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Pushover, LLC


Great app! Does exactly what I needed for home automation notifications. Way faster and more reliable than receiving text notifications.



Exactly what HAI/Leviton should have created for the Omnipro series. Great features, simple interface, super responsive support!


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

   (This review has been deleted)

Works great




EA , need more details? Read the dozens of comments saying the same thing over and over: items you need are never available! Want to expand your city and need dozer parts? Go to the Global HQ and be presented with 10 options for steel, 15 options for logs, and a bunch of other stuff you don't need. Refresh your options, same crap . Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat.... If you're lucky enough to actually see the item you need, once you select it and arrive at the neighboring city, of course it's gone! Now what? Go back to Global HQ and try again? Hell no, close the game and play something else not made by EA! Want a 5 star rating? Fix the Global HQ

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