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Google LLC


The drawing UI placement is horrible and image translate is terrible for certain languages.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/28/2024

Hi there. We'd like our users to have the best possible experience with Google Translate app. The product team is constantly working to improve the Translate experience across all devices. We'll share your feedback with them. Thanks.



No one likes the recent update,you idiots don't use your beta program for these type of stuff and It'd be nice if you people made your data collecting more private. We don't want to type a paragraph just for it to say "Remember "[Message/Paragraph]" and assume that y'all saved our messages to filter and/or feed our data for your AI. If you're going to treat us like idiots don't make yourselves look like them too. Ffs



It corrects custom words I use and it doesn't correct proper English words. I'm close to finding an alternative if Google as a whole doesn't fix at least 3 issues this year.



   (This review has been deleted)

The chat gif system is too buggy and you change change your password without remembering the previous one even if you verify identity, the app is filled with bots and nearly half the app is Indians (not in a bad way but just letting y'all know).



Bad replacement.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/27/2024

Hi there, we understand your concern. Photoshop Camera, Photoshop Fix, and Photoshop Mix are no longer available, but many features and workflows can now be accessed through the Photoshop Express mobile app. For more information, please visit https://helpx.adobe.com/mobile-apps/help/photoshop-fix-mix-eos-faq.html. ^Sam



Do not trust anything that's owned by the Chinese Communist Party.


Manevolves Limited


It'd be nice if we were allowed to adjust the "attempt #" bar on the Dashboard to turn it on or off . Sometimes it hurts to see how many times people have failed compared to seeing the number rise everyday you abstain.



Greed has gotten to this app, people. Find rescue

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/17/2024

Hi, could you please tell us more about your issue? Please get in touch with us at +918780348772. Thanks.




It's good for the first week and then you start getting bombarded with the Ads.



I guess Discord made an unannounced deal with Google Verify? I use Authy for 2FA and yet I can't sign in all because you morons think everyone uses Google Authenticator? I love having 2FA just to not be able to sign in because discord is trying to force its users to use Google Authy which is horrible compared to alternative authentication apps.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

If you're logged in on another device, you could disable 2FA using the View Backup Codes option in User Settings. For further assistance, please use the steps in our Help Center: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001221072


Microsoft Corporation


The back button just backs out of the app and not the pop-up menu?



Why the hell is it still so buggy now


Big Duck Games LLC


It seems like the app bombards you with ads to push you into purchasing the ad-free premium for $5. Despite the cost, it's worthwhile as you receive many additional features. However, the excessive amount of ads is perplexing.


Google LLC


The doodle/drawing feature is very nice but it'd be nicer if It wasn't in the top right with what we're used to? At least don't place it in-between what was and put it as the end and/or beginning so we don't get confused over what we're pressing.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/08/2024

Hi there. We'd like our users to have the best possible experience with the Google Translate app. We'll share your feedback with our product team. Thanks.



Taiwan is it's own country.



Photo ID doesn't work Properly.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/14/2024

High hello AutismoGamer 👋 Let us know more about what you are seeing at [email protected], and we'll get to the bottom of the bowl. Let 'em know we sent ya 🫡


Google LLC


It'd be nice if Chrome controlled their search engine alternatives. Yes, you don't own them but you're Google. Y'all are known to act like Americans. Dumb, stupid and full of themselves so remove Bing's pop-up telling chrome users to make the switch and use Microsoft Bing with Edge


Google LLC


Our dependency on your systems will crumble 2027. By 2033 you're obsolete.


Amazon Mobile LLC


Enough ads are shown in our everyday lives we don't need ads showing through your app as notifications. If this continues we'll be boycotting.


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


It just gives my m4a files random ahh names? They're named correctly in my files but within the app it's just boof


Snap Inc


Stop running updates out that haven't even been put through the beta program and why did I get a Spotify ad that kept repeating for 5 snaps?


Amanita Design


Really fun game!


Infinity Games, Lda


It's actually pretty good. I like the several training options you have.


Atlas Reality, Inc.


Not worth it

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/12/2024

Hey there! Sounds like you're pretty unhappy with your game so far. We'd love to know what we can do to help you out. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with your questions or concerns and we'll assist you however we can. We look forward to hearing from you!




So how are users supposed to change their passwords if they can't remember their old password while logged in? You can't change your password without entering the old one, yet you need to verify through email? How the hell does that make sense? Email confirmation code → Enter code → Old password and new password. Some people forget their passwords leaving the confirmation completely useless since you confirmed you own the account but have no way of changing the password without knowing your old



You'll feel like a third of your time spending this app is nothing but music and the rest being ads. 2 hours of use will result in 40 minutes of music and 1 hour and 20 minutes of ads. This app unironically gave me suicidal depression in high school because of the amount of ads that It gave me during 2017



   (This review has been deleted)

The AI profiles aren't really fun to see and the score factor doesn't really encourage people especially when the notes aren't perfect pitch with the song. I played a songs official audio back to back through aux and it was a perfect 70 from the actual artist with their voice, meanwhile I scored an 81 with my own singing voice off pitch.


GameStop App


Can't login and even then. Changing your own password has never been more difficult


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Horrible auto-adjusments. When adding bulletin notes it just keeps making the font bigger and bigger after each ball/note. Like why the hell do I want 88 text in a portrait format?



Tone it down with the ads ffs. You're already collecting our data as is. A single app won't make you rich especially when you're throwing video ads at us.

No data yet.No data yet.