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Terrible. Not like the ad


Yet another scammy app that is more fun on the ad. On level two they start to make it so difficult that you must watch a video or make a purchase to win. Even when you think about your moves, and you get close to beating the level, it runs out of time. Also they make you play a ridiculously easy round each time to get to the real challenge. So you have to keep playing the same stupid game again and again to beat the impossible level. Looks like there are fake reviews. This game is just like every other game of its type. Quick delete & staying away from developer Rocket Go global!


Peak Games

The absolute worst!


Game just gets ridiculous. You can't pass levels unless you spend money. They only have high ratings because they get people to review early when it's still fun. They do not care at all that players get stuck for months on an impossible game.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/17/2024

We are sorry to hear that you feel this way. Our goal is to provide you with the most fun puzzle game experience, and it is always possible to complete the levels without making any in-app purchases.
We appreciate our players' feedback to improve our game. You can be sure that your feedback will be considered accordingly by our product team.

Makes it impossible to win without boosts


Another fun match game with nice graphics that becomes too difficult or impossible after you win a few levels. I suppose it's to get you to spend money but when there is no strategy that allows you to win without purchasing something it's not really fun anymore.


Kiwi Fun HK Limited

Make it make sense


It's fun until it's not. The lack of consistency in the rules makes it frustrating. After you get all the traditional matches the way, the tutorial says, the matches that remain on the board don't make sense and there's no real explanation of how or why they are allowed. The end of the row beginning of the row thing is sort of logical but some matches have no discernible reason. Also, getting a clue is so weird- you can't just tap the magnifying glass. The clue just sort of shows up after an indeterminate amount of time. The last several minutes of the game are just frustrating because you want it to end and start a new game but you are left with what looks like mostly random numbers on the board. Matches that were not allowed earlier work after the clue says they match and there is no explanation of the rules that make those late game matches possible.


Loc Nguyen Duc

Ads ruin the game


Another fun game totally ruined by the most obnoxious ads they force you to watch every few minutes. It's just ridiculous when you choose silent for a game, but the ads are loud & unpleasant and interrupt any podcast or music you have running. I don't understand why advertisers think this is effective. I have actually deleted games that were pretty fun because their ads were so invasive. Every game that has this type of ad gets a one star review from me. It's too bad because I like finding new games from ads without sound.


Peak Games

Gets ridiculous and un fun


The graphics are great and it is a lot of fun until it's not. A challenge is one thing, but after a certain level, the game is just stupid. There are too many non match items so the bar fills quickly and the things you are supposed to find are little tiny things that fall underneath the many giant things you don't need. There is just not enough time and no way to win boosters for more time unless you spend money. Would love to keep this game but I'm so sick of losing this level. Make an easier version or ways to win time please!!


Dino Global Studio

Worst ads in a game EVER


Would really like to be able to play this but you cannot get through even a minute without the ridiculous ads. It even has pop-ups that cause you to lose time & lose the game. Not only will I be deleting this app but I am deleting every game advertised on this app. I'm even going to look the developer up and delete anything I have they developed. The games you get to play within the advertisement for the game are longer. Truly terrible.


Inspired Square FZE

Fun addictive game - Appreciate developer outreach


Good game but very hard to stop playing :D. Originally had some issues with some of the ads but developer reached out twice to address the problem so I updated my review.
lPrevious review: Ads on a free game are fine and expected but when they are so obnoxious that they never let you get back to the game or play immutable sound they ruin an otherwise fun game

Developer Replies Reply Time 02/20/2024

Hi, We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the ads. Your feedback matters a lot to us and we're actively reevaluating our ad strategy to enhance your gameplay. Our aim is to provide a more seamless and enjoyable experience while still supporting the game's development.
Moreover, please report any such ads by clicking on the "i" button on the ad. It will take you to the ad provider platform. Send us a screenshot of that screen along with the screenshot of the ad and we will block it ASAP.


Peak Games

Very fun but...


Love this game and the ever changing challenges but there are frequently little bugs that cause you to lose a level (when you didn't) or make a move you didn't,metc. That's usually to be expected but when you report issues the tech support pretty much always says you're wrong even when you've taken screen shots of the things that happened as described. I think it would be a better game & more fair if they paid attention to issues when people are taking the time to give feedback.





OMG just make a relaxing puzzle game that I can listen to a podcast or music & simply play the game. This could be fun & challenging, but they absolutely ruin it with the impossible time frame for stupid hard levels & force you to replay the easy levels each time you don't beat the level. You can get a little more time and boosters by watching 80 SECOND ADS that will not allow any other media to play in the bg. When the ads are not offensive, I don't mind them- I frequently purchase or download the things they are advertising but the ads in this game make me want to delete the app entirely. And I will never ever ever download apps like Solitaire Cash, because their ads are so obnoxious.


Fomo Games

Really fun but..


Game is great but wish there was a way to see moves not allowed or time restraints before failing the level.



Lose the offensive ads!


The game itself is actually good but that is ruined by the ads. I do not usually mind an ad but the game has unnecessarily LOUD un-mutable ads that are so obnoxious you have to shut down the app to make it stop. Does anyone really think this helps sell anything?? But the thing that prompted me to write this review was the ads for PORN GAMES. What the what?!???? How could anyone think that it's cool to toss in an ad for a choose your own adventure game with scantily clad cartoon girls discussing their plans for a bdsm party??? I was playing an innocuous puzzle game & there is nothing remotely like this in my apps. I allow children to play on my phone. Read the room Water Sort! Your ads are the WORST!

Mistakes & no support or ability to give feedback


Love these kinds of games but it's annoying when there are clear mistakes & no ability to report them. Was even asked for feedback & was taken to a faq search. Also, very long frequent ads for such short play time. Could be fun but developers don't seem to care about making improvements

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/21/2023

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We’re sorry you had a bad experience and will strive to do better 🙏. Usually, you can create a ticket in the Support section to report any bugs in the app.
Can you please email us at [email protected] to provide your device specifications and help the team identify the issue?


State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company

Keeps signing me out


I like the idea of the app but it seems to be glitchy. I am constantly being signed out of the app on my phone. The last time I was not alerted the last time I was signed out for over a month. Now I'm getting constant alerts that my discount is in jeopardy. Annoying

Great with a bonus


This is a nice calming free brain puzzle but I think one of my very favorite things is that the developer doesn’t make you sign your life away in a sneaky 40 page user agreement designed to trick you into buying stuff. Show me an ad any day- sometimes I even buy the things advertised but I appreciate that they don’t try to deceive you into it.

Quit with the dirty tricks!


This game would be awesome if they would stop with the obnoxious inconsistent tricks - after you get to a higher level they begin arbitrarily taking away tools you have earned from getting all 3 stars. After a certain point the game becomes impossible unless you have them. I will have banked 3 lasers and for no reason it wipes them out to zero. It's happened several times. Also they'll change the ball color at the last second as your finger is on it so you're aiming at the wrong thing- which pretty much makes it a wasted game and it ruins what would otherwise be a fun game. This is presumably to get you to buy tokens(ticking people off is a pretty crappy strategy). This is usually the kind of thing that would make me just delete the game but I like it enough to keep it. So please fix this and I will change my review.


The Pinkfong Company, Inc.

VERY intrusive alerts, sneaky, pushy sales tactics and NO customer service ruin this app!


I have had this app for almost 2 years and my nephew really loves it. Like many children's apps they are very pushy and kind of sneaky with the trying to sell you things (more stories and songs, other apps etc) but that seems to be par for the course. If there's a way to trick you into spending money, the entities responsible for selling App Store items have no qualms about doing whatever it takes, including targeting kids and there just don't seem to be any kinds of regulations to discourage the practice. Ironically, I know I wouldn't mind spending money on an app like this one if the sales practices were slightly less despicable. This app is certainly not the worst offender.
But what has led me to the 1 star review was the app alerts at 3:30 am for 3 days in a row(so far)- waking everyone up. I have alerts in notifications turned OFF completely for this app yet I still get them all the time. There is also no icon for this app in my settings for applications.
Clicking the "app support" link in the App Store opens a safari page with names of the apps made by this developer and NO support. When you click the app you would like support for you are of course directed right back to the App Store to purchase the app you now wish you did not already purchase.
So I just gotta say UGGGGH! I am going to have to delete a pretty good app that could have gotten a good review and actual $ purchases but I will never pay money to app developers who try to strong arm me into buying things(or trick children into it) and certainly not ones who have ZERO support (which to me demonstrates zero concern for customers).
I also feel the App Store should govern the ability of the developers to send alerts and provide support for the things offered. This is one of MANY apps with this kind of issue (this app just happens to be pretty good if you disregard customer service problems) Any other kind of store would never offer items from vendors who so blatantly could care less about the people buying their products.



What causes you to lose?!????


Not that anyone will ever see or read this review because they only show the same 2, 5-star reviews out of the many, no matter if you ask for most critical, favorable etc. but that has nothing to do with my problem with this game.
Like SO many almost great games, the lack of instructions pretty much ruin the fun of it. For this particular game, nowhere does it explain what you do that causes you to lose the game. It just pops on the screen YOU LOSE with no explanation. I mean why not 1 simple sentence explaining how to avoid whatever you did??? SO ANNOYING!
Another minor annoyance, there should be some setting to mute the awful music rather than turning off the sound of your entire device.
It also stinks that the only way to possibly voice any issue with the game is by a review. I hate writing a bad review. If you hate getting bad reviews be contactable.


PeopleFun CG, LLC



Like the game but the strikes are kind of annoying & unnecessary. It usually happens when the touch screen reacts incorrectly to what you tried to select.


Avantar LLC



The phone numbers they give are ALWAYS WRONG!!! It's bizarre how difficult it is to even get basic info available in any old school phone book. Many times the places listed when searching have been out of business since before the iPhone was was even available. I'd say It's like the database was compiled by a bunch of chimps but that would be an insult to chimps.


Dataca Corp.



I want to love this app, but at this point I just want to use this app. The guide and instructions (or lack of) ARE TERRIBLE!!! The very intricate detailed screens that are supposed to provide instruction are too small to read with the naked eye and can not be enlarged. And the absolute void of customer support is just frustrating. I've had this app for a year and I've done everything I can think of to try to understand how to use this- I've emailed- I've gone to the website. NO ONE EVER RESPONDS TO ANYTHING! Read these reviews - they're great from the fortunate people who've figured out use it (& still many of those express my same difficulties) and the rest of us just want some help. It's a shame so much hard work went into making this a good app for the developers to just drop the ball when explaining how to use it.

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