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CalTopo LLC


Requires O-Auth login through a major site. No anonymous use of the app. Either username and password by itself should be an option, or not require login.


Mobisharks oy


App provides embarrassingly little info, almost requires you to pay for the pro version (now 20$ / month), and the map function is incomplete with major glitches.


Notion Labs, Inc.


App hung after login



Really hate how it waits until you start tuning before it puts up a minute ad. Otherwise it does OK.



Render seemed to fail, not terribly easy to use. Rendering should have a local option.


App Holdings


The free version is OK, I have very serious problems with a subscription service where new customers content or updates aren't provided monthly.



Terrible camera app, spent 20 mins with different lighting condions and backgrounds, but it would not take a picture. Serious failure of an app. AZ dmv should reconsider using this.



Terrible camera app, spent 20 mins with different lighting condions and backgrounds, but it would not take a picture. Serious failure of an app. AZ dmv should reconsider using this.



Decent little app. Worked for a while, then stopped communicating with my watch. Troubleshooter for a while, ultimately un installed when I saw there hasn't been an update in 2.5 years. Really hope the dev hasn't abandoned this app.



Decent little app. Worked for a while, then stopped communicating with my watch. Troubleshooter for a while, ultimately un installed when I saw there hasn't been an update in 2.5 years. Really hope the dev hasn't abandoned this app.



Decent little app. Worked for a while, then stopped communicating with my watch. Troubleshooter for a while, ultimately un installed when I saw there hasn't been an update in 2.5 years. Really hope the dev hasn't abandoned this app.


Alarm Clock Plus / Binary Tactics, LLC.


This used to be a good app, but devs have abandoned it. Last update was 2014. It no longer works for me, alarm is set only for sun at 5:51 am and I can't change it.



I like the app, but it seems to have problems updating the conversation while I'm in it and a response comes in.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/28/2019

Thank you for your review! We'll check what we can do about that issue 😊
If you like the app, consider upgrading your rating - help Speaky develop faster! 😊🌟
Speaky Team



I like the app, but it seems to have problems updating the conversation while I'm in it and a response comes in.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/28/2019

Thank you for your review! We'll check what we can do about that issue 😊
If you like the app, consider upgrading your rating - help Speaky develop faster! 😊🌟
Speaky Team


Xenon Smart


Why is my location required when setting up a device? This is unacceptable. I will be returning this product.



Great little game. Love the dialogue. I don't usually spend money on apps, but this was well worth it. Hope to see new content out soon.




Game is decent... But its getting exhausting trying to close the ads, and half the ads are blasting sound. And you often have to close them twice. Uninstalling.


Go App


Ads are overbearing. One ad blasted sound and video for a game that was nearly silent. Uninstalled.

No data yet.No data yet.