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Mobile app no longer working, cannot log in. Constant " contact with the server lost" error message.



Any chance of adding the Locranian bebop, Phrygian dominant bebop, Harmonic minor bebop and Melodic minor bebop scales please? Fantastic useful app.


Calisteniapp, S.L.


Awful app. No useful free content. No cohesive full body part splits. Breaks body up into fragmented, disconnected sections. Aggressive in your face pushing to sign up to premium.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/30/2024

Hola God. Tal vez pasaste por alto nuestro menú de rutinas donde encontrarás más de 480 rutinas gratuitas e ilimitadas categorizadas por diferentes objetivos. Si podemos ayudarte con algo más escríbenos a [email protected]. Un abrazo



Nasty Malware do not install. Messed my phone up. 😡


Hevy Gym Workout Tracker


I sent an email to the address you listed and still no response..

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/22/2023

Hey God Zoo, not sure who you emailed but reach out to me at [email protected]. I'll respond right away.


The Co-operative Bank UK


As of yesterday the app no longer opens, it just gets stuck with the spinning wheel on 'establishing secure connection'.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/10/2024

HI, sorry you've been unable to access our app. Please try deleting and reinstalling. - Michelle



£100 a year for a fitness app that won't let you train more than twice a week? Which then demands your credit card details just to test it? You got to be out of your minds. Greed is not a virtue.



Yet another game designed to leech all your personal data of your device whole allowing a few initial wins then throttles your game to force you to spend $$$. Even when you select to reject all vendors next time you open the game it ignors your previous decisions and ask you exact same thing again hoping you will just be lazy and click the allow all button which means 3,000 different organizations will have a field day feeding on your personal and private data. Deleted instantly.


Ultimate Guitar USA LLC


Awful app

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/19/2024

You can send us your ideas to improve the [email protected]



How do you stop the red flashing icon on the app!? It's causing me seizures!!!




Hello, I play Minecraft with my two little kids on three different devices all linked to my same one Google Play Store account. So I paid for it one time and it automatically loaded to the other two devices. Great. My question is that we want to start to buy add-ons, if I buy an add-on for my main device will the kids automatically get it as well for their devices or do we have to buy it three times so it's on each device? The support email listed here doesn't work so we ask here.


Tabs4Acoustic - The only guitar tuner you need


So where have you hidden the option for us to choose NOT to allow you to our personal and private data with 17,000 of your vendors instead of deliberately making it as difficult as possible by having us scroll 30 minutes down through 57 pages and unchecking each one at a time all to have a simple bass tuner?


Google LLC


What the hell happened to my phone's inbuilt texting and messaging app? How did it suddenly get taken over by Google? Slowly they are creeping further and further into your device until soon even to make calls it will be 'Google calling'. 🤬


Jehovah's Witnesses


After 100 years of telling the world in print you were God's only spokesman and channel, you now tell us that you are not inspired or spirit-led.. and your governing body member at the Australian Royal Rommission admitting live on tv that it would be 'presumptuous to assume you were God's channel' .. so you finally admit you've just been making it all up as you go along? Wow. There is no longer reason for your 8 million members to listen to a single word you say or print.



Complete rubbish, it also doesn't work if you're using headphones which means it's only recording what's coming through the mic and speaker, and when it records the other party you are calling or that is calling you the sound is so distorted as to be utterly unintelligible on later playback. Utterly useless.


Cronometer Software Inc.


Explain why you are selling your users personal data to up to 3,000 different unknown shady vendors with tracking cookies on our devices to pillage and harvest all our personal and private data some of which will continue to do so up to three and half years after deleting your app in exchange for simply recording what we had for lunch? . And why you provide no option to reject them all but have to scroll endlessly denying each one one at a time deliberately making it as has as possible?

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/09/2024

We don't sell your data to anyone - can you please message [email protected] so we can send you our Privacy Policy? Thanks so much and we'll chat with you soon.



I bought the pro version.. but it keeps telling me I only get 15 creations a day unless I buy the pro version. I also turned off water marking but it slaps a watermark on every single thing I try to make.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/05/2024

Thanks for your review, and sorry to hear this. If you have any additional feedback on how we can improve the app or your experience, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Experience team - [email protected]




What utter stupidity.

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/27/2024

Hello, thank you for taking the time to participate in the review. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to reach out to us at any time through the following channels:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/World-of-Water-122330270864411/
Discord: https://discord.gg/B5bfaWvcwV
VK: https://vk.com/worldofwatergame



Be careful when installing spyware this because simply for the pleasure of watching a silly little icon move across your screen you agree to allow over 300 companies to completely pillage all your devices for all your personal data and store persistent tracking cookies on all of them for up to seven years. This is absolutely disgusting and should be made completely illegal.

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/12/2024

Hello, unfortunately, that window with vendors and cookies is provided by the third party. But thank you for your feedback, we will share it with the team for future updates.




Support utterly useless. My 7-year-old child worked really hard on this game to work and save up in-game currency but due to a bug in the game all her money disappeared and support simply refusing to restore it. What satisfaction they get ripping off a seven-year-old child defies logic. We resolved the issue ourselves by simply deleting the game and not wasting time on this rubbish.


Grey Shirts


Even with all permissions granted this app still blocks every single one of my email appsm



Rubbish. impossible to reorder exercises, basic exercises missing from the exercise list, zero synching capability between devices and completely failed to restore from its own backups resulting in complete loss of data and all workouts. App looks great on the surface but digging a little deeper it's completely non-functional and useless. Thought that purchasing the pro version would resolve these issues but no. Developer non-existent. Got refund.

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/07/2024

Reordering is possible via menu, templates settings. The app supports adding any number of custom exercises. If you have a backup, please email it to me. I'll try to recover your logs.



Utter garbage and a complete waste of time.



Been using this app for quite a while now and it's been absolutely critical to my plant growing success. Managed to successfully propagate from seeds and cuttings over 3,500 different plants right through summers and winters, indoors and out and this app was instrumental in the success for all of them. 😁💡



I've never known a flight simulator where your plane can fly underground.


CarX Technologies, LLC


Like trying to drive a bowl of jelly..


Brownmonster Limited


Just tried this on a brand new tablet and audio dies just a few minutes into the game. Exact same thing happened on a different brand new tablet a few months ago when I tried to demo back then..


Gospel Technologies


Starts well, the attempts to completely fleece you with it's insane pricing.

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/01/2023

Thank you for your review. Our app and its features are free. We do offer additional books and premium features for purchase. The prices that we charge for additional books are based on the agreements we have made with publishers. We offer sales on our most popular titles when possible. Email [email protected] with more questions. Thanks!



Can't change the units from pounds to kilos so unusable.


Insilico Sports, LLC


Useless. Can't even create an account, when I try and enter all the details it says login failed.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/21/2023

The server may have been down temporarily. Can you try again and let me know if it fails? I've just tested it and it seems to be working.

No data yet.No data yet.