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Polaris Office Corp.


I watch the ad, and it still won't let me use it. Garbage app now that ads block me from using it

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/03/2024

안녕하세요 고객님, Polaris Office입니다. 이용에 불편을 드려 죄송합니다.Polaris Office는 현재 주로 광고 수익으로 운영되고 있으며, 고객님께 더 나은 서비스 제공 및 제품안정성을 확보하기 위해 본 광고를 집행하고 있는 점 양해 부탁 드립니다. Polaris Office는 고객님의 사용성 불편함을 최소화 하고자 노출횟수 조정 등의 제한적 운영을 실시하고 있으며, '광고제거' 단품을 별도로 구매하시거나 구독을 진행해주시면 광고 없이 편히 이용하실 수 있습니다. 고객님께서 말씀 주신 소중한 의견은 추후 광고집행 개선작업에 반영하도록 하겠습니다. 불편을 드려 죄송합니다. -Polaris Office-


Smilegate Holdings, Inc


Game is decently fun. Not hard to get heroes. You will have alot of good heroes, but gearing them will be bad. Grinding for gear is horrible rng fest. Recently had a glitch. Had to contact customer service 4 different times repeating the same thing because they will not read what you type. Last message just said they will look into it so I'm sure they are just ignoring it now.

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/03/2021

Hello! Thank you so much for playing Epic Seven! We're so sorry that you had to experience this issue. Please submit a ticket to our Epic Seven Customer Service Team to be able to help you with this issue further: https://help.onstove.com/mobile/faq/serviceMain/page?game_nm=EpicSeven&game=1808080001
Thank you


Google LLC


Seems to be working normally now. Hopefully it stays this way.



It worked just fine until 2 days ago. Now nothing will load. Cleared cache and reinstalled it. Worked for a while, but it's no longer loading.



So did you guys just hustle me out of $80? You won't let me sign on until I buy a deluxe version for Mac/PC even though I'm on Android then you still won't let me sign on?!

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/05/2020

Hi Jay, What may have happened here is that the IRS is no longer accepting e-files for Tax Year 2019 taxes, as such the TurboTax app and Online are preparing for 2020. To file your 2019 taxes you need the desktop product. We encourage you to reach our support on our Facebook/Twitter pages to see everything we can do to still have you file. -Andrew

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