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Jasco Products Company LLC

Almost impossible to log in on smartphone


The login screen is a total mess. After entering username and password, you cannot scroll down to click on the terms of service and the Login button because the keyboard covers them up. The workaround to this is to (after entering username and password) go to the top drop-down for country and scroll to your original country, and choose it again. That will cause the keyboard to disappear and let you finally log the heck in.

Developer Replies Reply Time 06/25/2024

Hello Valued Customer, thank you for your review. If you click on the screen above the keyboard it should drop down. We would love to have the opportunity to work with you directly and help walk you through the troubleshooting steps for this product, so you can enjoy our products to their full potential. At your earliest convenience, please give us a call between the hours of 7 AM – 8 PM Central Standard Time, Monday thru Friday at 1-800-654-8483, press option 2

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