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a relatively easy way of clearing out your unwanted things and making money at the same time.would have given 5 stars but the annoyance of time wasters either making arrangements then not arriving so you have to relist your item or ppl listing the same item more than once at the same time making things harder to find to buy maybe your item should remain listed until the buyer has completed the transaction and seller only bein able to list the same iteM same time same price ONCE!

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/24/2024

Hi, thank you very much for your review. Please report any issues with other users directly via the menu at the top right of the chat. You can do the same if you notice the same item listed more than once. Every report is reviewed individually and the appropriate action is then taken. Kind regards, your Shpock Team



Have tried apps that say they're easy to use whilst learning to draw but they've always been useless...this is a brilliant and easy to use app and has a rang of options including beinf able to draw from saved photos.well impressed 👍👍👍💯💯



love this game so much keeps me busy for hours got it on my phone and on the TV..100%worth downloading



So far so good, some hacks sound unbelievable but I'm still open to try them out once at least... suppose the 1st time checking it out generally is ok, watch this space



Terrible it never worked period let alone any 3day trial then have the nerve to expect me to carry out a year subscription...yea right all I wanted was to mirror my stupid phone to my stupid smart TV



Brilliant game,we have so much fun playing it and being able to have our own images makes it seem like it's real, defo worth downloading, totally addictive


Nigel Fowler


Well... having read previous players reviews I thought ok this looks ok and I did enjoy the game I really wanted to give more stars but when it comes to cashing out,I had to watch 30adds first and then after all that it just says "payment is in a que of 170 odd ppl and will be refreshed every minute"THAT WAS 6DAYS AGO" and it's only gone down by 9!! what a joke,I still play sometimes but it pointless with the amount of adds and for nothing.in my opinion it's just a scam to advertise


Popcore Games


So far so good...



just started playing but seems ok except for ads


Olio Exchange Limited


Seems ok so far,pretty impressed tbh when it says free stuff it means free,already got handbag, cakes and hair accessories and I only downloaded it last nyt will give it a few days then if still ok will up it to 5 stars




Fun and get rid of boredom....3 yrs later I'm still addicted


MentalUP - Learning Games for Kids


Brilliant game games great for all ages downloaded it the other day and have no complaints would recommend this game to all as it's appropriate for ALL ages

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/14/2021

Thank you Dani😊😊


MentalUP - Learning Games for Kids


Brilliant game games great for all ages downloaded it the other day and have no complaints would recommend this game to all as it's appropriate for ALL ages

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/14/2021

Thank you Dani😊😊


Medito for Mindfulness, Meditation and Sleep


Seems like a good app so far, simple enough to use and starts you off on a guided meditation rather throwing u in at the deep end... going to try a sleep session 2nyt c wat that's like,fingers crossed 🥱


IEC Global Pty Ltd


Brilliant game takes Ur mind off any troubles would have given it 5stars but the ads let it down. BUUUT....the game is so good it's worth the odd ad here n there!!


IEC Global Pty Ltd


Brilliant game takes Ur mind off any troubles would have given it 5stars but the ads let it down. BUUUT....the game is so good it's worth the odd ad here n there!!


Rollic Games


Ads are unbelievable, after every level,when u retry a level,even 1/2 way thru a level...game itself is brilliant hence 2 stars but ads really let it down big time.


Rollic Games


Ads are unbelievable, after every level,when u retry a level,even 1/2 way thru a level...game itself is brilliant hence 2 stars but ads really let it down big time.


   (This review has been deleted)

Soo much fun...love it!!

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