Evaluated App
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CalTopo LLC


great features. mobile app is a bit unwieldy to control

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/08/2024

Glad to hear you like the features! If there is something you feel we could do to improve the app, please let us know at [email protected].


Microsoft Corporation


Ability to lock meeting screen NEEDED. Too easy to accidentally turn on/off video, mic, audio, leave meeting... Sometimes use while walking with earbuds Do not like screen turning on with phone inside pocket without needing to unlocking phone. Google pixel 6



I was able to customize an exercise and get it to sync on the ambit 3 after 20 minutes of futzing. First one must pair the bluetooth. Then you have to go to exercise mode, select mobile app to sync. Make your edits, then you have to sync again. Sheesh. Still amazed it worked at all.

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