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Beautiful graphics and amazing music. It was fun at first but recently it feels forced/staged. I get stuck for days on certain levels because I don't buy things that could help me finnish. There is a "glitch" where counters skip, e.g. I collect 2 lotuses but it doesn't count them at all. I feel like it's intentional just so you'd loose. Just like it won't give you that 1 thing you need to collect to win. The power ups make things worst instead of better! ADDS ARE BEING ADDED EVERYWHERE NOW


Fitbit LLC


The update for the app is very monochrome and it's hard to look at it. Now the sleep log is also like that & I can't read it at all 😮‍💨



The most anoying thing about the app is that Live thing which I would like to be able to permanently turn off! The sexbots are a virus that keeps growing. And just about everything else so many people have been mentioning.




Beautiful graphics and amazing music. It's really relaxing. Shame it's finnished and not being updated anymore which means no adds and since recently also that there are no more daily drops where you would get something to help your game (color bursts and such). Now I'm stuck on level 239 with no way of moving on. What a shame, I really wanted to get to the end, no matter how long it took without (buying coins).




I had to re-install the app because I coudn't change the password which I forgot. When I opened the app I was shocked I couldn't do THE thing the app is for - track my package! It openes a chat with a bot and there is no info about the package, nothing! I have to ask the bot everything??!! The old version was much better, you could see where the package is and everything, just like it should. This is useless garbage!




Edit: after the last update there us a glitch with adds- i watch the add and then i get a black screen with an X in right top corner after which it doesn't register i wathced the add and it won't let me tap on it again and i can only tap play whic is without the booster box.//It's an amazing game with gorgeous graphics and incredible music.




I wish I could make reels dissapear because I do not care for them. *Lately when I want to upload sth from the app directly it only shows the folder with the already posted pictures. - re-installing the app fixed it




A great balance between the original Dots game and the Two Dots game. Easy enough without being boring, fun and relaxing with gorgeous graphics and art. Love it!


We Heart It


I have the app for a few years & the older it is the worst it gets. I get you need ads but so many 1 min ones? Also it has been getting very laggy, it either stops loading after 3 scrolls or it can't connect to the internet & keeps showing older posts. The watermark makes no sense beacause you do not own those pictures.


Fitbit LLC


If I'm watchin TV before sleep the watch records it as sleeping which isn't a problem unless you go to sleep after midnight. In that case it's impossible to edit sleep time accurately because it says you already have a log from that day. The closest you can get is 23:59 even though you actually went to sleep at 1am. The watch rarely show sleep info. Also, editing how long the period lasts is impossible from the phone app, I can only do it from the computer app.


Microsoft Corporation


I'm editing again - it was working smoothly on Nokia 7.2. However I switched to Samsung and now the notifications don't work properly. Sometimes they're late or don't po up at all. I'm quite dependant on them so this is a big problem for me. *Edit: it's been fixed!


Microsoft Corporation


I'm editing again - it was working smoothly on Nokia 7.2. However I switched to Samsung and now the notifications don't work properly. Sometimes they're late or don't po up at all. I'm quite dependant on them so this is a big problem for me. *Edit: it's been fixed!



For my dogs it was way off. One of them is a mix and it identyfied it as a purebred jack russell terrier. He looks nothing like it. For the other it gave huge breeds and she is nowhere near as big. I think the problem is it can't register the size of the dog.



Change the colors back! And just about everything else so many people have been mentioning.



Change the colors back! And just about everything else so many people have been mentioning.



I generally love it, however I have noticed that it skipped importing a chunk of my music. I tried re-installing the app, re-scanning the memory card, but it keeps skipping certain songs that I can listen to on my computer normally, they are mp3's just like the rest and I just don't get it. It's making me wanna de-install and try some other app.

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