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Just-Eat Holding Limited


Used it for 10mn and found 4 bugs



Started crashing after a few minutes every day since this week. Been using it for years without any issues before.


Amazon Mobile LLC


Has become complete garbage over the years. I signal many bugs to them, years later, the bugs are still there, screwing up the customer experience. I am not surprised amazon is not dominating e commerce as it once did.



No dark mode. Impossible to use before going to sleep.


Intelligent Apps GmbH


Hate this app. You get systematically ripped off because the displayed price is way inferior to what you eventually pay. It's just the old taxi monopoly in disguise.




This game is pure garbage. I am getting matched systematically with players with cards and ranking WAY above mine, I don't stand a chance. Guess they do that so we get frustrated and pay-to-win. Nope. Uninstalled


La Banque Postale


Pire application que j'ai jamais utilisée. Des bugs à la pelle, une ergonomie du moyen-âge, j'ai jamais vu une application aussi 'null'e. C'est simple, en 3 clics, 3 bugs : bug à l'authentification jeudi 11 novembre, pendant une journée. Bug quand on veut faire un virement (montant du compte affiche 0),et le plus pathétique : impossible de faire un virement depuis un livret a à un compte externe, y compris un compte que je possède, parce qu'ils sont infoutus de respecter leurs propres spécs.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/12/2021

Bonjour, à nouveau, nous mettons constamment l'application à jour pour répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs. L'anomalie de connexion du 11/11/21 a été résolue. Les virements entre Livret et compte externe sont limités par les règlementations mises en place dans la DSP2, que nous respectons. Bonne journée, Léa



We don't want 500 more names per week, we want less! It's excruciating to triage thousands of names, especially with duplicates, or that just differ from one letter. People are smart enough to figure that it's the same name. Also, the French names are just ridiculous. Almost exclusively compounded names, that's a joke in itself, add to that I've genuinely never seen most of those horrendous combinations in 30+ years in France.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/06/2021

Hello, sorry if you found that there were too many names, they are added by users and unfortunately I don't have the time/resources to verify if they are unique. For the French first names, they can't be ridiculous, they are real given names... and come from the INSEE data list. I am a French developer and I have checked all these names ...



We don't want 500 more names per week, we want less! It's excruciating to triage thousands of names, especially with duplicates, or that just differ from one letter. People are smart enough to figure that it's the same name. Also, the French names are just ridiculous. Almost exclusively compounded names, that's a joke in itself, add to that I've genuinely never seen most of those horrendous combinations in 30+ years in France.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/06/2021

Hello, sorry if you found that there were too many names, they are added by users and unfortunately I don't have the time/resources to verify if they are unique. For the French first names, they can't be ridiculous, they are real given names... and come from the INSEE data list. I am a French developer and I have checked all these names ...



Buggy, unusable



Buggy, unusable

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