Evaluated App
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Barnes & Noble

Can’t log in


Every time I try to log in it tells me my email and password are not correct. I’ve changed them, I’ve deleted the app and reinstalled. Nothing seems to help. I just want to access the books and mags I have paid for.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/24/2024

Sorry for the difficulty you've experienced signing into your account. We suggest using either the mobile site or a desktop computer to reset your password. Then, reinstall the app prior to signing in with your newly created password. If you still need assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].



Daily plans


I absolutely love the daily plans and devotions! I can take them with me everywhere. Super convenient!


Sleep Number Corporation



I love using this app as much as I like the bed! It gives me insight into my sleep habits and gives amazing suggestions on how to get the most rest. Highly recommend!



Daily plans


I absolutely love the daily plans and devotions! I can take them with me everywhere. Super convenient!

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