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Great app!


Great app to put together videos and very easy to use. I like the function that allows you to grab audio from other videos in your library.
Just put together my first reel using the app and will be using vixer going forward for more.

Downloads work but videos are grainy


The app is working fine for me. I've had the app for years now but have come to notice the quality in the video downloads. The videos are grainy depending on where the download is coming from (Instagram for example) and also appears grainy while watching in the browser. This just began over a month ago. Before hand all videos were clear. Once that's resolved, the app will be back to its original state.

Download button doesn't appear on stories


Great app, it does what it needs to do as far as downloading images.
The stories portion of it is a bit clunky. The download button doesn't appear on stories but will pop up once or twice if you're lucky.
Hopefully that can be resolved, it's the only thing keeping me from giving the full 5 stars

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/19/2023

Thank you for your review. Please send us an email if you are having any issue with our app and we will be happy to help you.


Martynas Ramonas

Latest update destroyed the app


The latest update transferred my account to my gmail account. With that I am now having to continuously verify my Instagram.
Before the update there was an option where you could set the app to "never" for checking profiles if they're live. This prevented Instagram from asking you to verify your account which would ultimately lead to a ban. The option is now gone.
I'm no developer for this app but I believe the most recent verification notices has something to do with what I mentioned above being removed. Not once did I run into any verification issues after I switched the option to "never". In addition, the app never missed a recording with the "never" option chosen as well.
Please return the app to logging in via Insta or return the option to choose how often the app checks for lives. The tutorial video in this update is a nice touch. Had that been implemented before instructing users where to switch the check options to "never", I highly doubt any reviews on here would mention account bans or verifications.


Martynas Ramonas

Updates keep breaking the app


With every update comes new bugs and the latest prevents the app from launching.
The app functions if it's a fresh download then after a few hours, the app doesn't launch.
I now have to continuously delete the app and re-download in order for it to function before breaking again.
Hopefully there's a fast fix.
Also for users who Instagram accounts get locked: Setting the app to never for recording lives and manually entering when someone goes live has actually stopped Instagram from locking my account. Hope that helps everyone using this app

I want my money back!


I want a refund. The point of this app is/was to download videos. File organization came second.
The notes for the update that removed the video download functionality states you were removing the Auto Capture for compliance to AppStore Requirements. It said nothing about removing the download functionality all together. Even if it did, you do not remove something customers clearly paid for to upgrade to.
You've released two updates since then and none has fixed the issue (assuming there's an error) nor addresses it in the notes. There should be a download option and if there is, state where it is or refund me my cash.


Rovio Entertainment Oyj



This game is pure fun!!! I spend countless hours grinding for upgrade points, sleep and do it again lol

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