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The match making side of this game needs a major revamp. It really makes the game unskilled, and not fun at all. The premium weapons, some of which almost instant kill are only available through purchasing data chips. Alot of imbalance within leagues, once you hit champion league it really becomes apparent. You literally have no chance in match ups unless you've spent loads of money for those premium items. Another thing that is annoying, weapons getting nerfed, after spending all the effor

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/07/2024

We constantly monitor the performance of our matchmaking algorithms and we do plan matchmaking improvements for future updates.
You can help us improve by sending specific remarks about matchmaking via the FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS section of in-game HELP. When combined with your account data, such feedback can provide us with valuable insights.


FOX News Network, LLC


App has started using those stupid game ads. Please stop, and go back to reporting the news only. If I could rate 0 I would.


The Vanguard Group, Inc.


App doesn't function. Unable to see my current investments, gets stuck in a constant loop of page blinking off & on with a circle of death in between. NOT USER FREINDLY!



Have to login for 15 min to collect rent. Have better things to do than wait for this, was far better before the update. App is real laggy. Time to delete app.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/27/2021

Hi. We understand your confusion. Income is collected by tapping the button now (this solution is friendly to new players who often asked how to earn money). Rent stacks up every 15 minutes, it becomes bigger and bigger - you can collect it whenever you want, there is no need to wait for it. In case of questions, contact us via in-game Support :)




There's a glitch, I was up to 150k size, then it started decreasing my score everything I ate.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/22/2021

When you use the acceleration you always lose weight. You can collect bottles of potion in the arena for increase the speed. Also, you can upgrade the speed of worm in the wardrobe. We hope this information will help you win and evaluate our game on five stars.




There's a glitch, I was up to 150k size, then it started decreasing my score everything I ate.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/22/2021

When you use the acceleration you always lose weight. You can collect bottles of potion in the arena for increase the speed. Also, you can upgrade the speed of worm in the wardrobe. We hope this information will help you win and evaluate our game on five stars.

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