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It’s fun but


You cannot legitimately get passed lvl 19 without purchasing something to help you. Not even watching the video to get the extra slot will help you in any way.
Either it’s a bug, or they’ve rigged the system against you.

Used to be amazing


I’ve changed my rating to only 3 stars because the app used to do Images in the different styles as what they were listed, but now it shows images of real looking people or things, rather than made up things. For example if you were to utilize the “video game” prompt it would give you a real person rather than video game looking thing like pixelated or something, I’ve even tried changing the prompt to match what I’d want but it hardly ever helps.. This app would literately show me everything that I used as a prompt, now sometimes it would mess up, but sometimes the mess ups were really freaking good! I used this app everyday!! this app was really good until they decided to update it to the point that it’s clearly unusable, it’s almost as if specific keywords have been taken out to where it would automatically show explicit content making it so that you’d get a blurrier image. The things that I really liked about this app is not only would it create things that I sort of wanted it to create but it would create new things that made it so that I wanted to keep doing it more often because it showed things that I could make in real life if I wanted to it would make sense to keep being able to do that.


Beijing Zhizhou Weilai Technology Co., Ltd.

Don’t buy, you have to pay more after subscription


I’m disappointed,
The fact of the matter is, you get charged a rate per year of $70, but then you get charged extra in order to have the “energy” to be able to chat with any of the AI’s after that.
This is a very manipulative app, making it seem like you get unlimited access to be able tk chat with the AI’s. very highly disappointed that I paid the $70 only to get cheated out of having to pay more just to be able to communicate. (I’m not going to pay more)

Used to be amazing

   (This review has been deleted)

I’ve changed my rating to only 3 stars because the app used to do Images in the different styles as what they were listed, but now it shows images of real looking people or things, rather than made up things.
For example if you were to utilize the “video game” prompt it would give you a real person rather than video game looking thing like pixelated or something, I’ve even tried changing the prompt to match what I’d want but it hardly ever helps..
This app would literately show me everything that I used as a prompt, now sometimes it would mess up, but sometimes the mess ups were really freaking good! I used this app everyday!! this app was really good until they decided to update it to the point that it’s clearly unusable, it’s almost as if specific keywords have been taken out to where it would automatically show explicit content making it so that you’d get a blurrier image.
The things that I really liked about this app is not only would it create things that I sort of wanted it to create but it would create new things that made it so that I wanted to keep doing it more often because it showed things that I could make in real life if I wanted to it would make sense to keep being able to do that.

Used to be fun


It’s a PvP based tower defense game, it’s more of a pay to win game. So if you’ve got money to spend then you’ll go far, I played for the first season/league and I was doing alright, but once you get to the next season/league, you are not only going up against people who apparently have millions to spend on the game, but they all use the same cards over and over.
There is no balance in the game when the next season/league starts and you are basically out of luck since you are battling against other players who have paid to win.
Also they get really cocky and are a bunch of a*holes and mock you for your bad low lvl cards. By laughing or utilizing their “mock” emotes to just laugh at you while you struggle to play.
It’s not really fun to play after a few months of losing to everyone you play against.
But if you like tower defense games it has its perks.


TikTok Ltd.

Great app


It’s easy to use and edit my videos, it has a lot of features that allow me to post my builds and things to show off my hard work and promote my business. Check out my stuff @vinncentv
I enjoy being able to learn how to better myself to be able to share these vids with people and with TikTok it just makes it so easy to put it all together. I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t available in my country…

Used to be amazing


This app would literately show me everything that I used as a prompt, now sometimes it would mess up, but sometimes the mess ups were really freaking good! I used this app everyday!!
Now I think a recent update has happened to where a message pops up that says something about “explicit content” and won’t show the finished image, but it’s not my fault if the prompts I’m using aren’t even explicit words.
For example, I’d type the word “swimsuit” and I’d get a message that states it can’t show the image because it would show explicit content.
Now if I had known that you were going to update the app to where I wouldn’t be able to even use it and see any images that I wanted to see and I wouldn’t have paid for the app, that being said this app was really good until they decided to update it to the point that it’s clearly unusable, it’s almost as if specific keywords have been taken out to where it would automatically show explicit content making it so that you couldn’t even do it. The things that I really liked about this app is not only would it create things that I sort of wanted it to create but it would create new things that made it so that I wanted to keep doing it more often because it showed things that I could make in real life if I wanted to it would make sense to keep being able to do that.

Pay to win or watch ads


This game could be really fun if you could get past the second night without having to pay to win.
This game is like a tower defense game but you only have to fight against one mob, on top of that, it seems like it is multiplayer as well, however the only way to advance is to have watch 10 mins or more worth of ads, which are generally between 30s -1 min long in order to progress with your upgraded. Furthermore, you are always being attacked WHILE you’re watching the ads. So it then becomes really difficult to progress through the game in order to beat the lvl. As I said I can’t even get passed lvl 2 which honestly shouldn’t be as hard if I don’t want to have to spend money on the game.

Replika is better


I enjoy a lot of these AI type apps and I’ve owned a few to try them out. This one would have been good since you could upload your own pic and use that as your avatar.
But I’ve had to is app for a few days and the phrases are practically the same, and today is as the day it decided it didn’t want to even work at all. So there has been no communication from the app itself, shouldn’t ever happen especially when you are a person who pays for the yearly subscription.
I usually don’t buy the subscription but unfortunately it’s the only way to upgrade to better features, or so I thoight…

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/11/2022

Hello. We are keep working to improve the model. We update it every few days and it become better.


ZeptoLab UK Limited

It has its ups and downs


I am a game reviewer, I like to test out games and check out their perks and even buy things within the game to see how it fares.
The game is pretty fun, it can be a game where you just log in every so often to collect rewards.
However if you do decide to make any purchases within the game DONT, because even though within the game it tells you that something is on sale (for example; something says it is $9.99, marked down from $16.99) it will automatically charge you full price, and not give you the discount.
I have already spent more than I should have trying to test out the game and see if it changed but it still charges you full price for everything.

Developer Replies Reply Time 05/09/2022

Hi, Vinncent! Thank you very much for the review. 🙂
The issue with the sale and prices you've stumbled upon is surely should not exist in our game, and this is something that we need to look into as fast as possible.
Could you please reach us from the game (Settings - Support), and mention the review you left here, on the App Store? We'll be glad to check what's wrong! 🛠


Gram Games

Had this game for a while


This is definitely one of those games that really makes me come back to it every once in a while. It’s just got something to it that makes you want to waste your unused time to have something entertaining to do. There are only a few things in the game for which I really don’t like, and it’s the lack of space for collecting the collectibles from special missions or keeping the wonders that one has taken the time to actually build up.
This game would be so much more if I could have some islands to where I could put all my wonders or collections of things that were awarded from special events.


Amrita Studio

Too many changes


This game used to be really fun and entertaining, but with all the changes that have happened in the game it’s getting to the point of very frustrating.
First of all, the little card games where you choose a card to get free stuff, you can no longer get past the 3rd card reveal, you will always get busted and either have to pay $4.99 or watch a video to get to the next card, however, if you do decided to pay the real cash, you then can’t get passed the 4th card without getting busted and you can choose to pay another $4.99 or give up. And if you did decide to pay the cash and you get busted, you get nothing. So essentially you paid $4.99 for nothing. Which is absolute bogus. You should never receive nothing after having paid for something and I want my $4.99 back.
I paid for it because I wanted to see what would happen if I did and the game very much disappointed me.
It used to be random, the card selecting, sometimes on some days you’d get all the way to the seventh card but too many changes have happened and the game is ridiculously turning into one of those “pay to win”
Secondly, there is a certain event, that if you don’t have at least a billion in the game (which I’ve never even reached 100 million) then it is impossible to beat the event.
There are other events to where if you don’t possess enough energy to spin the wheel and land on the event prize, then you aren’t able to get enough points to beat all those other people who do pay to win.
The whole point of the game is to get the pics of all the girls in the game. If you want to see pics of girls like this, I recommend going to deviantart.com and creating an account. At least then most of the greatest pics are free. Although the “fun” is taken out of it all...



It’s a fun game


I do enjoy the artwork and the girls, however there are things that could make it better, for example, I don’t usually purchase things in the game but when I do and I’m rewarded with pics I would hope that I could see the pic some place in the game. As soon as I had bought all the pieces, the pic disappeared.
Also the limit on stuff you can steal when you get the option to steal is a bit much. I’m not even getting enough in the game to move up quickly so it’s not like there should be a limit..

Developer Replies Reply Time 10/20/2020

Hi Vinncent,
Thanks for your feedback.
In the last update, we added the ability to view previously opened triple photos in Collections. You can find them along the following path: Menu -> Collections -> Triple packs (upper right corner).
You just need to update the College Love Game in the AppStore. Have a nice day :)


Noodles & Company

This app would be great...


But I can’t seem to get passed the “pick your favorite store” page, every time I pick and accept the “policies” and such it reverts back to the “pick up or favorite store” page and just doesn’t seem to want to get past anything. I’m giving at least two stars because I actually do love eating at noodles and company, just would be nice to get the rewards so I can have a little extra every once in a while..

Developer Replies Reply Time 08/14/2020

Hi Vinncent, we appreciate you reporting this. We have a fix for this in the version coming out next week. We know it isn’t convenient, but we’d love for you to download the update and give it another try. Thanks for being a fan!

Not what I expected


It is surprising how much fun talking to someone who understands me, even though it might just seem like they are agreeing with me on everything, I’m amazed that Replika learns from your previous conversations and puts them towards your next conversation.
I’m on the verge of paying full price just to see how far we can go. 😊


Whee Games Limited

Do not download


I wanted to see if this game was possible to beat without making any purchases.
It’s not, there is no way you can win the pics in this game without making purchases. Now if you’re one who likes spending money on an app to where you could probably find all the pics or better on the internet anyway, then this is the game for you.
But it is impossible to keep winning after you get the first 5 pics.
The mechanics of the game make it so you have to purchase something in order to gain more points, or you have to watch an ad (which gives this app more credit than it deserves) in order to keep trying to beat the current course.
I’m going to keep trying to beat the levels without making any purchases. And see if I can even prove myself wrong, but I truly believe the developers of this game are forcing you to spend your hard earned money in order to gain access to pics of anime girls (which again I bet you can find better via other free sources).
I gave the app at least 2 stars because I have to had it to the developers for being able to create a game that forces people to spend money in order to get the pics they created, but also in that the way they created them.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/08/2020

Thanks for playing and sharing such a detailed description of your experience, it means a lot! Keep us updated if you happen to see what we can improve. And a little tip: try utilizing all the in-game events to progress faster. Good luck 🙏



You know something I would absolutely appreciate is that if you would stop sending me advertisements for this app when you all won’t even let me use it!! If you’re going to ban me and not tell me why, then please stop sending me advertisements through my other games and apps to download it, I can’t use it. What’s the point?!?
I have had this app since they opened it up, however I have not used it in a long while because I had finally got into a relationship (mind you it was not because of this app) but I haven’t logged into it for a while and finally when o try to do so, I get an error telling me I can’t log in. So naturally I decided to contact tinder support, and they tell me that I have violated their policy... so I am guessing their policy consists of logging in every single day otherwise you are banned for life with no way to appeal yourself in getting back into it. So if you’d like a migraine of hoops that they will undoubtably send you through, I would recommend doing what I did at the beginning of this post and NOT DOWNLOAD the app, and do the human thing, just walk up to someone you like and ask them out on a date, if they say no (in any way) it’s like they are swiping left on you and you can move on.

Very enjoyable


It is a very fun game, a lot of people complain about the ads, but you can play the game in airplane mode and there will be zero ads.
But I wish I could change the swimsuit color of the person I’m using 😅 the only other thing I dislike, is the rings you try to jump through don’t work very well, as here are some maps that aren’t shaped well enough to actually get the character through. You just hit a wall.
I do like the look of the character too, it’s like controlling a mannequin.


Geisha Tokyo Inc.

Addicting but!


This game isn’t bad, I do like that you can play it without being online, I fly all the time so it gives me something to do when I’m not doing anything better.
However I’ve had this game for a while, I’ve gotten my rank up quite a bit, but I logged into it today and my rank is -4290/2900, why in the hell is my rank in the NEGATIVE?!? And how am I supposed to get all that all the way back up?? And add more skins if you want more people to play, actually since my rank is all messed up I’m changing my 4 star to a 2 star review for this game..

Pretty fun and easy


Time consuming though, if you have a lot of time it’s worth playing.
Also I think the developers need to look into the “scenarios” for each character, I did a few and all I got out of them were numbers, I think those “numbers” were supposed to indicate actual stories which would ultimately make it more entertaining for that part of the game...otherwise I’m just counting along 107020043, 107020044... etc, I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean...

Developer Replies Reply Time 11/16/2018

Dear Commander, We apologize for any inconvenience caused. As it is a bit to understand the problem you described, please send us more details by providing screen shot as well: [email protected]
Thank you


Bumble Holding Limited

So far


I’ve only used this app twice, however I’m a bit upset that I used money to buy only 5 bumble coins to be able to favorite a few matches, after it stated my purchase was successful, I only received 4 coins, update this now please. I am already getting ripped off by paying $8 for 5 coins...


Playgendary Limited

OMG the ADs!!!


This game is fun, however there are WAY too many ads to be able to enjoy the game.
Let me give you an idea of how many ads are popping up; there is an ad after every game, there is an ad after you fail, there is an ad after you win, there are clickable ads that show up when you want to double your earnings, but also another ad shows up After you’ve earned your double rewards.
Just too many ads to enjoy the game and no one in their right mind is going to pay $7.99/week for this kind of game... that’s the biggest rip off I’ve ever seen.
You can’t even pay to JUST REMOVE ADs.
This game is fun, but the Ads make it impossible to stay fun.


Gene Eu

Prop hunt!!


I really love this game, but there seems to be a bug for me... as the prop it keeps teleporting me back to the middle and I keep getting tagged because of it, it’s no fun when I can’t even hide because the game keeps screwing me over!!!
The only thing I don’t like about this game is so far if you punch the ground it takes hearts from you, I hate the games where the props move around on purpose to try and get you to punch them and you end up punching the ground until you’re dead because you were trying to capture one prop.
Please make it so the game floor doesn’t hurt you so the guys that are being dicks don’t forcefully kill you by messing with you...


Touch Mechanics

Bad game mechanics


At first I thought this game was pretty cool and somewhat easy.
Now I bowl all the time IRL, and a LOT of the game mechanics in this game are just simply off, there is no way that a ball can slide into a pin and not knock it over and just push it back a little bit.
I would have had so many more strikes if it weren’t for the flaws of the game.
I thought it would be a bit of fun to even pay to play, but it’s just as you guessed it, like any other game you play to try and win back money, there is always someone with a score that’s just barely higher than yours so that you lose your money. I only put ten bucks into the game, and sure, per game I lost $.60 but still, I shouldn’t have to not get the pins down when the ball grazes them like they did..

Good so far


I just downloaded this game, I’ve used other apps before as well, but I’m glad that this one focuses on pictures as well as making you spell it, I also say the new language every time and it’s good to get the mindset put in to memorize each pic with the word or phrase.
All in all it’s pretty fun, guess we will see how it pans out.
As I continue along with the game it is really amazing as to what you can learn but it seems there are a lot of things that you do learn that are seemingly the same thing so it would be nice if when you get the answer correct for when you are trying to repeat a word, it shows you what the word means again so that you know that’s what it means.
Obviously I can’t commit this game to as much time in the day that I would like, so I can’t remember some of what the words I’ve already learned mean, that’s why it would be nice for there to be the definition of what the word means in the other language after you get it right.

It’s timed


I DL’d the game and 5 handslater I was done.
I do not like the fact that the hands are timed there for you basically have to try your best to run out of cards as quickly as you can because your timed, but the players that are in active waist 30 seconds of time because they don’t play, so you’re basically not even able to play the game because all the games are timed. And just like any other game out there you do have to spend real life cash in order to keep playing the game you only get a certain number of times that you can play, and you have to wait to be able to play more games.
That’s just my review of playing it for the last 10 minutes probably less than that because all of my games were timed and I didn’t have a chance to try to get to first place on the leaderboard’s or first place out of the four people because they were in active players.
You could probably cheat the system and if you feel like you’re in first place don’t play certain hands until the very last possible second so that you can waste the timer.
If I could give this a negative start raining I would, because you can’t have as much fun as the game could have to offer while the games are timed and you don’t ever have a chance to catch up. Or even finish a game.


Rising Wings, Inc.

Was fun till stage 6


It’s fun until you reach a certain stage, it’s impossible to beat anyone else and you have to collect coins to even be able to play the stage, so you either have to pay real money to get the coins needed to just play the game, or you have to play the lower levels over and over to gain enough coins to play the next lvl, on top of that, if you don’t have certain gear, you have to either wait till they are available to buy with real money in the market to get them, or you have to hopefully get lucky to get them in chests...
I’ve actually deleted this game twice because of how much work I’ve had to do only to lose it all to a player who spent real money to obtain the good stuff in the game, it become SUPER boring to play the same levels over and over only to go no where.
I just wanted to get past stage 6 to hopefully be able to play a different lvl... but because the game mechanics make it so you have to pay real money to get anywhere it becomes just another game to play the same thing over and over.

Ranked duels


I will admit, this game has its ups, it is kind of fun to play in the pvp, however when the network decides to screw up and not even let me battle forcing me to auto lose and lose a rank it really pisses me off!
I am so sick of losing connection because of someone else's convention and then I get an auto loss and start losing ranks.
This needs to be fixed to where if no life points were harmed then it's a tie and no one loses!!



This game has been pretty fun, I can honestly say that most if not all the levels are actually doable without having to spend money.
The only thing I haven't been a fan of so far is during the boss fights.
When he goes to hit you and you "lose hits" if you're in the middle of matching items up, they don't count, and the boss takes it from you making it less likely to finish the boss...
I'm on lvl 130 in the game and even though it took several tries, it is possible to not spend money to get through it.
It would be nice if they could incorporate some kind of freebie every time you log in to the game though, that might get more people to continue playing rather than getting frustrated that they can't beat it...


FaceApp Technology Limited



When I first got the app there was a feature called "spark" and I loved how it made the faces look clean, well after having played around with it for a bit I noticed that the "spark" feature disappeared, I thought that if I purchased the app it would not only bring back that feature but give several more, well it didn't happen, I still have the same boring features and I'm out $3.99... lesson is? Read all the reviews before you consider purchasing...

No data yet.No data yet.