anymore. yesterday finally i manage to get into an EMPTY ACCOUNT. Yes, the any.do deleted my old account and all my data is gone. It is great It is working finally but I will not use an app which is not safe. my data and reminders were very important.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/10/2024

Please log out of your account and log back in, it might be a slow-loading process. If you still do not see tasks please contact our team here: any.do/contact_form!


Qatar Airways


Pass change does not work. Log in does not work. Thanks for god I didn't buy tickets from them. Shame.



It's amazing that no way to contact them. No way to edit my name. No way to delete the account. All leads to a infinity loop of advises that they give which doesn't even close to what we ask. Shame.


Any.do To-do list & Calendar

   (This review has been deleted)

Very sad but impossible to log in. It offer me only to log in... Goodbye. I'll find some app which is working.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/08/2024

Like many other apps, we require users to log in with an account in order to sync and save all tasks on our servers, making sure that all information is available to you 24/7 across all platforms. For further assistance, feel free to contact us at any.do/contact_form 😊




Impossible to edit my profile. So sad that they explain how to edit but it is wrong info because the option does not exist at all.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/07/2024

Hi Gabriel, if you need any further help on this matter, our team is here to help. Please contact us as follows: Open up your Airbnb app > Select 'Profile' in the down right corner > Scroll down and select 'Visit the Help Centre' > Select 'Contact Us'. You can also message us via this link: www.airbnb.com/contact Thank you.


Air India


App crush exactly after log in.



One more company which does not let you edit your personal details so I cannot buy flight tickets with mistakes. And of course, no way to contact them.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/16/2024

Hello and thank you for your feedback. We're really sorry to hear that you didn't have a good experience with our application. Our mission is to provide excellent customer experiences. We have taken your comments into account and will endeavor to make improvements accordingly. The Air France Mobile team.



Impossible to change or edit my personal details? so I guess I cannot use agoda for nothing.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/07/2024

Our apologies for the unpleasant experience. Please let us investigate the booking issues. Kindly email the case details to us at [email protected] and include the case number (#731913) in the subject. We'll get back to you soon. ^TK


Aegean Airlines S.A.


How is it possible that such a big airline company has no way to update my details? It shows the personal details and no way to change nothing. But they have a button to "update" which updating the sy with the same details because no way to type nothing. Shame. Só I have to buy ticket from another company whith the correct info.


CamSoft Information

   (This review has been deleted)

Be careful of CamScanner app. They have a fake message popping up while using the app and lies that the storage is almost full and it offers to delete files from our phone/tablet. You can press OK and get a big mess. I have 480gb free on my phone and it is still warning me for no reason. Also on my tablet with huge free space. It should be reported. I wish Google were more strict like apple in that kind of cases.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/19/2024

You may have reached to the limit of the CS cloud space (not your phone storage). You can subscribe to premium in app (paid monthly or yearly) to get 10GB cloud space; Or, purchase the C-Points and use it to exchange for more cloud space. You can also open CS app--Me--Task, finish the tasks there to get more free cloud space;



And after new fresh installation on my new phone... All my favourites saved places... Gone... Feels like sygic want us to keep using Google maps and waze instead... And why the announcements for a speed cameras, replaced with a low sound? Do you want us to get caught? Why the best app start to go back?

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/18/2024

Hello, please accept our most sincere apologies for the situation. We would like to know more about this issue, please contact us at [email protected] with as much detail as possible so we can help you more efficiently. Thanks a lot! Simona, Customer Care Team.


PayPal Mobile


Still trying to understand why all payments lead me to do a log in to PayPal out of PayPal and spread my passwordon other places instead of using the app. Since android 12 it is the same thing...


   (This review has been deleted)

Well, I love sygic. They have removed the announcement of speed cameras which is very disappointing. And also, not supported on android auto in the free version so, half good and half... I use another app.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/08/2024

Hello, please accept our most sincere apologies for the speed cameras issue. Please remove/delete the app from the device and install it again by following the steps in our official user guide: https://bit.ly/3Rsyg82. If the issue persists, send us a message at [email protected]. Thank you! Simona, Customer Care Team.



When it is working then it is great. Sometimes they have errors. They never read the log we send and support is not professional but if it is working, then it is good


Vivaldi Technologies


Great browser. The problem is the connection to the PC. After every update it is losing connection and not that it is so simple to connect. To be honest, it makes me stop using it. I prefer browser like Firefox which is always sync from my PC to my phone 👌🏽




It is not working. Tried many times and it is not reading my card.



we all know they spy on us. but now there is a case in the court against TEMU about stealing our data. be careful with that app



after many tears of buying, then one day you have problem and you find out there is no one there. I had to ask PayPal to give my money back. then, Ali-express sending email to ask you report that you have received it. Not just cheating, also they claim you are cheating. tried to delete my account, also impossible. tried to contact support, its only a bot with auto wrong-answers

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