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love Aosom!

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2024

Hi Kathleen, thank you for your comment! Is there something else that we could do to deserve a better rating from you? Please let us know at [email protected]


Amazon Mobile LLC


Amazon Prime Video got me through the Covid-19 shutdowns. Love the content...looking for something new to watch now!



The Garmin fitness app is an excellent way to keep me reaching my fitness goals. Progress, not perfection!


The Weather Network & MétéoMédia


I should have been a meteorologist! Love the weather changes!


Doofah Software


Hey! This is a great game. Enjoy it very much!

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/26/2018

Hi Kathleen, thanks for the nice review :)


Doofah Software


Hey! This is a great game. Enjoy it very much!

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/26/2018

Hi Kathleen, thanks for the nice review :)


PlaySimple Games


Hints cost too many coins. 25? Geez.



Its not bad...only up to level 30 at this point, but it is a good time waster.


Leap Fitness Group


Thanks for this app. I peed about 27 times the first few days and lost a few pounds! The app can be oushy if you don't drink the set amount! Lol. Great app.

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