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The ad block breaks 50% of the internet and theres no way to globally disable it. Gpg DOESNT WORK, unless you live in europe or california. This uses everything chrome does, so you cant ecape google by using it. Who cares how lite it is when zooming results in page refresh, or closing the app deletes everything incognito. Its basic is a better term than lite. It is very basic. When i learnt its not possible to even add another search provider .. da basic browser !!



If youre actually using this, your IQ is equal too that of a 3 year old, according to m$. I was able to remove this from my telephone, i do urge you to fight back and do the same, or join the other 3 year olds who clearly need to be educated. For the morons at m$: do tou really want us to believe 3 year olds can use this ? I dont know many 3 year olds that can type.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/11/2024

Hi, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Where this is something more important for you. However, your feedback is valuable for us and should be forwarded with our developers so they will make the changes in future.


Google LLC


How many 3year olds do you know that can legally drive a car? Google are only laughing at you, while you fill their pockets with $$$.


Google LLC


Boooooooooooooooooo ... i see google only makes apps for 3 year olds. Do you actually use this (are you too a 3 year old, as google thinks you are)???



If youre actually using this, your IQ is equal too that of a 3 year old, according to m$. I was able to remove this from my telephone, i do urge you to fight back and do the same, or join the other 3 year olds who clearly need to be educated.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2024

Hi there, we apologize for any inconvenience you've encountered. We would love to hear your opinion on what made you rate us low. We are keen to enhance our app according to your suggestions. Thank you for your support!


Onecook Co., Ltd.


The terms and conditions suggest this is a service. What "service" does it actually offer ?? It doeent fix my plumbing, or drive me to work. It certainly doesnt do my shopping or anything else that might fall into a service category. This IS interlectual property. It most certainly IS NOT a service

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2024

The service means all services that correspond to all maintenance, including updates, upgrades, improvements, modifications, and additional changes. Includes functionality, plug -in, new version installation, etc.



Its a rebranded chrome clone that tracks you (theyre collecting personal info)



No way to remove this pre-installed virus. I am old enough to legally drink, but apparently that doesnt qualify me to remove virus's from my 'TELEPHONE'? Hey stupid fool who responded too me, your link does fark all, i still canmot remove this virus

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/29/2022

Hi there. The following info should point you in the right direction https://support.swiftkey.com/hc/en-us/articles/201457602. Or feel free to contact us at https://aka.ms/sk-support if you need further assistance.



I finnally have given up and removed this from all of my devices. Good luck to you and enjoy. Maybe if the non profit stopped its data collection, and only then would i reconsider using this app again.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/29/2024

Having Data Collection by default helps us gain insight into how our products are performing so that we can keep improving. To disable it visit here: https://mzl.la/3HpXjlI. You can check more about how we handle user data here: https://mzl.la/3HpXjlI. Also, you can check our privacy notice: https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/firefox/ -E


Netflix, Inc.


What kind of world do we live in where this is considered a 'system' application? I clearly remember buying a 'telephone' when i went to the shop. Cant disable, cant uninstall, cant remove its permisssions. Its also very surprising people pay so much for b grade. Enjoy spending yoir money, hope you dont feel ripped off!


Google LLC


Booooooooooo. No way to disable to unistall. 5biliion downloads is bull s, this app is preinstalled on every android device, with no way to stop its data collection.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/25/2024

Hi there. Learn more on how to delete or disable apps on Android. See link here: http://goo.gle/38bh28S. Hope this helps.


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.




Google LLC


Booooooooo please mummy can i delete this ???? Booooooooooooo


Google LLC


5biliion downloads is bs. This app is preinstalled on every android device and nobody is allowed to disable or remove it.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/19/2024

Hi there. Learn more on how to delete or disable apps on Android. See link here: http://goo.gle/38bh28S. Hope this helps.


Google LLC


Do you like and subscribe the paid advertisements ? Thats all this is. It was preinstalled with the uninstall option blocked.





Google LLC




Google LLC


If i was allowed to delete this i would, without hesitation. Anyone who enjoys this is a fool and should do some research. The alt isnt much better (based on much of thr same). The day someone makes this for the people (and not for the gravy train) will be a great day for all of humanity. I start for u with an obvious eg: 10b downloads is just plain bs. This app is preinstalled on every android. Its rated for 3 year old after all, like no wucking funder its .....


Google LLC




Google LLC


This app is proudly brought to you by the click bait company


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Very poor.


Google LLC


The reality of this app is that it will send you somewhere you dony want to go because google will make money if you do that. 15 years of complaining and theres still a raod where my house is. Routes lead into brick walls and roads are marked where they really 'true'ly dony exist. This is just ok for a bearing; your better off with the street directory or asking someone for directions. Yes, you should fix you shyte, search yeilds results only in the usa. Its a 2 day flight, only AFTER i get a visa

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/27/2024

That doesn't sound good, Daniel. We would love to learn more about the issue and help. Please create a post in our Google Maps forum so that our community of product experts can assist you goo.gle/3vosTcH. Hope this helps.


Microsoft Corporation


Preinstalled datagrabbingware with no way to disable any permission, can't even disable this preinstalled virus? I guess I need to beg to mummy and daddy. It takes up 1gig of space for what ? M$ software is 'that' bloated? Did they not buy an 'outlook' company yet ??? Why am i not allowed to delete something sucking my information that i will never use ???????????????


Google LLC


Be aware of this scam. If u are stupid enough to not read and jist press ok, u will believe u can only take 15gig of pictures. The reality is that most handsets have much more storage than that, and the click bait trick google used on you worked for them. Now ur locked into paying for something u didnt need to begin with. I recommend you AVOID this app and company and invest in ones that actually help you, and dont employ dirty tactics to steal your money and leave u feeling robbed.


Microsoft Corporation


Bloatware is a poor definition for this crapware or datagrabbingware. It should be labelled as a virus. No way to disable, cant stop its advertising notifications, i bought a telephone at the shop, not an invitation to giving my information to m$. It far king bull. Far q samsung and m$, all youve done is make me hate m$ and dispise using my handset.


Google LLC


The only assistance i need is in deleting apps like this, that only grab non-consented data, ie u sign me in before i can even opt out, hiding behind a privacy policy. We supposed to think that deceit is smart ? Simce this doesnt assist me in any way shape or form, why am i mot allowed to disable or remove it? This suggests this app is nothong more rhan a virus that i am not allowed to remove.


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


This app is highly annoying. It wakes me up at 2am to tell me I should enable an automatic reboot of my phone. Why in gods name would I want that? I cannot disable the app, i cannot shut-down these highly annoying useless messages why, in 2024 do I need to reboot this? Is your software that bad ??


Microsoft Corporation

   (This review has been deleted)

Preinstalled datagrabbingware with no way to disable any permission, can't even disable this preinstalled virus? I guess I need to beg to mummy and daddy.


   (This review has been deleted)

Just another Chrome clone.

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/18/2024

Hi, thank you for your review. Pluma is not a copy of any other browser, that's why its speed 💨 is unique to us. If you have any features suggestions you'd like to see in Pluma, please let us know at [email protected].


Google LLC


Preinstalled virus. Can't disable, can't uninstall, can't block permissions. Idk how anyone can enjoy this virus?

No data yet.No data yet.