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SilverAI Joint Stock Company

Somehow each update makes this app worse


I love SnapEdit, been using it for a year but since like January, my god these updates been pissing me off, first making each feature only being used 3 times per day where as previously it was unlimited, remove background feature becoming more tedious by being more like SnapBG and then there was adding watermarks to the enhance photos and now water marks to everything including the remove items and background. Like I swear to god each update finds a way to piss me off more and more because they want to make a quick buck

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/16/2024

Hello, thanks for taking the time to review SnapEdit. You can go to SnapEdit's settings to turn off the watermark from the photo. Moreover, can you tell us specifically why you find the RemoveBG feature increasingly boring? For example, the template is not attractive enough or other reasons. If it is possible, please contact us via [email protected] to receive the quickest response for your concerns.



I can see redos of books oth re version of them like twilight redo like twilight after dawn book it’s the best

App doesn’t work


When I try go on the app it works till I tap connect then the WiFi turns off so you need an update or something

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