Evaluated App
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Release Time

InterNations GmbH


This app is racist as hell, I tried to apply twice and my application has been declined without any obvious reasons.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

Dear member,
thank you for your feedback, we're deeply sorry to hear this! To strengthen the security of our platform, we had to be more restrictive with our registration process. Please reach out to our Community Support Team to sort things out.
Kind regards,
Your InterNations Team


Reverso Technologies Inc.


better than most translators, like Google and Microsoft, my favorite is how it gives u various example, and it explain in details what the word means, highly recommended


The Tor Project


Very good and stable on most networks, one suggestion that could make it better which is to add a quick connect tile.



Worst browser in terms of privacy



Worst browser in terms of privacy



I love the app, it's better then most and it does what it says, I would give it 5 stars but it has few bugs and performance issues , great work 👌❤️



The best free app you will ever find, No ads and blazing fast, the only downside is that you only have few servers that works without subscription, but other than that it's Great.



Awesome Game, it's just Awesome 💙💜



It's a great app and I like that you've put in a "disable ads option" dose what it says, unfortunately i can't donate because we don't have PayPal or any other on-line payment method, so at least I can Rate this app 5 stars



It's a great app and I like that you've put in a "disable ads option" dose what it says, unfortunately i can't donate because we don't have PayPal or any other on-line payment method, so at least I can Rate this app 5 stars

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