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Si aplicatia si servicile oferite de Telekom sunt foarte slabe, ma asteptam si ca serviciul clienti sa fie mai bine pus la punct dar nu , urmeaza sa ma duc sa reziliez contractul de abonament , nu as recomanda la nimeni sa mearga cu ei.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/05/2024

Bună ! Ne pare tare rău că aceasta este impresia pe care ți-a creat-o aplicația. Ne poți spune ce probleme ai întâmpinat la adresa [email protected] , menționând codul de abonat și câteva detalii despre problemă. Vrem să facem lucrurile cât mai simple pentru clienții noștri, iar feedback-ul tău ne-ar fi de mare ajutor. Spor, Alexandra



De 2 saptamani intampin problema ca dispar restaurantele dupa ora 16:30 din aplicatie iar pana in acel interval 80% din ele arata ca nu livreaza la adresa selectata ca Home , ironic cand is pe adresa de Birou merge f bine aplicatia , daca nu se remediaza situatia cred ca ma mut pe alta platforma.

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/27/2023

Salutare, Ciprian! Ne dorim sa verificam situatia ta si sa oferim ajutor. Cand timpul iti permite, te asteptam sa ne scrii un mesaj privat in pagina noastra oficiala de Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/tazzromania .



A lot of copy from different games already on the market (Suprised that the other companys from where they stolen the graphics skins not open a law suit against them). The graphics are ok , a lot of bugs and a lot of no future that other "Giants" in this domain have like "Bad language filter", "no other language then English on cross-server chat and region map", the so called human suport is the worst i ever seen :))),the PVP system untill don't get the final 36 is BOT fight.A big joke game!

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/28/2021

Dear player, thank you for contacting us. We will pass your creative suggestion to our development teams for further consideration. Have a nice day!


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


There is no function to set tracks go on by one in order how you setup your playlist or even main playlist (like track 1,2 ,3 don't have this type of function) they have only to jump straight to the most played track even if shuffle is off set. I give 5 stars when they set the function to go 1 by 1 when shuffle is off.




Unfortunately the gems rewards from task need to be improved ,there is this rule with 1st time download,mostly of user use their fb or gplay(here even you can see everything in their achivment in games data) account login and they don't consider this as a first download ,i was in the unfortune situation i had to switch phones and lose all task free gems rewards. I give back 5☆ when fix this issue.




Unfortunately the gems rewards from task need to be improved ,there is this rule with 1st time download,mostly of user use their fb or gplay(here even you can see everything in their achivment in games data) account login and they don't consider this as a first download ,i was in the unfortune situation i had to switch phones and lose all task free gems rewards. I give back 5☆ when fix this issue.




Scam , google play should block.




Si aplicatia la fel de praf ca automatele lor care raman fara hartie pentru a da bon la mana pentru ce platesti.




Si aplicatia la fel de praf ca automatele lor care raman fara hartie pentru a da bon la mana pentru ce platesti.



I give now 3 stars , after last update you made the app non-functional for user to write a message feedback about their orders or view it to the restaurants to make an ideea if is the right spot to order , i din't test your web browsing if is same issue ,because i don't use the web browser to order. When this issue will be fix i give back 5*.



I give now 3 stars , after last update you made the app non-functional for user to write a message feedback about their orders or view it to the restaurants to make an ideea if is the right spot to order , i din't test your web browsing if is same issue ,because i don't use the web browser to order. When this issue will be fix i give back 5*.



Its f2p but p2w. The code written for random cards is a total chaos, your game need some 'true' improvements. Being a live poker player i tried almost all poker games from google store and all the respond i got from creators or developers was we are certified, trust me that so called certificate is 0 in the eye of a good live poker player and the forced ads that you request money (in app purchase) to be fully removed, absolutely uninstalled the game.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2020

Hi, we love a fair game! So we use the best RNG methods and don't manipulate cards or don't favor players. Hope you have more luck next time. Enjoy Poker!



Its f2p but p2w. The code written for random cards is a total chaos, your game need some 'true' improvements. Being a live poker player i tried almost all poker games from google store and all the respond i got from creators or developers was we are certified, trust me that so called certificate is 0 in the eye of a good live poker player and the forced ads that you request money (in app purchase) to be fully removed, absolutely uninstalled the game.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/23/2020

Hi, we love a fair game! So we use the best RNG methods and don't manipulate cards or don't favor players. Hope you have more luck next time. Enjoy Poker!



Poor why create an app to can scan or check different products from store, and don't create an section "in purchase and delivery (with cost if is under an minimum wage)" . Very disappointing.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/09/2020

Dear Azazeal,
Thank you for your feedback.
We are grateful for any constructive criticism and make every effort to meet the expectations of our customers.
Your Kaufland App Team




Not worth spend time, full of bugs and lag, and i'm sure is not from my ISP the problem on wi-fi over 5GB/min traffic and on 4G+ 1GB/min traffic.

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/06/2020

Hi there, thank you for supporting us! We apologize for any inconvenience caused! We promise to give you a better gaming experience in the future! Do feel free to contact us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EyouLunathorn/ for further inquiries. Do enjoy the game and please rate for us again! Thank you :D




Not worth spend time, full of bugs and lag, and i'm sure is not from my ISP the problem on wi-fi over 5GB/min traffic and on 4G+ 1GB/min traffic.

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/06/2020

Hi there, thank you for supporting us! We apologize for any inconvenience caused! We promise to give you a better gaming experience in the future! Do feel free to contact us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EyouLunathorn/ for further inquiries. Do enjoy the game and please rate for us again! Thank you :D


Mist Games


Sadly if you chose to login with Gplay on the website you cannot access the function with your Gplay account... like Gold Shop etc...The ideea is good to bring from pc to mobile but need still a lot of improvements, especially for the website login...


Mist Games


Sadly if you chose to login with Gplay on the website you cannot access the function with your Gplay account... like Gold Shop etc...The ideea is good to bring from pc to mobile but need still a lot of improvements, especially for the website login...



Very helpfully , you can easily setup your road in Czech very easy and very detailed .

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/22/2019

Thank you for praise. If you experience any problems with our application in the future, feel free to contact us via the Contact us, which is found in the main menu of the application under Support and Contacts. Your IDOS.cz support.



Very helpfully , you can easily setup your road in Czech very easy and very detailed .

Developer Replies Reply Time 03/22/2019

Thank you for praise. If you experience any problems with our application in the future, feel free to contact us via the Contact us, which is found in the main menu of the application under Support and Contacts. Your IDOS.cz support.


MMORPG Awesome Games Dev

   (This review has been deleted)

You should try fix the lag on server 2,in rest everything is ok.



Game made for money :)) not worth lose time on it !

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