Evaluated App
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Coursera, Inc.


Pretty good but there's no way to save/bookmark courses.


Barclays Services Limited


I can't register because the keyboard doesn't appear for me to type my name in. This had been happening since August


Domestika Incorporated


I'm stuck in a loop with the app - when I open it, it says I need to update it, so I click 'Update now' which takes me to the Play page where the app is listed as up-to-date already. Clicking 'Open' on that page takes me back to the app which tells me I must update it now.



I'm so disappointed with Lidl. All these videos are coming out of Lidl's chickens living on awful factory farms, suffering beyond belief, yet Lidl still won't adopt the Better Chicken Commitment. I'll shop elsewhere until Lidl can prove they're treating their chickens better.

Developer Replies Reply Time 01/16/2023

Hi Joanna, thank you for your review, your comments have been noted. ^Vicky


Thrive Therapeutic Software Ltd


A good app overall with lots of great features. It's reinforcing a lot of what I've covered in therapy. But...the back button on the mood meter is completely broken and changes the evidence/thoughts I've written when I press it. Then if I try to move forward to the point I'd reached it says I haven't unlocked it yet when I was just using it! I also don't like the chime noise accompanying the calm breathing (I know it can be turned off). It's out of time with the counting and is offputting.


AnkiDroid Open Source Team


I really like the idea of Anki in theory, but I'm not happy with the implementation. The set up isn't very intuitive, the UI feels dated and it seems to ignore my settings sometimes. My reminders are set to notify me at 7:30am yet haven't done so for a week. I have 'Steps' set to '1 10' which I thought meant I would be given new cards then 1 min break then new cards again then 10 min break then new cards again. But it just gives them to me again as soon as I've reviewed them without a break.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/10/2022

Yep, the app's been around since Android 1 (1!) so the UI is from maybe 2008, but hey, it's free forever with no ads :-). Notifications trick until we improve that subsystem: https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/wiki/FAQ#why-dont-i-get-notifications - Steps work like so: https://docs.ankiweb.net/deck-options.html?highlight=steps#learning-steps


Evernote Corporation


I love the concept for most of this app but it's SO slow...Opening a note, opening the options menu for a note, moving/deleting a note, swiping to see the list of all my notebooks and stacks etc, all so slow. I would also like options to make things a bit more streamlined, such as being able to multiselect notes when in a notebook and then be able to bulk delete or move them, instead of having to individually go into each one.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/12/2022

Hi Joanna, we appreciate your feedback and I've forwarded your request to the appropriate teams! Hopefully, we can add multi-select on mobile soon! Regarding the lag issue, please reach out to us at [email protected] from the email address tied to your account— we're here to help!




App crashes when I click on a pin to open its website.


Words and Maps


Crashed as soon as I clicked on it. Really disappointed.


Words and Maps


Froze every time I tried to open it.


Words and Maps


Froze every time I tried to open it.


Words and Maps


Froze every time I tried to open it.

No data yet.No data yet.