Evaluated App
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The App is very simple. I can use entries as store topic and pull there what i need. At last can go in each of the shops. Take products and pull out the entries or move under an other shop topic if not available where i planed to buy.


iKame Applications - Begamob Global


Wasting 3 minutes of my lifetime by watching ads even before i could see mirroring works or not! Uninstall! FU!



Collecting data, too much adds

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/29/2024

Thanks for your review. We love hearing from our members! If you’d like to share your ideas for improvement please email [email protected].



Doesn't work if i not allow to steal my personal data fe contacts


Ettore Gallina


After reading the ratings and even more the answers of the developer i have uninstalled the app even before my first use. I think that this isn't a good way to treat customers. So my rating is for an app i can't use by what reasons ever. Yes, of course it's not your fault that I don't want to use! Good luck for the future! Bless Ben

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/10/2022

How do you judge without ever using the app?


Ettore Gallina


After reading the ratings and even more the answers of the developer i have uninstalled the app even before my first use. I think that this isn't a good way to treat customers. So my rating is for an app i can't use by what reasons ever. Yes, of course it's not your fault that I don't want to use! Good luck for the future! Bless Ben

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/10/2022

How do you judge without ever using the app?


Zalo Group


What a dirt! Enter a million times the number by using on two devices. Then exceeded the number of SMS. Shalt i wait now for 24h on the airport to tell my family where to pick me up? This app was designed by Idi.ts! Annoying people is not security! Maybe the software designer go in elementary school again and take the developer there too! Greets Ben


Zalo Group


What a dirt! Enter a million times the number by using on two devices. Then exceeded the number of SMS. Shalt i wait now for 24h on the airport to tell my family where to pick me up? This app was designed by Idi.ts! Annoying people is not security! Maybe the software designer go in elementary school again and take the developer there too! Greets Ben


Visana Services AG


Was für eine Drecksapp! Unnòtiger Aufwand der jeder Sicherheitsrelevanz Abbruch tut. Man sollte den Registrationsaufwand aller User den Entwicklern in Rechnung stellen. Mal sehen, ob ich nach verpfuschter Registrierung meine Rechnungen noch kriege oder die Sch....e jetzt in einem undefinierten State hängt. Benno Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Was hat schlechte, konzeptlose Programmierung mit Sicherheit zu tun?

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/24/2020

Guten Tag. Besten Dank für Ihr Feedback! Wir bedauern, dass die Registration nicht Ihren Wünschen entsprechend funktioniert hat. Als Versicherung müssen wir strenge Sicherheitsregelungen befolgen, da sensible Daten verwendet werden. Bitte melden Sie sich direkt bei unserem Applikationssupport unter [email protected] oder 031 357 90 12.


Visana Services AG


Was für eine Drecksapp! Unnòtiger Aufwand der jeder Sicherheitsrelevanz Abbruch tut. Man sollte den Registrationsaufwand aller User den Entwicklern in Rechnung stellen. Mal sehen, ob ich nach verpfuschter Registrierung meine Rechnungen noch kriege oder die Sch....e jetzt in einem undefinierten State hängt. Benno Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort. Was hat schlechte, konzeptlose Programmierung mit Sicherheit zu tun?

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/24/2020

Guten Tag. Besten Dank für Ihr Feedback! Wir bedauern, dass die Registration nicht Ihren Wünschen entsprechend funktioniert hat. Als Versicherung müssen wir strenge Sicherheitsregelungen befolgen, da sensible Daten verwendet werden. Bitte melden Sie sich direkt bei unserem Applikationssupport unter [email protected] oder 031 357 90 12.



Neither ESC not TAB nor cursor keys (Galaxy Tab S3). Did you guys ever made software? ...or using VI or shell or command line. I can't understand how a product can be developped and finished just before it's usable. That's like writing a file downloader and always close the socket at 99%. It's just garbage! Thanks and keep on reaching for the rainbow! Bdn



Neither bluetooth nor serverless



It's pretty useles to used the device's virtual keyboard. There's neither tab not esc nor curser keys. It's just not usable for work in a shell or cmd line. Thanks and keep on reaching for the rainbow. Ben



It's pretty useles to used the device's virtual keyboard. There's neither tab not esc nor curser keys. It's just not usable for work in a shell or cmd line. Thanks and keep on reaching for the rainbow. Ben



Impossible to connect by bluetooth



Impossible to connect by bluetooth



Looks good first impression but unusable because no Esc/Tab/Cursor Keys How to work in a shell? Thanks and best regards Ben



Looks good first impression but unusable because no Esc/Tab/Cursor Keys How to work in a shell? Thanks and best regards Ben



Incredible! I was annoyed to install more stupid apps several times. I killed the application before i even reached a point of use it. Sorry, my life is too short to waste my time by getting annoyed by your app! Not usable! Thanks for wasting my time Ben

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/21/2021

Hello, if you have any problems with the application, describe them in more detail, we will try to help you, and this will help us improve the application.
If possible, send a screenshot or video of the error to our support mail.



Incredible! I was annoyed to install more stupid apps several times. I killed the application before i even reached a point of use it. Sorry, my life is too short to waste my time by getting annoyed by your app! Not usable! Thanks for wasting my time Ben

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/21/2021

Hello, if you have any problems with the application, describe them in more detail, we will try to help you, and this will help us improve the application.
If possible, send a screenshot or video of the error to our support mail.




Sorry, dosent work! Neither connectable to remote nor local Fritzbox. When i was young there was something called routing. Yes packets where sent in other networks sometimes masqueraded and somtimes tunneled. WiFi connection necessary? What for? My SIP apps need NET but no WiFi. Btw just a suggestion in the PPPoE RFC there's written addresseS. There are companies providing Networks through PPPoE. So FritzBoxes are not able to route 😊! Thanks for the nice try and keep searching for the rainbow!

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/23/2021

Hallo, die FRITZ!App Fon ist als Telefonielösung für die FRITZ!Box konzipiert. Wir haben Ihre Vorschläge bzgl. einer reinen SIP-Telefonie App aber gerne notiert.




Sorry, dosent work! Neither connectable to remote nor local Fritzbox. When i was young there was something called routing. Yes packets where sent in other networks sometimes masqueraded and somtimes tunneled. WiFi connection necessary? What for? My SIP apps need NET but no WiFi. Btw just a suggestion in the PPPoE RFC there's written addresseS. There are companies providing Networks through PPPoE. So FritzBoxes are not able to route 😊! Thanks for the nice try and keep searching for the rainbow!

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/23/2021

Hallo, die FRITZ!App Fon ist als Telefonielösung für die FRITZ!Box konzipiert. Wir haben Ihre Vorschläge bzgl. einer reinen SIP-Telefonie App aber gerne notiert.


CetusPlay Global


Sorry but this is a spy app. Those rights permissions are not needed for a simple remote app. I immediately uninstall! Thanks Ben

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/17/2021

Apologies for any difficulties you experienced with the setup. If you have any questions for us in the future, please don't hesitate to connect with us at [email protected].


CetusPlay Global


Sorry but this is a spy app. Those rights permissions are not needed for a simple remote app. I immediately uninstall! Thanks Ben

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/17/2021

Apologies for any difficulties you experienced with the setup. If you have any questions for us in the future, please don't hesitate to connect with us at [email protected].



Doesn't accept my verification code. I'm sorry but I don't trust my money to a software with buggy registration. Thanks but no thanks! I uninstall Regards Ben


Supersonic Studios LTD


Only way to avoid the damn moronic ads was to uninstall the game


Supersonic Studios LTD


Only way to avoid the damn moronic ads was to uninstall the game



So boring. It kills me before I can do something.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/29/2021

We are very sorry that you did not like our game. We take into account every opinion of our players.
We would be appreciated if you submit your improvement suggestions of our game on this email address - [email protected].
Best regards,
Amrita Studio.



TNice app but no idea what has been cleaned. What about a list for i can check and decide to clean, ignore or add to white/blacklist? ...or a simple log for i can see what went wrong? How hard can it be?! Stable even in large directories without memory issues. Congrats, other are not able to. But..... please sleep for a few ms in the iteration for android has a chance to process timer events. Its not a good attitude to enforce the user to press frequently Wait while large foders are processed. However! This is the 3rd cleaner app im testing today and first i dont immediately remove. Some functions are missing and ads are annoying (yes, people make donations for good software. Mostly, often..., me i do) Thanks guys and have a nice day! Ben



TNice app but no idea what has been cleaned. What about a list for i can check and decide to clean, ignore or add to white/blacklist? ...or a simple log for i can see what went wrong? How hard can it be?! Stable even in large directories without memory issues. Congrats, other are not able to. But..... please sleep for a few ms in the iteration for android has a chance to process timer events. Its not a good attitude to enforce the user to press frequently Wait while large foders are processed. However! This is the 3rd cleaner app im testing today and first i dont immediately remove. Some functions are missing and ads are annoying (yes, people make donations for good software. Mostly, often..., me i do) Thanks guys and have a nice day! Ben

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