Evaluated App
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Digital licence not available during maintenance


How is it that a product developed as recently as this app is shut down during system maintenance? Ensuring access 100% of the time is 101 in app development.


SolarEdge Technologies

mySolarEdge App 2.21


Please fix the app so that it reports Solar Production, Consumption and Self Consumption. I can see all three on the web version so I know the data is there.

Developer Replies Reply Time 04/17/2024

Thank you for reaching out to us. we would kindly ask you to contact our support team to investigate the issue at: https://www.solaredge.com/en/support


Department of Home Affairs

Just another govt app that operates in isolation


What does this app not interface with the Medicare app where the vaccination details reside? I was unable to get the DPD app to recognise the camera to scan a screen shot of the QR code I had sent to my husband. How is any normal human expected to use this ap?

Preview of photo library


It would be an improvement if the preview of the photo library showed the pictures in the same ratio size as the postcard rather than as the current square.


Mobileware Studio SL

Great app


Really useful app and well worth installing. Bit flaky after several transfers but worth perservering.

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