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Too many commercials. Every time you turn around, you must watch another one. I know you need to pay bills, but when I find myself watching more commercials than playing, you're getting uninstalled.



Fun, mindless game...if you want to watch ads. You get two. I dislike multiple ads... without even a minute or two of uninterrupted play. Uninstalled.



Looks like a fun game, however in the first 5 minutes of play, there were at least 6 ads. Ridiculous. There are at least two ads between each 15 second game. Uninstalled.


Inspired Square FZE


Great game...would be my favorite only the interruptions suck. Totally ruins the conversation. I don't need to be interrupted each time I score a new block, not to mention regular ads, which sometimes come two at a time. I'll probably end up uninstalling it eventually, because it's way too invasive. Too bad.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/29/2024

Hi, We are so sorry to hear this. We've forwarded your feedback to our concern team and they'll surely look into it. Hopefully, you'll see some improvements. Moreover, we strive to balance between offering relevant and engaging ads while also ensuring they don't disrupt the gameplay experience. User satisfaction is always our top priority.



I enjoyed this game until I came to a word I couldn't figure out. To continue, I would have to purchase a package to go on. Deal breaker for me. Uninstalled.


Unico Games Studio


Misleading teaser. Game has NOTHING TO DO with naming countries. Just another word game with too many ads. When you mark the ad as offensive or irrelevant, you will keep seeing it, plus, you have to sit through TWO ads each time. Not worth the time. Uninstalling 10 minutes after downloading.

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/01/2023

We are deeply sorry for this 😔😔😔 But to continue work on this free app We need revenue from Ads and to allocate resources. If you don't want to see the Ads you can purchase the Pro version🔓🗝️🎀🎯 We will further optimize ads in the future. Thanks for your understanding!🙋


Fancy Games Studio


Ok experience. Lots of horror images out there. Why does it have to be scantily clad, big busted women that border on soft porn? wouldn't recommend for young children.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/31/2023

Dear users💗, we apologize for your bad coloring experience and thanks for your feedback. We will carefully optimize the content theme to provide richer picture types and set a minor limit for the pictures with inappropriate content. If you feel satisfied, could you please give us 5-star praise to encourage us? 😊



Bad. This game looks nothing like the teaser. If that's what you want, you won't get it with this game.

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