Evaluated App
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Release Time

Wolt Enterprises Oy




Signal Foundation


Much better than WhatsApp


Andel Holding A/S


Fairly useless app...provides a minimum of info on your electricity consumption. Needs a complete overhaul in regards to functionality and in app navigation..

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/04/2022

Thanks for your review. We are sorry that you do not like our app. We continuously develop the app's content. Kind regards Caroline


Taxa 4x35


Best Taxi service in Copenhagen



After the last update nothing works.. This app is an insult...

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/05/2022

Hejsa, tak for din anmeldelse! Vi var/er i gang med at skifte middelware server, som påvirker en række faktorer. Derfor har der været lidt udsving i appen og kommer måske til at være lidt mere af de kommede dage, men burde snart blive normalt. Det er beklageligt, men det er for at forbedre appens performance 😊 Mvh. Katrine/ Lotto App Teamet


TV 2 Danmark A/S


Keeps crashing after last update, uninstalling and reinstalling does not help. Not that impressed...... Tried your proposed workaround but same problem, crashes Immediately after opening. Works again after the last update😊

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/04/2022

Det beklager vi meget. Vi har fået bekræftet at denne løsning gerne burde hjælpe: Indstillinger- Apps – TV 2 Sport – Lagerplads og cache – Ryd lagerplads (ikke cache)– OK -Åben app’en på ny. Virker det mod forventning ikke. så tag meget gerne fat i os på [email protected]. Med venlig hilsen // Michael - TV 2



Best product on the market.....



Best product on the market.....




100% useless piece of garbage app. A horrifying example on how a government issued app placed in a public bit will not work. MitID should be renamed everyone's ID.



Totally ridiculous and useless app


TV 2 Danmark A/S


Keeps crashing when enabling subtitles

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2021

I apologize for the challenges you are experiencing. The solution to the problem you are experiencing is to update TV 2 PLAY if you havn't already done that by now. We have made a change in the app version 4.2.5 which should resolve this. If not, please contact us on: [email protected]. Best regards Emma // TV 2 PLAY


TV 2 Danmark A/S


Keeps crashing when enabling subtitles

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2021

I apologize for the challenges you are experiencing. The solution to the problem you are experiencing is to update TV 2 PLAY if you havn't already done that by now. We have made a change in the app version 4.2.5 which should resolve this. If not, please contact us on: [email protected]. Best regards Emma // TV 2 PLAY


Kristelig Fagbevægelse


Virker ikke efter opdatering i marts.. Piv ringe...



Works flawlessly


TV 2 Danmark A/S


Very intuitive and easy to navigate in, Great app


TV 2 Danmark A/S


Very intuitive and easy to navigate in, Great app



Why ruin something that is working perfectly?? This new app totally sucks.. Easy overview has been replaced with a mix of useless information tabs... No archive function..no possibility to delete messages.. By forcing users to conduct their bank business with an app not even finished in development Danske Bank has once and for all stated that customer service is NOT part of their portfolio...mage til værdiløs skod update skal man lede længe efter....Tag Jer dog sammen@!!

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/13/2019

Tak fordi du gav dig tid til at skrive denne feedback. Det giver jeg videre til vores udviklere. De kigger jævnligt på de henvendelser der kommer fra vores kunder. Ha' en god dag. - Mvh Heidi



Why ruin something that is working perfectly?? This new app totally sucks.. Easy overview has been replaced with a mix of useless information tabs... No archive function..no possibility to delete messages.. By forcing users to conduct their bank business with an app not even finished in development Danske Bank has once and for all stated that customer service is NOT part of their portfolio...mage til værdiløs skod update skal man lede længe efter....Tag Jer dog sammen@!!

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/13/2019

Tak fordi du gav dig tid til at skrive denne feedback. Det giver jeg videre til vores udviklere. De kigger jævnligt på de henvendelser der kommer fra vores kunder. Ha' en god dag. - Mvh Heidi

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