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3 stars is half 👍🏼👎🏼


Ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads ads.
Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun.

Help!! 👎🏼 (Scary story. Do not read if easily scared.) (Do read if you care about your safety!)


Ok, hi. Just want to say a few THINGS about this game, Okay? Okay. So the first thing is DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME!!! THIS GAME IS WEIRD, CREEPY, AND VERY SCARY WHEN YOU FIGURE OUT WHAT I’M ABOUT TO TELL YOU!!! Okay, so I was just playing this DECENT game, right? And I’m in the Semi-Finals, right? So I’m just about to start a match and… wait a second… umm… why does it say my town name?? Ummm… so yeah, it knows where I live. Great. Just great. Now I can’t be upstairs (where my room is) by myself without feeling that someone is… watching me.😩😱This gives me nightmares and last night I couldn’t even go to the bathroom because I was so scared. When I was trying to go to sleep last night, I sat up and looked in the gameroom (which I can see from my bed. And I sleep on the top bunk) and there is a computer in there. I looked at the chair, and I saw a face. 😭😭 At first… I thought that is was my dad (because he had just came and told me goodnight). Then, I heard him downstairs. So I was kind of freaked out. But then I just layed back down and watched my TV until it turned off. Thankfully, I had all sweet, peaceful dreams. And it still kinda scares me, but I know I’m okay. By the way, game is decent, but not that good. Please try and make it better for other players, because obviously I deleted it. Also, Every single game, you have to watch and ad, even if you win. Brother, please just fix this. I am sooo scared thinking about this and writing this review. Hope you got something from this story. Have a blessed day. Bye!



Too many ads.


If I could rate -5, I would! If I have to watch 1 more ad, I’m done with this game!





Kind of strange that I’m 10 years old, and I play this because how is it 17+ now?? Like yeah I just turned 10 3 days ago, but this (should be) a 2+ game!! My little sister is 8, plays this game all of the time, and never, ever has had a problem with this or any other games like this!! This is just stupid, VooDoo!! Get over your problems! Lol 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Fomo Games

👇🏼Honest rating👇🏼 Too hard and too many ads.


Hi, it’s a fine game, just, a few things I don’t like.
1. I am on level 57, okay? So I try to play, and it is like there is no way to get the level beat with barely any moves at all. Like, 30 moves and 30 cars? Really? The developers are just flat out telling you that you have to be perfect and can’t mess up at all. I ain’t watching a stupid ad for a minute and a half just to get 5 more moves. No! 2. You literally have to watch an ad for every single thing that you do! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Not cool and not fair. 3. The levels get harder and harder as you go, correct? Okay, so I noticed that the moves usually get lower and lower the higher you go. Like I said though, usually. So don’t rat me out if I’m wrong. 4. I’m ALWAYS in a really high placing. Like rn I’m in 79th place. On level 57. Like what?!?!?! 5. I’ve also noticed some glitching in the game. Like when I have the lights, they will be on like 3 seconds, and I’ll go, and they turn to 0 and I get -2 moves and it’s not fair! But anyway, this is a good game if you like ads, extremely hard levels, and unfair stuff like this. So yeah, like I said, it’s a fine game. It just… needs some changes and updates. So thanks for reading this review. Developers please respond. 😊😊

Please Read! Stop believing the lies! (My true rating 👆)

   (This review has been deleted)

Hi! This is the perfect game! I am in love, but, a couple problems. Before we start, I just want to say, “Stop believing the lies!” So many people are saying “OMG this game has way too many ads!” Or “Stop putting so many ads!” “BLAH BLAH BLAH” Bruh they are lying. Just stop. Like there are not that many ads, at all! Literally you get and ad like every 15 minutes! (Sorry if I’m exaggerating a little bit.) And like some people just want to cancel your fun. So, like I said, I have a couple of problems. First off, when you get to like level 3 I think, it gets very challenging. If you are a developer and reading this, please make the time limit way longer also. Anyway, back to the story. I am on level 6, and can’t get past it. (PS if anyone knows how to get past level six, tell me, please.) But yeah so make it easier please. Secondly, on the ads for this, it looks amazing, so fun, just gorgeous! But in the game, it’s like “Bruh, really” And I don’t know if yal developers make the ads or not, but just try and make it more like the ads. And you have to get past all the levels to get cool stuff like, Why, just why? It is so annoying having to pass every single level and it getting harder and harder, like, why can’t you just be like other games? Developers please respond. Thanks for reading. God bless you! 🌸☺️


Groom Lake Development, LLC

Great cheat!


Works perfect every time. Cheating is great! Buy this for your kids!


Eldring Games AB



Awesome game

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