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Cette autre voix de la France.


X Corp.


The best app to keep a direct tab on current affairs without any intervention from mainstream media outlets.


Garmin Italy Technologies srl

   (This review has been deleted)

App doesn't work anymore.


Microsoft Corporation


I was very happy with the app until I wanted to switch to my other account... Ever since I'm stuck because I keep being sent codes to access the other account and when I use the code, I'm sent back to the page that requires a code...


Google LLC


Great content.


Dictionary.com, LLC


This used to be my favourite app. No more. Since the last update it is very slow to load. A real pity.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/16/2022

Sorry to hear your experience with the app has taken a slowdown. We'll certainly share your report with our app team as they continue to work on updates and improvements. Thanks for using our app!



App werkt niet meer op Samsung. Leve Google Podcasts!


   (This review has been deleted)

App werkt niet meer op Samsung. Leve Google Podcasts!


AppMind-Radio FM, Radio Online


Heel goeie app. Voor de Franstalige zenders: beter dan Auvio. Die laatste crasht voortdurend.


AppMind-Radio FM, Radio Online


Heel goeie app. Voor de Franstalige zenders: beter dan Auvio. Die laatste crasht voortdurend.


Eurostar International Limited


No interaction between app and website. I booked on the website and consequently could only find back my booking in the app after looking up the booking reference on the website and entering it in the app. Useless app.


Eurostar International Limited


No interaction between app and website. I booked on the website and consequently could only find back my booking in the app after looking up the booking reference on the website and entering it in the app. Useless app.



L'application se plante qq fois par jour. Ceci n'a rien à voir avec ma connexion internet: YouTube music etc. fonctionnent sans problèmes.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/07/2021

N'hésitez pas à nous préciser le(s) problème(s) rencontré(s) via l'ongle "contact" de l'application.
Belle journée



L'application se plante qq fois par jour. Ceci n'a rien à voir avec ma connexion internet: YouTube music etc. fonctionnent sans problèmes.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/07/2021

N'hésitez pas à nous préciser le(s) problème(s) rencontré(s) via l'ongle "contact" de l'application.
Belle journée

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