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Buggy as hell. Can't track multiple orders. Pictures don't display properly sometimes. No way to communicate easily with shops you order from. App will consistently say your order will be delivered within 20 to 30 minutes even when it takes 2+ hours. Very poorly developed app. They should take a page from eleme or meituan.



Wasn't bad considering there's only mid-consonants right now. It's polished and pretty, but ultimately there's not much here. If there were quizzes and tests one could take on the mid-level consonants, it would be more useful. As it stands, it just shows them to you, lets you practice writing them, and then the app is over as there's nothing else to do on it. Hopefully the other levels will come out soon to create some content here. Or at least add a flashcard or quiz system for whats there.



It's paid app,nothing works without money,and there's ads



Works good but there's no way to mark a favorite so it'd hard to find and keep ones you like



GOOD) This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Nice, simple program, lets users put the date/day into the status bar. BAD) For some reason, it shows 3 notification bars (when swiping down to see notifications), that stay there permanently. The only way to remove them is to hide the notifications for the app, and then the hides the entire date/day in the status bar, making it pointless. So if you really want the day/date, prepare to have 3 permanent notifications. If it didn't have those, it'd be 100% perfect. 3 stars because it does.



GOOD) This is EXACTLY what I was looking for. Nice, simple program, lets users put the date/day into the status bar. BAD) For some reason, it shows 3 notification bars (when swiping down to see notifications), that stay there permanently. The only way to remove them is to hide the notifications for the app, and then the hides the entire date/day in the status bar, making it pointless. So if you really want the day/date, prepare to have 3 permanent notifications. If it didn't have those, it'd be 100% perfect. 3 stars because it does.


Viclands Workshop


This would be great IF the text wasn't so tiny. It's the only reason it's 3 stars, the size of the text make it pretty much worthless. If it was bigger, it would be PERFECT.


Viclands Workshop


This would be great IF the text wasn't so tiny. It's the only reason it's 3 stars, the size of the text make it pretty much worthless. If it was bigger, it would be PERFECT.



Devices always randomly go offline for no reason.


Amazon Mobile LLC

   (This review has been deleted)

Always say connection timed our, please try again. Have to use a old backup phone just to use the app.


Logitech Europe S.A.


Buggy, inconvenient, slow, and is the least bit optimized to work with Amazon Echo as possible. Do not get this expecting everything to go right, because it won't unless you have the most simple of set ups. I have a TV, projector, and stereo, which sometimes I use at the same time, other times individually. Even with a month of Logitech support, both via email, online, and via phone, the problems still exist. The harmony app is very poorly designed as well, which just makes fixing problems even more impossible. I'm extremely disappointed.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/05/2017

Rj, please accept our sincere apologies. Request you to email your Harmony login id to [email protected] and provide more information on the difficulties you're experiencing with Harmony to proceed further. Thank you in advance for your support & cooperation.

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