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Pretty great but…


Every Voodoo game has been absolute garbage or is covered in mtx incentives. Thought this game was pretty fun, have a similar one with differences but it’s much much much farther along in content, so I feel bad that I bought the no-ads for this. I also feel bad cause, although it’s getting slow as I progress, I’m stuck on the 4th world and I’m leveling up my stats slower now. A few rounds for 1 stat, that kinda thing. But now I’m noticing I’m making it fewer and fewer waves into the world even though I’m not losing my boosts or stats. Using the same weapon sequences that have gotten me to floor 20 to face the boss multiple times but now all of a sudden I can’t make it to 15 then 10 now I died on 6. Could be I’m a conspiracy theorist or voodoo has mtx incentives that aren’t so immediately obvious. This company really need to pull its head out of its donkey.

Love this game but…


After buying the “no ads” it’s bugged out on level 119. You can see the end-of-level steps as the screen says “swipe to start” so I swipe and it immediately tells me I failed, watch an ad to continue, the same thing will happen, the level will start off at the end and fail. or restart the level entirely and start the process, again, over. If you can’t pay for college get a real job, voodoo. Don’t push a $500 30 second ad to get mtx from a game you can’t even properly update. Absolutely pathetic.



Gilded garbage


Turns out the gilding is paint btw. Ads play midway through a level with no appropriate entry apparent, basically legal harassment.
Other than that and crashing issues (note the developer) every time I try to restart a level I get prompted to pay for no ads instead because (note the developer). If voodoo made a lawn mower it would be on the shelf missing the pull start, the casing and 1 wheel.


Dream Games

Candy Crush with MTX


Have you ever played candy crush? Same thing but they limit how much you can lose and offer to keep you alive for money.


Rollic Games

Wonderful game


Great game overall but don’t bother with any guns other than spread shot. Once you see how effective the spread shot guns are the rest are basically useless.


Dream Games





Dream Games

Change your game to Royal Trash

   (This review has been deleted)

Been stuck on level 159 for over a week. Boosts don’t get me anywhere all the while you can only try 5 times till you’re out of lives. Purely an mtx pusher made by someone with other more important investments so they don’t need to ad splurge. Deleted for ethical reasons.


Rollic Games

Check it out


If you like disappointment. refer to title, then reread. First thing I noticed coming into this game was the adblocker because they had one and not a single ad popped up in the first 5 minutes. Got past a few levels now I’m stuck on one that… the new power-up they give you… doesn’t help you pass the wall you found that they put here because that’s what progression is supposed to be except now I’m stuck on what seems like an mtx pusher. Lose all my lives, cause that’s mtx pushers, then b- delete this farce of game. Gday m80s.


Dream Games

9/10 because…


Overall this game is what it says it is. No ads, no mtx. There’s just one thing they don’t show; the save the king levels are once every 10 or more levels, like they think it’s a reward for you but it’s actually just lack of development on their end (just being honest). The no ads/mtx is really nice though. Playing a full level with no ad interrupts, moving to the next with no ads and not getting mtx deals thrown in my face every level I can’t win has been absolutely wonderful. That all said those ads you put out where someone’s incapable of completing the level, that one that makes everyone think they can do better than the ad definitely, right? I understand showing someone the first few levels good sequences but after 20 levels I don’t need your help finding matches. Put an option in to turn help off please, it kinda gets in the way when I’m looking for matches myself, eg it tried to suggest me making a 4 piece square when I had a 5 piece straight line for the best power up in front of me. I guess it’s not so much that it’s in the way, more that it’s flawed and overall useless if it can’t suggest to you what the actual best match is currently present onscreen.

Holidays create complacency


The ordering system is broken, right before christmas weekend, naturally. I’m sure anyone who can fix it is off till Tuesday as well…

Developer Replies Reply Time 12/26/2023

Thank you for your feedback! Please follow up further with our Care Team about your experience.


Preferred chess platform


Loved chess my whole life but never found the appropriate outlet to get into for it (life and its trials and all) then my buddy recommended this after trying several other, less than pleasing, apps. This is probably the only platform other than streaming/consoles that I’d willingly pay this much for membership. You might think that’s laughable but take a few minutes to browse everything you can in the app. It has full game analysis for matches you won/lost to help improve. You can even review your opponent’s play style to better combat them in the future. There’s a plethora of guides, videos and teaching services that can help any newcomer. There’s daily puzzles and a few other versions like speed chess. There seem to be live matches from pros and champs around the world every few days. Instead of just playing an “npc” head over to the playable computers to play an npc that fits your style or your expertise, there’s a lot to choose from. I haven’t even scratched the surface of the capabilities of this app and that’s saying something cause they have it on their main site as well and I’m sure it’s much more in depth on a pc versus a phone. Definitely worth a try if you find it!!

Best app ever

   (This review has been deleted)

They say in their terms they can remote access your pc or phone to provide technical support without your request or knowledge. I’ve been to high school , I know what it’s like when the librarian remote accesses working pcs to divert non school behavior. Noticed remote access success immediately after I tried a few games then closed the app. Everytime I would type or try to access other apps I’d get interference like app closing upon immediate use, autocorrect going haywire and misspelling worse than my 6/10 thumb typing and when trying to delete sentences I’d get stopped and upon holding the delete button my keyboard would go blank in a frozen state but come back a few seconds later. Needless to say I’m staying away from this one and others with the same paragraph (it’s in the registration section 😉)

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/10/2023

Hello, we are sorry that you have had a negative experience with this app. We love to hear from our players. Please contact Player Support at any time if you have any questions or anything else. We are always here to assist with your concerns.


Hungry Studio

Ad is different


Your game is smaller than the ad and far more boring as such. 5 stars for awareness.

Jeffrey uses Spotify too


I’ve wanted to move over from Spotify to Amazon music for awhile now, to minimize expenses for enjoyment and all nothing against Spotify they’re freakin awesome, and was sorely disappointed in less than 10 minutes. Advertisements for separate apps/products should not be showing up on prime that’s what the free platform is for or so you’d think, I’m sure with Amazon unlimited music out, priorities are changing and prime members are valued less in comparison, so ad splurge. Having never used Amazon prime music in the past, I wonder if it’s always been shuffle only or if that started with the release of unlimited. Sad to see prime is now not the best option. If you want good shipping and limited shows/movies it’s for you. But they’re obviously splitting up their “free incentives” into separate apps with separate memberships so expect $50+ paying for subscriptions via Amazon in the near future. Books will probably be next. Lastly the point of a music app is to add your favorite artists right? Then why am I only able to add whole albums but not an entire artist? This is by far one of the most asinine complications on a music app, have an artist list with no way to add them, instead spend your time adding singular songs or albums then shuffle it so you hear what they think should be next not what you want. Absolute garbage. 5 stars for awareness.

Greed and gluttony


Games like this are proof humanity in people is nonexistent. I hope this company goes bankrupt so they know how it feels to lose money in something they were promised to proliferate in.

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/13/2023

Hello, we are sorry that you have had a negative experience with this app. We love to hear from our players. Please contact Player Support at any time if you have any questions or anything else. We are always here to assist with your concerns.


Lessmore UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Pet food acquisition insufficient


One of my top favs, my only previous beef was servers not making drinks when they’re the prioritized item. Honestly haven’t bothered to check if they fixed it, I just make a behind the counter food item prioritized even if it’s worth less than the drinks in the server area. That said , I really hope you guys make a more capable process for getting pet food. The eggs hatch at similar Intervals. Common-100, Rare-300, Epic-900 and based on this, as I haven’t gotten one myself, Legendary-2700. So if you ever make an Ultimate egg… 8100 pet food!? You only get between 5-15 food drop if that’s even what you get out of the common chests. Either there needs to be a better way to get pet food via the pet interface (dismantle eggs seems good, it’s a double edge, get food for current pet from dismantling or keep it to hatch and upgrade pets via combination) or make pet food an available drop in big/theme chests where the chance of getting food is greater than getting common clothes in big chests and raise the food chance a bit more for themed chests. Just a small gripe, I’m close to a legendary pet using the current processes. Looking forward to the clubs, me and a friend have been waiting to hopefully summon eachother characters to help eachother lol.

Nice steal


First of all, kudos to whoever managed to get the address chess.com instead of having to make some ridiculous website like chessfriendsandpuzzles.com. Haven’t gotten to fully explore the app and the membership price kinda sucker punched me when I saw it lol but I know a few people who’ve been using this app on the phone and pc and they highly recommend the app itself and getting the membership. The puzzles are fun, the computers are tough but beatable and there’s 4 ways to find your friends to play them (humans are so much more fun to play than AI). I’ve had a great time on it so far. I’ve also seen a few links for live chess matches between professionals, not my own preference to watch them but I intend on looking anyway. Speed chess between world champs vs competitors has gotta be on the wire. All in all this app seems amazing, a little overpriced for someone new to it, but I’m sure I’ll experience the incentives soon as I already see them on the horizon.

Developer Replies Reply Time 09/24/2023

Thank you for leaving us this positive feedback.


Rollic Games

Poor memory


This game was fun up until it started lagging offline, So I got rid of it. I’m back and the lag on an offline, no cellular, airplane mode-on game is still lagging like it has server capabilities but you fail to meet the reqs. Whether it’s a bad cache or lack of one entirely, git gud Rollic.


FlukeDude Ltd

Poor placement


The checkpoint flag is far too close to the bottom of the screen to use efficiently. If I get stuck at a part, I have to use another finger to hit it and half the time my phone tries swiping out of the app because of its proximity to the bottom of the screen. Getting good isn’t really an option since this games quite impossible to clear. Please put the checkpoint flag somewhere closer to the center. 2 star for incentive, will check back monthly.


Total Security Limited

Sad sight indeed


I’ve never seen an app with so many bad reviews, people mislead newcomers with 5star reviews to get their attention that youre app is a complete scam and you yourself are thieves who make it impossible to get a refund. Add the description of your purchase steps; purchasing every perk separately till you get to the end and find you’re paying $80+. I think I’ll wholeheartedly avoid you. To the unwary newer-comer, read all the reviews there’s no good ones with a decent description. Only paragraphs you’ll find are complaints about this obvious scam. 5 stars to get this app removed.


PNC Bank, N.A.

Another great “ “, terrible app

   (This review has been deleted)

I’ve already had multiple problems in the past with no card withdrawal and terrible app maintenance and updates. Now I recently had to reset my password and after entering the old password one time it locked me out saying to reset it again. I’m sorry what? I just reset it. I’d rather delete the app and use text banking again. Apparently PNC can’t operate efficiently on so complex a platform as a phone app. For shame.

Stupid troll(s)


The only consistent bug I’ve dealt with is the game freezing at some point or another, forced to close it, reopen and all my moneys gone, all my upgrades for the current land are gone but I’m still halfway through the land with enemies still beefed up. Without buying that ridiculously overpriced troll that makes this whole plot seem completely intentional, you can’t get further at this point so it’s either buy the troll or redownload the app and start over. Happy to say I don’t mind starting over, keep your troll, you trolls.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/25/2023

We're very sorry you've encountered this issue! Please contact us at [email protected] with your details, attaching screenshots\screenrecords, mentioning your device and your in-game ID. We'll do our best to resolve it. Thank you!

Even worse than ads

   (This review has been deleted)

Poor game development and bug fixes. Disconnected me from the game after whatever pathetic idea they have for a cache overloaded and I lost all my gold to “reupgrade” after finding a new land. Used my last explosive to get past levels just barely. Now it’s either pay them to get items or delete it and start over. Nice try. Deleting it and finding a better copy with more commitments and less Scrooge.

Developer Replies Reply Time 07/21/2023

Thank you for your feedback! Our development team will definitely consider your opinion and make the game even better. Stay tuned for the updates! :)

New trend


This trend of showing people a fun, easy AND IDLE situation. Then you play and have to do 10 minutes of nonsense and eventually figure out that resource collecting is just that, not an idle game, but a full on story game, build-a-base type deal and that resource collecting will be minimal in comparison to the grand scheme of everything. Was looking for an idle woodcutter but was lied to, 1 star for lies.

Bright future


Update: My withdrawal got reviewed in less than 48 hours and is on its way to my account. *SPOILER ALERT* if yours didn’t happen this way you didn’t follow the prompts appropriately or you didn’t register appropriately. It’s not their fault some people don’t take the proper time to read an explanation. You could try reading their terms of service too there’s useful stuff in there.
5 stars because it’s fun and, after only depositing $5 and getting a $5 bonus, I made $45 in an hour and had like $9 bonus cash so naturally I payed 50 to play and lost it all. Seems fair given the winning streak I had and deciding not to immediately start the withdrawal process. Made $22 back in a few matches and started withdrawal. Based on everything I read cuz I looked carefully at all of it, the wait could be 3-30 days at most. Anyone complaining about the withdrawal time, try getting a refund at many stores. Places your card clears instantly will also tell you it takes 3-7 days despite the fact that a refund is basically a direct deposit. This stuff happens like an assembly line, someone’s working on the same thing as yours and yours is still in the pile, they’ll get to it relax. You can also message them if it’s overdue based on their own time estimates. That’s how customer service works.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/22/2023

Hi there, thanks for your positive review. We are glad that you have fun with our games and have won a lot of cash from them. We have a strict system to ensure fairness, and we are dedicated to building a worldwide casual gaming platform that guarantees our players a fair, high-quality gaming experience. Hope you can win more cash in our games.


Rollic Games

Same game, slower progress


First of all, pressure washing?? Are there too many car washing games out there that you didn’t want to feel like a number instead of a developer or did you already put one out, iron out the mtx bugs and forget about it last year??? Secondly, it’s the same as all their other straight-path games with slower progress and experience gain. Went through 15 levels with what few boosts I could get in that time frame and never did I go over, say, 10% to the level 3 washer? Like your boosts disappear after the level starts. Can’t say I like it, between level progress and theme it’s a 1/10 at best.


Dream Games

Too many noticeable problems


I’ve only gotten so far, about level 50 and the game isn’t too bad, but some issues definitely. Most of the recent reviews are new people saying it’s meh/ok (me) and people who’ve had it for awhile saying it’s been acting up over the last year. Also stated in several reviews, I’ve noticed the half hour of unlimited/ boosts hardly makes any impact on your play as, also, level difficulty literally means nothing concerning the stage you’re about to do. Noticed this when butler rewards first came up and the 3 stages needed for the first full charge got completed in 2-5 moves each, when I had already had previous levels stonewall me for several tries. Heard of frequent bouts of unbeatable levels for a week, to clearing “super hard” in 2 moves both across single player and team modes. The stages you see advertised are there, but I’ve only seen one so far at level 30 so figure that into it and you’re playing 3-4 every hundred stages. Probably will delete soon as incentives are minuscule without heavy ad use, they are all voluntary ads though, so at least part of their advertisement is true.


Rollic Games

Bad bug, will try again later

   (This review has been deleted)

Level 2 starts. Hit a fire rate wall, an enemy and another fire rate wall with a couple ammo in between. Somewhere after the first fire rate and before the 2nd it sputters and restarts the level. Looks like there was a recent big update so we’ll chalk this up to collateral damage as it so often happens with big updates to any game. Will try again later, but cmon devs, this is your time to shine. Let’s 👏. Get 👏. This 👏. Done 👏👏👏.


Dream Games

Le sigh, le sham…


Short version: eventually forces mtx for progression. Deleted.


Hungry Studio

Nice try


Tetris with the “everyone wins” algorithm except now according to others you get stonewalled after about 3000-4000 points. Nice, using a game platform that’s existed for decades and adding some “creativity” to it, only to eventually tell your players to sit on a pin. Can we get some downvote buttons here?

No data yet.No data yet.